Wellbutrin sr (bupropion hydrochloride) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Wellbutrin sr (bupropion hydrochloride)

I am taking generic wellbutrin SR 100mgs made by Sandoz. So far it is ok. When anyone comments on their medication, do us all a favor and go to pill finder and find out who makes your generic wellbutrin and put in the details. This helps people to distinguish between symptoms and generic pharma manufactures. PLEASE DO THIS for OTHERS.

Feeling like something is stuck in my throat, difficultly swallowing, muscle aches, frequent gagging.

I don't think I am going to continue this medication.

Metallic taste in mouth, decreased appetite, some nausea, insomnia.

None- neither positive or negative. But WB generics have long proven inadequate. Your query concerns Wellbutrin SR ($2000 month). You should ask about Buproprion and must ask reviewers to identify the actual maker (sandoz, Mylan, Slate Run) as they differ greatly. Otherwise you are comparing apples and oranges. Few can afford Wellbutrin and few are actually reviewing it here. This is irresponsible

Generic brands continue to prove inadequate. FDA is unwilling to test generic time release or to enforce simple laws not respected by drug companies in India etc.

low white blood cell count with long term use

It works really well for depression. It has helped me a lot. I did have low white blood cell count on my CBC last lab. I found that long term use of wellbutrin can cause this so I am only taking one a day now and hopefully the count has gone back up.

wellbutrin has changed my for the better and happier me

Working already, started within a few days. Jittery 6-8 hours post dose -can tolerate 2 hours for now but if dry mouth continues I will be stopping. I already have underlying Sjogrens.

A weird taste and texture in my mouth, can't sleep anymore at night.

This medication has given me energy, a big boost. I don't feel lazy or constantly droopy. It's only been 3 days on this medication and I feel entirely different than I felt before I started this medication. Unfortunately I can't sleep anymore and stay up all night long without feeling tired. I will let it slide for awhile before I seek sleep aids. I'm getting more done around the house so I'm not complaining about being overly active. I haven't had an increase in sex drive like many ppl have reported, I hope that changes and soon. I have almost no appetite which is great because I'm usually an overeater. I don't have stomachaches or headaches from Wellbutrin either.

Muscle/nerve pain, fever, intense sweating, hot and cold flashes.

I am not on any other medication, taking this alone. I was prescribed Wellbutrin SR 100mg twice a day to start. First day was ok, felt some dizziness and relaxed, just wanted to lay down. 2nd day, started feeling muscle and nerve pain. Then came the slight fever flu symptoms towards the end of the day. 3rd day, felt like full blown flu. Had a lot of body aches and pain, sharp needle pin pain through random parts of the body, fever with a lot of sweating and intense hot/cold flashes. Unbearable, so I decided it wasn’t safe for me to continue and so I stopped. Next day, fever went away, still some sweating but felt much better. It was Saturday, so had to wait til Monday to call MD. Don’t think I will continue on it with those side effects. I’m very disappointed in this drug. I was so hopeful it would help me but instead gave me a very bad adverse reaction that I never felt before. All I can say now to those who wants to try this med is be cautious with it and take it with supervision in the first few days.

Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)

Increased sweating. Increased sex drive.

This drug is excellent for seasonal mood variations. Prevents me from flipping into depression in fall and spring. Great for energy and just general good mood. Promotes weight loss which I love. Chases the depression away nicely.

Depressive episodes of Bipolar

AT FIRST: anxiety, appetite changes, increased mania, increased sex drive, insomnia, weight loss, etc. NOW I don't notice any side effects.

Overall this drug is great for depression. But I do recommend taking an antipsychotic if you have bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, etc.

Extreme nausea, greatly worsened depression after two weeks, minor muscle spasms (mainly a persistent eye twitch)

Using an off brand of Wellbutrin; Sandoz-bupropion I believe. I was previously on a combination of sertraline and some other sort of effexor. Honestly they worked quite well, except for the glaring issue of requiring upwards of 13 hours of sleep a flipping day. My doctor switched me to this in hopes of raising my energy. Can't say it worked very well, or at all honestly.I saw no decrease in depression/anxiety at first. When my dosage increased from 150 to 300 mg / day there was actually a pretty noticeable increase in depression and anxiety related symptoms. My energy levels were up from both my time on sertraline and my time without any meds, though it was completely irrelevant as the additional symptoms made it feel more like I was forced to be awake, almost like insomnia, as for the duration I was on it, it was a constant struggle against physical side effects, mainly very VERY bad nausea, and of course the apparently amplified depression. It might work for some people, of course, but it sure as heck didn't for me. Talk to your doctor quickly if it's hurting more then helping. Seriously.

It works great with my seroquel for my bipolar type 1 disorder however I go to a state paid mental health facility and this is my 4th doctor in a year. She took me off my welbutrin and replaced it with depakote and it's horrible! I have cried 3 times in the past 2 weeks, been to the doctor 3 times due to severe chest pain (thought I was having a heart attack). Still yet she is keeping me on this. I'm going to stop the depakote cold turkey bc it's making me manic. She just keeps sending me to get labs done every 2 weeks and increasing this depakote. Doctors need to listen to people instead of worrying about "what the new popular drug is!" Idc what it is!;what I do care about is when I was on the welbutrin with the seroquel it's the best I have felt in my life. Why fix something that isn't broken.

I know that this rarely happens but when I switched from Wellburtin to SR I put on weight.

It was effective. The quick ten pound weight can was unfavorable.

I started on Wellbutrin 150 1x a day for 6 days then increased to 150 2x a day. On the 4th day I had a grand mal seizure. Thank God my daughter was home. I had my keys in my hand to go to grocery store the next thing I knew there were paramedics standing over me. I hit my head, bit up my tongue, uriniated on myself and have to now under go multiple tests. I have no history of seizures. I've since stopped the medication. This is a scary drug and I would never recommend this.

Definitely the ringing in the ears (not too bad), slight headaches.

For me, so far this has been the only anti-depressant that actually worked. I've only tried a few others... but I just couldn't take the side effects. They seemed to make my depression worse. My doctor prescribed Wellbutrin in the past but I have to admit, I didn't really give it a chance. I finally got to the point where I just couldn't take feeling lifeless anymore. I was loosing one job after another and only doing the bare minimum when it came to truly taking care of my daughter...my depression certainly effected her as well. Like me, she became remote and withdrawn. I decided to go back to my doctor and requested to give Wellbutrin another chance. I have to say that after a few days I could tell a difference. At first I did experience the much increased energy and a some fuzziness. But after the initial effects wore off, I started to feel like me again. Honestly, after being in a depressed state and trying to "self medicate" for so long...sadly I forgot what that felt like. Over time and so far I've completely transformed. Mentally, emotionally and even physically. My change like before effected my daughter also. Even she is in a much happier state and more socialable. Honestly, I'm afraid to stop taking it because I'm MORE afraid of possibly relapsing back into that horrible time in my life when I felt all was lost. So, enclosing (lol, I know this was a long "comment") since I refuse to even imagine being that way again... I'm sticking with this.

At first: jittery, dizzy, constantly hungry, REALLY thirsty, and increased sex drive (which is negative, since I was already demanding it 2-3x a day from boyfriend pre-med).Now: sex drive has evened out, so has appetite. Lots of energy, sleep well, vivid dreams.

I was iffy about this when my psychiatrist prescribed it. I was on the highest safe dose of Setraline (Zoloft) for 5 months. It quit working after 3 months, when I overdosed in a suicide attempt. Now with the Buproprion (Wellbutrin), I feel amazing!!! I have energy, I can't just lay in bed all day like I use to-even if I wanted to. I have motivation to get up and clean the apartment daily, whereas I use to do it once a month at most. My bf said I seem a lot happier, more talkative, less angry all the time, less snappy. Also, I was trying to quit smoking cigarettes before I ever started this med, but once I took it my cravings for cigs just vanished!!!! After research, I found that this is clinically proven to help quit smoking. So that's just another benefit. ;) I really do like this drug so far. I've been on countless drugs since being diagnosed with an array of mental disorders at 15, and none have works as well as this one. I just hope my appetite dies down and I lose weight!!!!

Positive: increased sex driveNegative: increase in suicidal thoughts, increased negative thoughts, worse depression, crying, feeling disconnected from world, time distortion, stiff neck, vivid dreams. No effect on appetite, no effect on sleep after day 3.

I really wanted this to work, and the first two or three days were promising - I felt slightly wired, more awake, no desire to rest during day, but was able to sleep at night. Depression remained about the same. During the second week (still on 150mg), I started to feel disconnected from everybody else. Depression got worse, with feelings of total worthlessness and hopelessness, and could not concentrate on anything, constantly distracted. On day 14 I doubled the dose to 150mg twice a day. Big mistake. Thought about suicide all the time, felt I was already dead, like a ghost. Time moved very slowly, every minute felt like an effort to live through. Also became scared of being left alone and asked my husband not to leave me alone for a minute (very unusual for me, I'm usually quite independent). Stopped medication yesterday and already feel a bit better.

WELLBUTRIN SR (BUPROPION HYDROCHLORIDE): This medication is used to treat depression. It can improve your mood and feelings of well-being. It may work by restoring the balance of certain natural substances (dopamine, norepinephrine) in the brain. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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Dizzy, nausea, ear pain ,cough, worsening depression, indigestion

So far no side effects for me. I have chronic pain from Fibromyalgia, and I have a high tolerance to pain meds as a result of the long years of usage of vicodin and ultram. I must say the pain subsided substanially for me, however, oddly enough, I don't feel the "buzz" that I would get from vicodin. Always depends on the person. But never over use any narcotic, or pain meds such as ultram. The withdrawal effects are horrific to put it mildly.

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Some discomfort with the effected areas after application. the non infected skin must have gotten the gel on it cause there is a patch of dried, slightly tinted red skin. It looks dry and crackled. Does anyone know after applying the gel if you're supposed to let it sit here or wash it off after it dries or what?!

Terrible neck pain,bloating,boil like knots under skin that would finally burst and did not want to heal

Lots of itching!! Sexual side effects, wife not happy about that!! Very addicting!!!

Stable,sane-family says it`s wonderful to get to know THIS version of me :)Relief,relief,relief !

This is a hell drug! I've taken it at night the last few nights to help keep me from coughing in my sleep and waking up so I can get better faster. The first night was fine I think, no adverse side effects, and it helped with my cough and I slept great. I had diarrhea in the morning but I didn't think much of it.The second night I had a wild and violent nightmare unlike anything I'd ever experienced. I shot up at 5AM without a morning alarm in a state of anxiety and panic, I thought just from the completely insane nightmare that I had, so I didn't think it would have been related to Mucinex. My stomach hurt a little bit, but I didn't think it was Mucinex. I again had diarrhea in the morning, I assumed it was just part of my sickness.The third night I took it, I once again had a completely insane and out of control nightmare, insanely violent, vivid, gory, more unsettling than the previous night, and horrifying unlike anything I've ever experienced before. I shot up at 5AM once again in a state of anxiety and panic, my stomach was KILLING me, and I think I had hallucinations in the dark. It was a completely insane experience. This drug is hell on earth horrible and I have never experienced anything like this in my life! Avoid this garbage like the plague, just deal with the cough instead!

I was excited when I was being taken off my Celexa and being started on a new med. We explored WBSR the pro's and the cons and I though after all the research I did, I should be fine on this medication. The firt week was great. I felt better, didn't even have too many side effects expect the bad taste in mouth. 2 week, even better. I found some things in me that ya would have were lost forever. I cried, not only did I cry,I felt every emotion. On celexa I couldn't that. This med work great if the side effects don't kill you first. I am no longer able to deal them when every day is interupted due to a medication