Wellbutrin (bupropion hydrochloride) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Wellbutrin (bupropion hydrochloride)

I'm no longer taking this medication.

I'm no longer taking this medication. No alternative. Stopped as too many side effects.

It didn't stop me from smoking in the long term. Suffered terrible multiple side effects from this drug

I'm no longer taking this medication.

Wellbutrin caused me to feel in a fog and have bad eye focus. It didn't seem to help my depression, it only dampened my anxiety. I'm sure it works for some but was not for me.

Depression, anxiety, low libido

I'm no longer taking this medication. I switched to Prozac due to weight loss and unpleasant symptoms on Wellbutrin. I now take Strattera.

I'm no longer taking this medication.

I think a side effect that lasts after you stop taking it, for me, is sexual dysfunction, can't feel stimulation normally. Nobody talks about that part. It's a very frustrating experience. I'm thankful for a very understanding and patient husband of 4 years now.

Suicidal thoughts began within the first week of taking this drug. A voice in my head was saying "Why don't I just kill myself?", "You should just kill yourself", etc. This happened every day! Since I never had such terrible thoughts before, I figured it must be the new drug and stopped immediately. The thoughts went away and never came back. USER BEWARE!

depression, adhd alternative trtmt.

hallucinations,psychosis,vivid dreams,serious cognitive difficulties, anxiety

Dangerous, ruin or change your life type of crutch. Little known fact chemically it is exactly a "designer drug" circa 2013. Only take it if you really need to quit smoking (fast) and becoming sad during withdrawal or maybe for recurrent, ongoing melancholic major depression (actually quite rare) to getting out of bed, but it sure can bring a basket of disaster if you combine this with anything other than food.

I was taking escitalopram for two years and my psychiatrist change to bup (Lexapro destroyed my sexual life!) and I fell like my heart increased frequency with brupropion but not its only a fake sensation and I'm still waiting for sexual desire..

Loss of Appetite, Feeling full after a few bites of food. Minor headaches that lasted a few minutes,Went away on its own quickly & only happened sometimes. Increased sexual desire & drive

I've been on Wellbutrin for about 3-4 weeks now & it's definitely helped me feel less on edge all the time. It's helped me also lose weight lol, curbing my appetite & making me a little nauseous here & there NOW 3 weeks later, but it's alright lol. It's not debilitating for me, it's just a little annoying sometimes. Make sure you eat sometime before taking it if you're a nauseous person lol & stay hydrated! :)

Depression and General anxiety disorder

No side effects from this medication. Highten my sex drive intially.

Has helped take the edge off my depression and anxiety while taking vitamins.

at first the anxiety got worse so I got panic attacks. fortunately, the doctor prescribed benzo.

This medicine gave my life back!

Bad stomach pain, felt tired, bad headache that advil wouldn't touch, on the fourth day was going to stop taking it, but that day headache started to lift, didn't completely stop, but over the week each day got better until no more headche, lack of appetite

After side effects were gone I felt normal for the first time in my life. I had no craving to smoke, I felt full for the first time in my life no cravings for sugar, carbs, no junk food what so ever. Before I stayed hungry all the time. Would wake up at 5 am feeling rested. Before never felt rested. Started cleaning my house and a junk room little by little. Before had to talk myself into cleaning and would put it off over and over. Went shopping for the first time that I didn't just have to. Just felt normal. It gets better and better each day. Very focused for the first time with a feeling of felling of it's going to be OK. I wish I would of found this med. a long time ago, but I'm grateful that I have found it! It does make me want to live a healthier life.

I had nausea and drowsiness for the first 2 weeks and then again when my cycle would start.

I got a Genesight test done to verify what I was taking was appropriate for my genes. I've tried 9 SSRIs which made things worse so my Dr. suggested trying Wellbutrin since it's different. It's been a God send! I'm focused and I'm calm. It's been 10 months and I can do things I used to not do and I have more confidence.

I may as well taken a placebo. Did nothing. When I stopped, from 300mg to zero in one day, no problem whatever. Miracle drug my ass

Hyper focus, nausea, nighttime muscle and joint aches, feeling like ants are on my skin for no reason

Cut down to smallest dose possible. 75mg cut in half to 25mg twice a day. Made me productive and positive but pain and skin crawling continued. But less suicidal

Weight loss, appetite suppression, minor insomnia, dry mouth (faded after 2 weeks of use).

This medication improved my energy levels and leveled out my mood, which is what I wanted it for. Because I was dealing with binge eating disorder, the appetite suppression was actually welcome for me, as it allowed me to reestablish my relationship with food. I don't think I would have lost weight (20lbs) if that hadn't been the case, so don't let that stop you. Insomnia on this low dosage is very minor for me, so much so that I wouldn't even call it insomnia. I used to be an amazing, dead to the world sleeper, and now I can't sleep in quite as long and I sleep lighter. Overall, I recommend trying this medication! My gp eased me into it—75mg/day, then 75mg twice/day, then 150 mg once/day. I tried 300 mg and the insomnia was too bad for me to continue.

caused me permanent sexual dysfunction and anhedonia after just 14 days of use. Body numb, no reward, no emotion. Destroyed my life, disabled in bed 4,5 years now.

not safe for permanent sexual dysfunction and anhedonia even if falsely marketed so. I have seen tens of cases of really bad damage over the years I have been disabled myself

Bipolar depression and Adult ADHD

Was taking this medication for depression and ADHD, but it just made me very anxious. It did not help with anxiety or ADHD.

Side Effects forwellbutrin (bupropion hydrochloride) - User Comments


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All my allergy symptoms are gone, but much like what others have said I feel very anxious and at sometimes even lightheaded. I've barely eaten all day, my heart is racing, and I've been wheezing and coughing all day.

I suffered from panic attacks for about a year and my doc put me 1-2MG per day as needed and it completly knocks out my panic attacks. For anxiety I typically take one and I'm good. The only problems i have experienced is taking more than 2MG for many days then my body going thru withdrawl, i learned, take only as directed!

I was experiencing a really bad flare when I started this medication. I couldn’t use either of my hands at all. The past 2 weeks my hands have improved greatly. My lab work is still showing inflammation but I’m feeling good. First thing it helped with was fatigue I became more active and wanting to actually try and get things done. I would get headaches day after injection. I drink plenty of water on the day of and day after and no longer get those headaches. I’m also on methotrexate, plaquenil, methylprednisolone and folic acid. Those meds do have side effects that I experienced before starting Orencia. I’m hoping this drugs keep improving my symptoms my only advice is to give it time. I know it’s hard this has been the worst experience of my life and it can be easier to just want to give up most days. I always feel alone like some of you I would imagine. Like no one gets it. Just know you are not alone we are fighting this together. Good luck and god bless you all.

Been taking XL 150mg for 4 weeks. Results are mixed. It certainly helped me get out of bed in the morning and gave me more energy and drive to get things done. However, there are days where my feelings of anxiety about things are much more intense than before, I seem to compusively dwell on my recent break-up. Seems to dull the effects of alcohol but hangovers are worse, wouldnt recommend alcohol. Not sure if this on-and-off general feeling of anxiety will subside, can anyone offer any guidance?

Almost none on 150mg but now on 300mg spacey, light headed, inability to focus, short term memory issues, some insomnia

Pounding heart, sweating, muscle spasm/twitches, feeling anxious.

After taking a few days I developed headaches. Most of all it aggrivated my acid reflux even though I am on Nexium.

This drug is highly effective in allowing me to feel worse. I took it to see about ridding myself of some heavy doses of anxiety, worry and increased distressing thoughts. 5 days is all I could take of this medication. Terrifying med for me

Started with 37.5, then to 75, now 150. Been on Effexor for over three years. Cannot imagine having a good life without Effexor.

While celexa has been very helpful with anxiety and panic attacks, I seem to be trapped on this drug. I now feel depressed because of the weight gain and lack of energy. I've tried to taper off twice, but the panic attacks return. Before starting the drug I worried about every little thing. Now I find that I'm too laid back and not motivated to solve problems(ie. finances, relationship issues).