Viibryd (vilazodone hydrochloride) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Viibryd (vilazodone hydrochloride)

Within a few days of taking this drug, I started feeling severe depression, which led me to have suicidal ideations. My whole personality changed. I became agitated, extremely angry, crying constantly and episodes of rage. Everything and everyone got under my skin. I lashed out and had violent thoughts.I called my doctor immediately and stopped this drug. I never had such awful reactions/side effects to any other antidepressants I've taken in the past 30 years. I wouldn't recommend this drug to anyone.

Only medication that has kept constant suicidal thoughts at bay. I can reason with myself. I still take benzodiazepines and have extra for panic. Have been through the gamut with meds and this one has worked.

No weight gain. Terrible itching, especially my scalp if I miss a dose. Doing generic through cost plus and it is not as good as name brand. Do half in mornings and nights for coverage and itching control.

Had to stop because it caused frequent sleep paralysis

Where to start? If I miss a dose by 30 min I get brain zaps, I eat less than I used to yet over these 8 years have gained 50 lbs, sleep paralysis with awful tremors first, dizziness, fatigue, spend all day in the bathroom going and going and feel sick afterwards w/ stomach cramps, gas, hair loss to the point where I need a wig, when I try to get off of it by titrating down 10mg, the brain zaps and full body shocks were so bad I couldn’t do it. I have not had an EEG yet but my doctor thinks I am also having seizures

This had just came out when I went on it. I can’t believe how stupid i was to start taking it. After being on Paxil and Effexor XR for years each (Paxil from 9 to 23!) without them doing a thing for me and dealing with months and months of flu and depression (these meds don’t help my depression, only cause it when detoxing) to get off of them, I should have known better when the psychiatrist told me that there were no withdrawal effects. PLEASE do not start this medication. It’s not worth it. Not for anything.

Hair is falling out in clumps. Have diarrhea at least 2-3 times per day.

the brain zaps come in waves daily around the same time each day. I moved to taking it at night to hopefully sleep through the brain zaps, but sometimes I just have to power threw them. When missing a dose or two I sleep all day to avoid the side effects, it feels like your withdrawing from a different medication. My face was always the first to react after missing a dose, it would cause it to become super sensitive and irritated from the itchiness, as it progressively moved down my body and makes me feel inflamed. I do recommend keeping your best histamine meds close by if you take viibryd and know you are going to miss a dose.

I took it at night and woke up and started throwing up.

Insomnia, vomiting, diarrhea, nausea, chest pain, tachycardia, acid reflux, dizziness, felt I was going to pass out, profound fatigue, agitation.

Do not take this drug! Dangerous!

Prescribed because of genetic testing

Still on very low dose, but constant stomach ache (upper left), nausea and diarrhea. Switched to taking at bed time to see if nausea would go away, but still have it. Not even noticing that much improvement in my depression. Meeting with Dr. this week to see if I should keep taking it. Starting to wonder if I have something more seriously wrong as stomach constantly upset with diarrhea three times a day. HELP!!!

I have been throwing up very very very bad diarrhea. Just started this week I can't eat or I'll throw back up waiting on my doctor to call back I have never had any other meds I took in the past like this does to me I have kids I can't go on feeling like this!!!!!

It never helped. My feet and ankles swelled. 4 days after I stopped taking it I had a heart attack and was life flighted to a major hospital. I truly believe this rx caused my heart attack. I'm still recovering. It happened in Oct 2020. Don't try it. It is a dangerous drug.

Start it off at 10 MG, with a goal to increase slowly up to 40. Immediately began having diarrhea, every time I had a BM. As soon as I started taking a whole pill, I started vomiting and having diarrhea at the same time. I think coffee makes it worse.

If you begin to have any of these symptoms, I wouldn't recommend talking to your doctor immediately. I did not want to wait until I began having withdrawls

Bi-Polar 2 and Major Depression

When I first started taking this at 10mg, I didn't have a lot of issues with it other than the weight gain which my doctor completely ignored. Carb cravings are absolutely ridiculous!

At four months, I will no longer take this. It's expensive and has caused so many gastrointestinal issues, I am having to see a doctor to deal with them. Bloat, unable to pass gas, stomach cramps, stomach burns and non of this was happening until I started this stuff.

Night sweats, joint pain, rapid weight gain

This was added to my pre-covid medication routine (Lamictal for depression maintenance) to help with anxiety related to the pandemic, mainly social anxiety due to prolonged isolation. I started taking it Dec 2020. It seemed to help slightly and took the edge off, but it was very subtle and I still had to rely on Xanax to get me through some days. If I didn't take my Viibryd dose within 24 hours exactly, depression and anxiety would kick in.The main reason for discontinuing was rapid weight gain. I have a naturally healthy metabolism, and didn't gain ANY weight after sitting on the couch with no exercise for all of 2020. The weight gain started two months into my treatment, but it was gradual. So I made big changes to my diet, and started to exercise. No matter what I do, I continue to gain weight. What's strange is that I don't have an increased appetite on this. I also drink enough water, eliminate all sweets and limit white breads, pasta etc, basically a clean diet. I'm starting to think it's all water weight. Anyways, I decided to taper off under the guidance of my doctor and the withdrawal symptoms are unbearable at times. Crying spells, irritability, memory loss. Hoping these subside once I'm completely off the med, and really hope I lose the weight. This is a drug that needs to taper off VERY slowly. Personally, the weight gain side

Diarrhea and nausea the first week. Has subsided now. Occasional headache and increased urinating (not bad)

I tried Zoloft, and Effexor before Viibryd. Horrible side effects (brain zaps, vertigo, nausea, worsening depression) with Effexor and Zoloft made me feel like a zombie with a very flat affect. With viibryd I havent had any brain zaps, dizziness etc. just the initial nausea and diarrhea the first week or so. 4 months in and Im taking in combination with Wellbutrin (because I was slightly unmotivated) and this drug has helped my depression the most. Definitely recommend if you have tried the other two I listed and had similar side effects. I do have vivid dreams/nightmares but had these before viibryd so im not sure if they are related (due to PTSD). But on medication to help with nightmares and it has been effective.

Major weight gain!!!!! Stomach problems!! Sat on toilet half the day!!!! Ate anything I could get my hands on!!! Blurred vision. Makes me cross eyed. Can't afford the amount of toilet paper I go through a day or food. Cotton mouth, nonstop farting if you don't believe me go right ahead and try this medication and you'll see!

Daily morning headache, increase in blood pressure from my baseline.

I will go to the research information to see if this was monitored when the study was conducted.

Rhetorical, but who in their right mind would ever allow approval of this medication for treatment of depression. The serious medical contraindications and interactions alone should have stopped this drug from being approved

I would suggest that if the FDA even still exists as an agency that approves safe medication only. reconsider not only cost of mental health benefits over the contraindications.

No side effects while going on to it. It worked for about a year and a half but has stopped helping. Clouds seemed to lift and I felt good. After 2 years, I developed awful brain zaps when going to sleep. Total loss of motivation. Weight gain. Very low mood. Very depressed and irritable. I don't feel like myself anymore. My family has said I have no personality anymore. I'm just "there". I'm currently waening off this stuff and never looking back. I wish I never started it after how I feel now.

Major Depression, BPD, Bipolar

Nausea, vivid dreams, trouble sleeping, headaches

So far my only major complaint about this medication is the extreme nausea. Within 40 minutes of taking it in the morning I feel like vomiting. And it comes in waves. Sometimes even into the evening. During the first two days on this medication I also had insomnia and really bad headaches but I'm not sure if that was due to this drug or me coming off of Effexor. I am sleeping better now though than I have in awhile. I hope this drug works for me.**Side Note: BOOMERS stop giving people medical advice. If this drug didn't work for you write your experience & move on. The number of Boomers saying this drug should be outlawed or telling people not to take it. Calm your nuts

VIIBRYD (VILAZODONE HYDROCHLORIDE): Vilazodone is used to treat depression. It is an SSRI (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor) and partial serotonin receptor agonist. It works by helping to restore the balance of certain natural substances in the brain (neurotransmitters such as serotonin). This medication may improve your mood, sleep, appetite, and energy level and may help restore your interest in daily living. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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Usually it gives me a full night's sleep. My dreaming is strange. Sometimes I'll have a whole dream, beginning, middle, end. It's coherent, like waking experience, but it's bizarre.

Depression, GAD, Bipolar Disorder

Weird Horrible stomach pains an hr. after taking it...convultions maybe? Im surprised the neighbor hasn't heard me crying. 1st day lasted min. of 5 hrs! food doesn't really help. 4th day some diarreah. But that's nothing compaired to the dagger like pains!!! thought about going to the hospital...but driving there myself is deffinetly not an option! & who knows if theres anything waiting there other than ER waiting room.

It did relieve the pain, and it helped me sleep--knocked me out, in fact. But even though I was drinking lots of water, I developed severe constipation and I had little appetite. Also had bad nightmares while on it, and after I woke up, itchiness under the cast on my arm that nearly drove me crazy. I stopped taking it after just a week; feeling the pain was preferable to the side effects of the drug.

I really like Trileptal seems to really be working on me.

I do my best to let everyone know that there are many drugs that need to be avoided if one has Hepatitis C. Nexium is one of them. I have had hundreds of phone calls and emails from my clients who are successfully lowering their viral load and all of a sudden it is up millions of points. Many of them have one thing in common. They took Nexium, the purple pill you see advertised on TV for acid reflux disease. This time it was Carolyn W. In October 2006 her viral load was 143.000 Carolyn's doctor gave her a bag with 4 sample bottles of Nexium, 7 pills per bottle, 40 mg per pill. She took all 28 pills. She retested in December of 2006 less than two months later and her viral load was over 5.000.000 (FIVE MILLION). I have seen this well over a thousand times where only Nexium was taken. I also see this with Amoxicillin, Flu Shot, Hepatitis A & B vaccine, Viagra, Prozac, Zoloft, Paxil, Celexa, Serzone, Lexpro, Effexorxir, Wellbutrin S/R and many other prescription drugs.

When injected, I felt a cool spreading sensation rising within my chest area...rising up like a wave...then felt like I was just letting go into sleep. Woke in chair after procedure in good mood, no side affects.

headache, drowsiness, palpitations

While taking Geodon, I could hardly move off of the floor. I could not get out of bed and would cry the moment anyone said anything to me. I lost all motivation to complete activities of daily living or eat. My mother had to help pick me up and feed me because it was too much for me to handle. It was the worst medication experience I've ever had.

Cramps in left calf. Cramps and pulling sensation in left hamstring area. Feels exactly like a pulled hamstring.