Trazodone hcl (trazodone hydrochloride) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Trazodone hcl (trazodone hydrochloride)

Woke up at 4am couldn't fall back asleep. Increased dosage and had trouble keeping my balance, especially in the morning.

With chronic conditions, especially the invisible ones, they jam antidepressants down our throats claiming they will help for so many "off label" uses. Very rarely do they actually explain some possible side effects such as anxiety, depression, nausea, etc. They NEVER explain that just like the desired effects of the meds, the side effects also take time to start and to build up. You're not just super anxious or depressed or vomiting the next day. Could be weeks or months. So by then you never suspect this antidepressant they force down your throat is what's causing these horrible side effects. For 13 YEARS I suffered from constantly worsening debilitating nausea and feeling like I could constantly vomit. I stopped taking it and the nausea was immediately gone. But also was the horrendous debilitating anxiety that had been plaguing me all these years. had me wound tighter than 1000lbs spring. Lost absolutely everybody in my life due to it. Including my son and granddaughter, the only happiness left in my life. Does anybody else find it interesting that then whenever we complain about a new symptom or wanting further testing in the future, all these doctors claim we're just depressed. But then guess what, how much can we argue because we all just happen to be on antidepressants?!?! Just a coincidence, I don't think so.

Clumsy, loss of balance. Lay on bed staring at ceiling. I just couldn't think. Bad nightmares. Threw them out. Too scary.

I do not have my usual happy feelings, better sleep, leg pain, constipation,... I have tried so many pills such as antidepressants, and I have never received any help. I am considering stopping this medication. I feel badly that there are so many bad drugs out there. We must be in the stone age as far as meds for depression or anxiety.

Actually it is a miracle. After I had a mild form of Covid, I developed insomnia with zero sleep for over two weeks. With no sleep it exacerbated everything else! Worst thing I ever went through. Doctor did not want to prescribe zopiclone or benzos but prescribed this. Life saver. It took almost two weeks but I take 30 minutes before bed and I’m normal again. I also take Concerta every morning for 8 years for my ADHD.

Worked great for my insomnia for 4 days then slowly stopped where I was waking up 2-3Hours after taking between 50 and 75mg

Basically no adverse side effects

Extreme bloating. Headache. Hard to focus on daily tasks. Dry mouth. Muscle aches. Grogginess.Calming. Does make me fall asleep faster. Still wake up in middle of the night but I am able to go back to sleep again. Cons outweigh the pros, will try it out for a few more days.

Confusion, lack of focus, forgetfulness, foggy brain, slight heart palpitations

I am reducing to 25 MG tonight to wean off of it to see if side effects stop. It does help me get a deeper sleep and when I get up in the night I go right back to sleep.

Stopped working could not sleep after 2 months, then started with blurred vision, shortness of breath, chest pains, elevated blood pressure, pulse over 100as much as 120 bpm, joint pains in hips, shoulders, neck, major headaches, felt like I had an earache, problems urinating, woke one morning my left leg blew up triple the size from my toes to my hip, was in the hospital for a week, foot kept swelling every morning!! I'm sure there is more side effects if I really thought about it. I thought I was having major health issues, looking for a referral for a heart Dr., which I probably will still get one to make sure there is no damage. Finally researched this medication, starting to wean myself off. This is not worth going thru all of these side effects!! Stop drinking caffeine by 4-5pm!! I'm done with this medication!! I really started getting depressed. Make better decisions about my health!! I can't believe I let it get this far! Everyone read your side effects or warning labels before taking any prescribed medication.

Helped with insomnia but I could not deal with the other side effects. Horrible muscle pain in legs and arms. Also felt like my skin was itching and crawling especially in my lower legs.

Fatigue and sore muscles (especially in legs); can't walk more than a mile before I start limping. Also have mild itching/needle feelings all over. As others said, I also get a stuffy nose while sleeping.

Man, this stuff really, really helped me finally get some sleep. I'm just hoping that the side effects kind of go away. I'd like to keep taking this for the sleep help, but if I can't exercise and am itchy all the time, that's kind of a deal breaker for an active lifestyle.

Unbearable muscle pain in my legs, back, & arms. So, it doesn't help with anxiety because I'm in constant pain.

taken at night, resulted in a stuffy nose and difficulty breathing which exacerbated the feelings of anxiety

didn't help with anxiety, ptsd at all. resulted in grogginess in the morning. i had to go back to an ssri which proved more efficacious

After 14 months on 50 mg trazodone for sleep I have severe hip and low back pain with muscle pain in legs dropping to 25 mgs

Night sweats, nightmares, racing heart, heavy chest/hard to breath, stuffy nose, flu/hangover-like feeling all day, increased appetite and hypoglycemia, severe brain fog and confusion, aching lower back (), nausea, upset stomach, extreme lethargy all day...GENERALLY ILL FEELING

It worked ok for about 4-5 nights, but quickly stopped working altogether so I upped the dose to 75mg. Been patiently trying to ride out the side effects but I feel so AWFUL! I'm done with this crap! I have missed 5 days of work thanks to this terrible medication.

So far I am very satisfied. It has allowed me the ability to sleep through the night. I awake feeling rested and have not experienced grogginess. I have less anxiety and more energy throughout the day.

Took 50mg at 10pm last night. Slept good, but woke up groggy. Its 3pm and I've got a bad headache, really tired, my neck hurts and dry mouth. Headache is a 6 or 7 on pain scaleI'm afraid to take any tonight, don't want this headache to get any worse.

Horrible grogginess for days on 50 MG went down to 25 MG, headaches, dry eyes.

This medication stops working after a while. a couple weeks for me, after that you have to increase your dose. This medication also messes with your serotonin levels and interacts badly with some other meds. If you are looking for a long term solution for insomnia look elsewhere.

Took the pill at bedtime, but didnt fall asleep until five hours later at 7 am. Slept sound for nine hours, but woke up staggering and fell trying to answer the ringing doorbell. Frustrated because I lost my entire day after waking up being groggy and lightheaded. Don't understand why it would take five hours to start working. Was happy that I actually slept, but it was at a cost of losing my entire day.

TRAZODONE HCL (TRAZODONE HYDROCHLORIDE): This medication is used to treat depression. It may help to improve your mood, appetite, and energy level as well as decrease anxiety and insomnia related to depression. Trazodone works by helping to restore the balance of a certain natural chemical (serotonin) in the brain. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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Anxiety, paranoia, auditory hallucinations, withdrawn

You don't get the sore mouth if you rinse well after use.

First few days horrible side effects and felt way worse depressed after the 6 th day noticed a huge difference. No longer on 6 pills. Just one. This medication in combination with my therapy has chamged my life. No side effects other than must tale with food or I get sick.

My side effects kicked on day 2 of taking flagyl. I started having this burning/tingling sensation in my left leg and calf. On day 3 it to my right leg and my heart was beating really fast. Day 4 severe pain in left leg, heart feeling like it's going tot burst, dizzy,vaginal dryness, no sex drive, itching all over and felt like I was high. Was prescribed for 7 only lasted 4.

Dehydration, stiff neck, headaches, hair loss, insomnia, plateletts dropped to the point of causing thrombocytopenia.

On day 4, I broke out into hives after being in the sun for 2 hrs with sunscreen. On day 10, I had severe chills and the next day I broke out into a reddened,itchy,patchy rash all over my arms, legs and trunk. Ive had a sore throat, headache, and nausea since day 1, and incredibly fatigued with joint pain. I've also had insomnia and night sweats, with increased anxiety.

I took this medicine for about a year I started to have really bad headaches and were told that they were migraine but did not associate it with the pills. My attitude changed where you could say "hi" and get your head bitten off. Eventually I started to have vision problems along with the headaches. I became pregnant while on the pill and was unaware. I was 6 weeks pregnant when I got a positive. At eight weeks I had a stroke due to blood clots. I was told the blood clots were probably the cause of the headaches and the pregnancy caused things to go haywire. I am recovering from the stroke which fortunately was a venous stroke instead of arterial and in my 23 week of pregnancy. Be careful ladies and followup on those "migraines" they may be more.

Doctors or pharmacist should explain these side affects in detail I had no idea.. but compare the size of the tablet to the lorritadine one and the size difference is insane

Fatigue, muscle cramps especially when I exercise, Intolerance to work out lower back muscles due to back pain, bloating and abdominal pain, possible relation to irratability

My head gets very itchy. keep scratching my head. sometimes have to take Benadryl for it. was keeping me awake but switched to morning which is better. If i eat with food dont get nauseaus. my memory is fabulous on Brintellix. so smart. remember things from childhood. Trying to figure out if there is weight gain just upped it