Tofranil-pm (imipramine pamoate) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Tofranil-pm (imipramine pamoate)

TOFRANIL-PM (IMIPRAMINE PAMOATE): This medication is used to treat depression. Using this medication may improve your mood, sleep, appetite, and energy level and may help restore your interest in daily life. Imipramine pamoate belongs to a class of medications called tricyclic antidepressants. It works by restoring the balance of certain natural substances (neurotransmitters) in the brain. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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Severly hooded brow and eyelids to the point I look like like a caveman, frozen forehead,jitters, headache, rash, memory problems, dilated pupils, exacerbated my rosacea and period cramps and bleeding.

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It helped a lot as the dose increased, but the side-effects are getting troublesome: mainly weight gain and increased appitite.

Next time I saw my doctor, I related my story to him and he just grinned. He told me that 8 to 10 glasses of water a day (as long as I didn't have any heart disease) was just as good if not better than taking the mucinex. I asked him why he didn't just give me that advice in the first place and he said he got tired of arguing with patients who just want to be given a pill to make everything better. So he tells them to take mucinex and hopes they will read the directions and drink more water than usual. I am now seeing a different doctor; we had a discussion on my first appointment and made certain we were both on the 'same page' - that I was to be given the advice that is truely felt to be that which will help me to get better faster. DON'T TAKE ANY MEDICINE YOU DON'T ABSOLUTELY HAVE TO!

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Edginess, breathlessness, chest pain, constant urination, and zero sleep overnight! Steer clear of this, folks!

I'm going to try going off it for a few weeks starting tonight just to see if there is improvement! I've also wondered about going on Bayetta instead...

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I let any doctor I see know how it affected me & that I WILL NOT take it again. Very scary stuff!!!

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