Surmontil (trimipramine maleate) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Surmontil (trimipramine maleate)

Dry mouth, sleep trouble, brain fogginess

Imipramine stopped my panic attacks cold. Worked right away on panic, takes a little while longer to work on generalized anxiety. I'm having some trouble sleeping, but I'm wondering if that's because I'm still weaning off Effexor XR. I take Ambien for sleep. Overall, I think it's a very good medication for panic/anxiety.

Very bad insomnia, anxiety, panic

First 2 weeks problems with remembering words,Numb feeling on the tongue

I took this medicine in form of drops and started with 25 drops 2h before I went to sleep (normal dosis 40 drops). And I really have to say It helped me a LOT. My anxiety before going to sleep was so bad that I couldn't sleep for days, it was real torture and in those moments I really just wanted to die. Surmontil helped me to find my sleep back and I can't even describe how thankful I am. It is not hard for me to get up in the morning because my dose is rather low and I also can lower the dose by myself from time to time if I'm feeling better. In this time period of 1 month by now I went down to 15 drops per night (25 for like 1 week, then 20 for some days then 15, 20 again and now 15 again) I'm trying to reduce the medicine as much as I can but if I'm stressed or something big will take place the next day, I have to go back to 20 or 25 drops. But I'm feeling very safe and happy to be alive again and this is the most important thing for me right now.

Very bad insomnia, anxiety, panic

First 2 weeks problems with remembering words,Numb feeling on the tongue

I took this medicine in form of drops and started with 25 drops 2h before I went to sleep (normal dosis 40 drops). And I really have to say It helped me a LOT. My anxiety before going to sleep was so bad that I couldn't sleep for days, it was real torture and in those moments I really just wanted to die. Surmontil helped me to find my sleep back and I can't even describe how thankful I am. It is not hard for me to get up in the morning because my dose is rather low and I also can lower the dose by myself from time to time if I'm feeling better. In this time period of 1 month by now I went down to 15 drops per night (25 for like 1 week, then 20 for some days then 15, 20 again and now 15 again) I'm trying to reduce the medicine as much as I can but if I'm stressed or something big will take place the next day, I have to go back to 20 or 25 drops. But I'm feeling very safe and happy to be alive again and this is the most important thing for me right now.

Insomnia, anxiety & depression

First I had strong fatigue and rapid heart rate but with time the side effects have diminished and Surmontil has really helped my sleep and I dream in contrary to other sleeping pills and sleep well thanks to it. I think the sleep itself then has the impact on reducing my anxiety and depression toll. I am satisfied.

Helps definitely against anxiety, although probably i should increase the dose...

My legs became shaky 3 years ago. Stopped taking surmontil last October. Since then, slurred voice, difficulty walking, depression, and have developed a lesion on my brain stem impacting on my mobility and lifestyle. All the symptoms appeared after I stopped taking surmontil except the problem with my legs.

Have had no definitive comments from my doctor as to whether surmontil could have caused my lesion on my brain stem. I stopped taking my medicine cold turkey. Huge, huge mistake.

Last night was the first night of decent sleep in months..! I was desperate because of my lack of sleep. The nausea obviously doesn't feel good; however, I accept that side effect for now because I get quality sleep in exchange.

None, best to help my clinical depression ,helps me sleep.

Initially strong drowsiness, which would also come back from time to time when my Dr increased my dose. Eventually while it did get to a point where it did not impair by ability to function during the day my partner and i did notice me having a harder time waking up in the morning.

Went to a psychiatrist because of occasional anxiety attacks (not panic attacks, he was clear on the difference). Was expecting a script for a benzodiazepine (like Xanax or Ativan) as i had used them before and because it was not a chronic but rather an episodic issue. Instead the doc put me on 50 mg Surmontil.After about 6 weeks on it my problem with cricopharyngeal spasms (stress induced feelings of having something stuck in the throat) came back in a serious way. I actually had not had this problem in a serious way for nearly two years before going on the medication despite having other bouts with anxiety attacks. However when I reported it to my Dr. all he did was increase my daily dose to 75mg. After about a week and a half on that dose the throat spasms came back again and became a chronic issue for about a week and half again.After seeing the shrink yet again for a second time he told me to increase the dose from 75 to 100mg for two weeks and then again to 150mg thereafter. However I am not convinced at all that this stuff is working, and would like to get off of it. I know this would require tapering it off, but I sense my doctor would not be receptive to that and am currently searching for alternative opinions.From where I sit right now I'd rather work with a councilor or psychologist of some sort to develop coping mechanisms, and dealing with my tendency to fixate on perceived problems (which is the source of the overwhelming majority of my attacks).

dry mouth, sore teeth if my mouth gets too dry

I was taking 250mg at night along with another drug called olanzapine for anxiety. I found a case study where this guy had taken loads of drugs and in many different combinations but none of them helped with his almost daily panic attacks. He was then put on 50mg off trimipramine and he was panic free the following 6 months will on it. I have started to take a 50mg dose in the morning and the rest of it at night. I have been able to stop taking the olanzapine for anxiety. Stopping it has meant that i dont feel so hungry all the time. Trimipramine has helped with my IBS during the day and i feel less anxious when making journeys.

Depression, IBS, Insomnia, Pain

Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS; CFIDS; M.E.): Trimipramine and sleep and pain relief I have found trimipramine to be very good at helping me sleep and as a result of this has helped with pain relief. I have tried other antidepressants but had bad side effects. As part of my CFS/ME/ I also have IBS-D I have found the side effect of constipation has meant that I have better bowel control. I take 250 mg at night along with zolpidem which gets me off to sleep and it is the trimipramine that keeps me asleep. I have lots of anxiety with my IBS-D but trimipraime helps with this. I came off trimipramine for a week and my bowel was really bad it was not until i went back on the trimipramine that I realised what a difference it it makes to my life. I would recommend this drug to any one with ME/CFS and IBS-D.

I have been on and off surmontil since i was 28 ,had a break down. brought me back to living life. then in my 2 try recently they came up with generic triimpriame did not work on generic if i stay on the brand works wonders .good luck

No additional side effects. It makes me less drowsy than elavil with none of the anxiety Lunesta caused

Hsd to increase the dose to 50mg. That seems to be working well

Slight constipation. Slight weight gain, (3 pounds ) consistent with tricyclic antidepressants.

A fabulous medication, for me, that was discontinued many months ago because the manufacturer sold to another company. I have now found it though, in Canada!!! :) Cheap, too. I take the generic. 50 mg. at night with 22 mg. Chlorazapate for sleep and I have been on this perfect night time cocktail for 21 years. My insomnia was very bad. ( that pesky divorce! ) The 50mg. really stopped the tears and the sadness of the slight depression. It is not a theraputic dose for depression but it sure help me, in that category.The two medications I tried, before finding Surmontil in Canada, were Trazadone, then Nortriptyline. Traz., wiped me out and after 3 months, switched to Nortriptyline and compared to Traz., that was great, but then all those horrible side effects including never tasting food, etc. became too much and after three months of it, I went online looking for Surmontil and Eureka!!! Canada. With your Dr's., prescription.This medication has been around for 30 years and has a great safety record. And I am sleeping soundly, like a baby, for 7 to 8 hours every night. Feel great all day long. Happy person, A good night's sleep makes all the difference in how your world looks the next day.Thank you.

Worsened Tinnitus, new Tinnitus sounds, hearing loss

Fibromyalgia: help with sleep, pain

Dry eyes, mouth, hands. Eye-drops, drinking more water, and nightly application of lotion to hands mostly solves these problems. I've also experienced slight acid reflux at doses over 25mg/night. But a nightly Tums seems to have solved this problem. The side effects were intolerable for me at over ~25mg/night, but at ~20mg/night they're manageable, and I currently plan on staying on it indefinitely.

I'm overall pretty pleased with Surmontil. I've been taking it for ~40 days now, at a relatively low dose of 20mg/night. I'm taking it for poor sleep and for widespread body pain. It's effective on both these fronts, but more so with sleep. It also has helped tremendously with my social anxiety (it literally almost goes away). I was worried that it would impair sexual function, but contrary to others' experiences, it strangely increases it for me.

All things considered it works

In the beginning I had a very dry mouth. Some drowsiness expescially when raised to 300 mg.It was like magic 150,200 and even 250 didn't work but after 3 weeks at 300 mg the birds sang and the sun came out. I have been taking this medication for 22 years!

At this time I take 100 mg of surmontil with 40 mg of prozac. Also 1000mg of Depekote. Things are mostly good.

I was only prescribed 25ml per day. I noticed after about 2 months that my muscles in my legs and arms became quite stiff

I was told that surmontil is quite successful in helping peoplewith tinnitus. It did not reduce it but it helps with sleep.

Very tired at first, but gradually tapered off. Hand tremors & rapid heart rate which as of yet, has not decreased.

SURMONTIL (TRIMIPRAMINE MALEATE): This medication is used to treat depression. It may help improve your mood and sense of well-being and allow you to enjoy everyday life more. Trimipramine is a tricyclic antidepressant. It works by restoring the balance of certain natural substances (neurotransmitters) in the brain. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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I would never use this drug again and never recommend it - its analgesic properties are not worth the mental stress.Doctors should warn patients of the side effects.

Sore breasts, some fluid retention, light cramping. I had no problema with provera, the symptoms i got were only normal PMT symptoms. Im glad i did not read these posts before i went on P because i wouldve been scared off.

I have been on this medication for almost 2 weeks (got 1 months course to take 250mg x twice daily). I am experiencing a tight chest, increased heart rate and the feeling of anxiety that accompanies this, insomnia, general fatigue, mild dizziness and nausea. To date, there has been no real improvements in the severity of my acne but as already mentioned, I haven't finished the course yet.....and am not sure that I can!!

I was prescribed Provera 10mg x 10 days, I would like to know how long should i expect a period? And has anyone became pregnant after taking Provera alone? i know that a few of you went on Clomid, but would my chances of conceiving be lessened bcuz i was not prescribed Clomid as well? please email me at [email protected] with your successful or unsuccessful experiences please i need advice my husband is awaiting a first born :)

I would not recommend anyone take this bc.

I was taking Zonisamide for Trigeeminal Neuralgia. At first i wasnt having any prolems with it at all. But then as we increased the dose it really knocked me for a loop. The neuroligist wanted to raise it to 400, and when i went to 300 it felt like my kidneys were processing glass. I could barely walk it hurt so much. Thats also when i started seeing stuff. Like i'd see spiders crawling across my pillow or bugs that werent there. just small stuff. i thought i was loosing my mind. Im still on a lower dose and the systems have abated but not completely gone away. i go soon for surgery then hopefully can stop taking the meds for this. must remain hopeful.

ONLY med that works and allows me to function as a single mom. I've been taking this for 20 years, and I don't worry about addiction. I worry about pain. I take as prescribed with no problems. Starting this year, my ins co won't even cover the cost of the generic, and the pharmacy charges $100-$200 per script. I paid $7 last year..same ins! Ugh. I highly recommend.

Heavy menst cramps & Birth control

No side effects that I can report. Whatever side effects there may be, get completely washed out by the supreme relief I feel at the moment the Imitrex kicks in.

Disgusting drug. Never-ending nauseated feeling as if I am on a rocking boat. Cold and sweaty hands and feet, bulging veins, heart palpitations, high blood pressure, severe insomnia and loss of appetite. Vomiting, diarrhea, severe feeling of discomfort and depression. Anxiety, shoulder pain, abdominal pain, dizziness, confusion, cold sweats associated with paranoia and irritability.