Serzone (nefazodone hydrochloride) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Serzone (nefazodone hydrochloride)

As of Dec 20, 2021 Nefazodone is again available. This med has been great for me. It is the only thing that I have found that along with helping the depression keeps my anxiety under control. There is a Facebook group called "Nefazodone Shortage Survivors and Support" that has lots of information and helpful people sharing their experiences.

Major depressive disorder/ anxiety

This is the only antidepressant that has ever helped me, without any problems or side effects. Trust me I've tried them all. Then bam! They just took it away and those of us whom benefited from this wonderful drug have been suffering for well over a year! Well I am happy to tell you that I got a email from Teva today and it is back and available for your pharmacy to order! Thank God, what a wonderful xmas gift! Thank you teva for bringing this much needed drug back!

August of 2021 talked to supervisor at Teva and nefazodone will be back before the end of 2021.

Look, we are all frustrated, many of had stinking thinking that put us on this wonderful Med... So naturally, with the UNKNOWN for the last 1 resorted to stinking thinking, what if's... I do not see how anyone that has benefited from Nefazodone could not ??? I cannot speak for all, but to me Nefazodone is as critical to my well being as Air and Water are.... The reps have always been courteous too me, they may never tell e exactly what I wanted or want to hear, but that is not their call. They can only say or not say so much... I just hope the decision makers at the Top of Teva, understand to us Nefazodone users, this medication was and is as essential to our well being as Oyxygen and Water... Lets keep our fingers crossed, and hope that Teva can resume allowing us access to this medically necessary Medication.... Been a long year for us, and the reps who take our calls, but are powerless to make it or tell us what we want to hear, an exact date it hopefully will return...

Major Depression, Anxiety, PTSD

Well at this point, I am just as you all are, EXHAUSTED Mentally after the last year.... Teva should expect no less from it's customers... To have your world turned upside down form a Pandemic, then have this Nefazodone shortage the last year is a Double Whammy for us... The Teva Reps have ALWAYS been courteous to me, but no answers as to when it will end, as I realize they do not make that ultimate decision... I truly hope this will indeed comeback, it is unique and life saving for hundreds of us, if not over a thousand..... Either way, it is not easily replaced, so if it isn't broke don't fix it, well this last year SO MANY of us were not broke, and are forced to try something else that might break us, this all just so agonizing, PLEASE TEVA help us and make this asap, please.......

Major Depression, Anxiety, PTSD

Mild first 2 weeks, you got to giver it a couple weeks to kick in and allow your body to get used to it..

Last September, I cried, when I saw Nefazodone was no longer even in the Catalog for Teva... It just felt differen't, and I knew this was not going to comeback, or IF it did a very long time from then.... Every pharmacy was telling me they could not orider it, it just FELT DIFFERENT - Almost a year later.Teva says not being discontinued, I saw News article that said no Pandemic Related as cause, so why almost a year? I wanna believe it is NOT going to be discontinued, I know the Reps hands are tied, thet don't make the decisions, or know the TRUE intentions of those at the Top.. But how can I not think Teva has had ENOUGH of Serzone/Nefazodone ? I see NO URGENCY at relieveing this HORRIBLE MENTAL Suffering of just allowing us to not worry about getting access to our Medically Necesscary Life Saving Medication many of us have been on for decades. I just do NOT feel any urgency, that Teva is really wanting to make this Medicine again, sorry... I hope I am wrong... I mean many of us know Nefazodone is NOT the Big Money Maker any Company wants, but should we suffer this long ? I posted before 2019 Backorder, I had to go far away to get refill, that Pharmacist said he saw this before, first Backorder, The LONGTERM BACKORDER, then DISCONTIUNED. Then last Summer, another Pharmacist I asked if he could compound it said, no and in all his YEARS as Pharmacist everything he can tell was Nefazodone was going the way of the Dinosaurs. So far those 2 Pharmacists are spot on !

Tolerable first 2 weeks of start of Nefazodone Therapy

Well as if we did not suffer long enough waiting for any change in status since Last August September of 2020, don't expect any in the forseeable future either, as what is going on in Gaza, the news said today May 15th 2021 Hamas rained down rockets on Tel Aviv..... That is where Nefazodone is made, Tel Aviv at Teva.. Just wonderful.. NOT ! Teva really needs to let someone in the USA make Nefazodone, this is way past urgent, and now this, rockets raining down on Tel Aviv.. Someone somewhere, PLEASE make Nefazodone ! PLEASE !

No side effects! After trying practically every other antidepressant, I landed on Serzone (Nefazadone) and it changed my life. I call the time before Serzone the "Dark Days". Now, after 24 years, it is not available and I am being forced to try another. There are no others that closely resemble Serzone and I absolutely dread having to turn to a SSNI. No word from Teva, not a peep. 24 years of balance and now back to the drawing board. I'm scared, angry and full of dread. If the new drug sends me back to the ‘Dark Days', I'd prefer to cease existing. I have to start the switch this week.

No weight gain, no sleep problems, no sex problems... just gave me back my life and now they're taking it back again.

You may want to contact Teva USA customer support and let them know how important this medication is to you. Then, email the FDA drug shortage site and let them know.Let’s hope they can help us!

Major Depression, Anxiety, PTSD

Very tolerable first 2 weeks of treatment 23 years ago

Today is Dec. 14th 2020 - Almost 3 Months since Nefazodone has been on the FDA Drug Shortage List Pharmacies cannot get it to fill scripts, and tell people is has been discontinued, it has not, got to FDA it says Active Phramaceutical Ingredient Shortage ( API ) so Teva cannot make it, till they have the ingredients... That being said the longer this goes on, there is MANY of us that have been on this medicine, 10, 15, 20, 25 years IF they do not make this no more or hurry up and resolve this and make it again FAR MORE PEOPLE will be harmed from having the rug pulled out from underneath them after years and decades of treatment then the Liver Damage risked ever posed to us.... It is so important someone makes this again, asap... Peoples lives literally could be ruined, as I said more damage to people lives then the miniscule live risk ever posed.... Please Teva, resolve this, or work to find someonen who can, this literally coud be a matter of life and dweath for many of us overall... We are 3 months into this crisis for us users not being able to get it, and run out of what we do have..

Major Depression, Anxiety, PTSD

Very minimal, tolerable side effects first 2 weeks

Dec. 12th 2020 Update: I suggest for all Nefazodone users go to the FDA website, type in NEF for Drug Shortage, then Nefazodone will come up, and see the latest updates, and that shows the Teva Contact number. Call them and tell them, as they may not see our feedback we leave on these web pages how long, and how important this medicine has been for us. We are 3 months almost into this shortage on the FDA site, this has been longer already than the 2012 temporary shortage. I talked to Teva, they said a few days ago, still not discontinued as of yet, but I never get an answer out of them either as in that Teva is truly working on it to get it resolved and available, which makes me seriously wonder if they may be thinking also of just not making it no more ? So I think best to tell them, the importance of having this available is, rather than telling on these posts, they may never see. Nefazodone is an AMAZING treatment for those of us who it works for, unlike anything else we tried.

Saved my life. The only drug that made me feel like a normal person. Unable to get it now that it is in shortage. Petrified about not being able to get it. Please Teva resolve this.

Major Depression, Anxiety, PTSD

Little light headed and jittery first 2 weeks, then PERFECTION last 23 years !

I too have been on Nefazodone religiously going on 24 years... This is a SERIOUS problem for us, and I pray Teva takes it seriously, and does whatever they can in their power to get this resolved ASAP ! For me Nefazodone saved my life, I took Trazodone first in 1997, and Trazodone made my nose so stuffy, I could only breath through my mouth, and had to stop the Trazodone..... I cannot even state enough, how SERIOUS this is, PLEASE get this resolved as quickly as you can.... This is a MEDICALLY NECESSCARY drug for some of us for decades.. I call Teva once a week, and I will keep doing it, and I just pray those of us whose lives were saved and been on it for decades can find some at places, to hold us over till we get some update.... Teva is the ONLY Manufacturer, and Nefazodone is not a popular choice by many Doctors to prescribe, but the fact is us long term users had our lives saved, and we are CHEMICALLY Dependent on it after years, and decades for some.... Please Teva, your the only one that makes this... Please do your best not to let this drag on month after month, this is very deeply stressful and upsetting for many of us

Major Depression, Anxiety, PTSD

First 2 weeks I adjusted i was a little shaky feeling, then it went away and been a charm for 23 and 1/2 years giving me my life back, breaking the chains of Major Depression, Anxiety, and PTSD.... Currently on the Drug Shortage List, for an API Ingredient issue.. Hope the get it resolved, this is the ONLY med to save me, when others failed !

No side effects major weight loss. To me that's not a side effect LOL

My whole personality changed. It increased my anxiety and left me fearful. My confidence disappeared

It made my facial skin dry, red and ugly.

Mild headache at the beginning

Migraines - Post Partum depression

I was on nefazodone two different times in my life and just started to take it again for depression and anxiety. I love the stuff. Makes me feel normal. Never had liver problems.

I take it at night and I sleep pretty good with it the problem is I want to stay in bed in the morning longer than normal.

I have only been on this eight days. The two weeks before I was on 1150 mg. I’m also taking .5 clonopin in the morning and then as needed in day.I have a lot of hyperventilation do to either the anxiety or the drug I’m not sure. Hyperventilation has been my major panic trigger. I’m just not sure how long it will take for this truck to start working. Any help would be greatly appreciated

Difficulty falling asleep if taken at night. Tired first few weeks. Nausea and decreased appetite if taken on an empty stomach. When it "kicks in" a couple of hours after I take it, it feels like I have Icy Hot on my arms and legs.

Side effects are nothing compared to the horrible feeling of major depression. I didn't think it was working but after 4 weeks, I felt better than I had in years. I'm happy, energetic, motivated, positive, mellow, and glad to be alive. Tried Lexapro and Wellbutrin in the past and neither came close to making me feel so "normal". The only other thing that has been comparable is Vyvanse which was prescribed for ADD and not depression. Before I took nefazodone, I was just waiting to die. Now I want to live life to the fullest. I wish I had tried it earlier. It has saved me.

Side Effects forserzone (nefazodone hydrochloride) - User Comments


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Still experiencing some very slight side effects-stress very slight-the turn around that i experienced on the sixth day was incredible.Now on my eleventh day and feeling much like the old self...much more energy,am able to deal with work-the litle things arent stressing and freaking me out-think i might actually be smiling....which could be hurting my face more than the jaw clenching since it is so out of practise doing it.Have decided to not get sucked into reading toooo many negative reports and issues in getting off - am happy to stay on, keep smiling and invite people back into my life!

My doc gave me this so I could try and" taper off" of lorazepam (AIVAN) another benzodiazepine. I couldnt take it because it gave me terrible headaches. But after taking it only 2 weeks IT TOOK ME 2 MONTHS TO SLOWLY TAPER OFF little by little and that was while still taking the ativan. BE CAREFUL, IT SEEMS LIKE YOU DONT FEEL MUCH BUT YOUR MIND AND BODY ARE GETTING ADDICTED. DONT STOP TAKING IT ALL OF A SUDDEN. Search the internet and FIND OUT HOW TO SAFELY QUIT. If you havent started taking this YET then find out if you REALLY need to. Maybe COUNSELING or NATURAL ALTERNATIVES.

I am not able to work and look after on a daily basis my family and home.

Started 250 mg 1 x per day, then 2 x per day, then 3 x per day, then 4 x per day. Changed each dose every two weeks. Diarrhea has never stopped. Seems to be worse if I eat light and healthy. After 1-1/2 years, I dropped my own dose to 2 x per day 3 months ago. Diarrhea improved somewhat. Went on healthy eating program again...EXTREME diarrhea started up again. I'm going to stop taking it. I've told my doctor many times that it's unbearable, but she keeps saying to hang in with it. I'm done. Glucose levels did drop. (Still over 7.0, though.) Energy level improved. Experienced weight loss of about 15 lbs.

Please do not get on this DRUG. Withdrawals stopping the medicine were Aweful. I felt i would die. Please dont put yourself through it. Please

After just 4 days on lisinopril I started having severe stomach pains. I stopped taking it without telling my Dr. Three days after stopping I had a horrible panic attack. Restarted the medicine, took it for 8 days and the severe stomach pains returned. Today my Dr switched me to Amlodipine....I hope it works better.

I have been on a diet and exercise program. I started to take aleve 2 in the a.m. and 2 at night. When I had to weigh in I noticed that I gained about 5 lbs. I also had facial swelling, I could not figure out what was going on, until I read about the side effects. I will never take this medication again

Premarin help with hot flashes, but side effects are making me to discountinue it use.

Been taking OTC for a month and it's awful. At first it cleared up my break through bleeding and I was good for a while then I got my period 1 wk ago and I'm the heaviest I've ever been. So many blood clots it's so bad that it runs down my leg. I hav the worst abdominal pains and so moody and angry and all over the place. Def. stopping this pill! Would never recommend this. Feels like I'm dying

Extreme fatigue, breast pain, nausea/diarrhea, headaches and a slow speech.