Prozac (fluoxetine hydrochloride) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Prozac (fluoxetine hydrochloride)

I'm no longer taking this medication.

Update: 2.5 years later still off prozac and take the same natural supplement including Rhodiola, ashwagandha and medical marijuana, oh creatine too(for memory). Wanted to try microdosing which I will soon but doing great and very happy at age 66. Hope this helps. Say your Prayers and God bless.

i either felt absolutely no difference or felt actively worse, but the damning thing is that as soon as i stopped taking the medication i started promptly feeling way better and stayed feeling drastically better than when i was on the medication. i went from depressed to feeling like i was flat out going insane on the med it was, well, INSANE. attempted suicide on the medication. fuck this shit.

At first mood improved, but then binging/ craving sugary/ carby foods, drowsy (though better on 10mg than 20mg) bizarre and disturbing dreams, irritable and generally feeling out of control of emotions.

Definitely start on 10mg. You might find that's all you need. The dispersible tablet tastes reasonably pleasant. You can swallow it like a normal pull, but it does start to dissolve in your mouth. I went on it because it has less sexual side effects than other SSRI s and my experience is this was true, but feeling crazy kind of counteracted that.

Cool if you've got a panic disorder and decided to become a serial killer, may as well have bipolar.Might beat the sh*t out of my doctor lol

If you value the life of others you may as well kill yourself, it's better then becoming a crazy crackhead without the bathsalts

Headaches, increased my anxiety, panic attacks, suicidal, unmotivated, dizziness, nausea, emotional.

Doc put me on 10 mg to start off for two weeks then to 20 mg for a month. But i do not prefer to be on it any longer i'm going to look for natural solutions. Going to stop after consulting my Dr.

Episodic unhappiness in a former marriag

Do not start Prozac (or any similar SSRI.). Your brain will change and you cannot discontinue. If you try to stop, there is a SEVERE MULTI FAUCETED withdrawal effect. 30 years I have been on Prozac. Three times I have tried to stop and cannot. Do your research first!

I am not depressed, but I am not normal because of how prozac has changed me. I say things out of place at times because prozac has numbed my mind. My memory is shot, long term and short term. I do not have the ability to stop Prozac. I've tried and experience physical and emotional symptoms. I can't go around friends if trying to quit prozac. I become a raging bull in a china shop. Prozac altered my life and dulled my senses and personality. I am 66 now and wished a Dr. had never started me on this drug. I was ONLY in a bad marriage. I was not advised Prozac would be addicting to the brain. It is not a craving addiction, your brain becomes addicted. DO YOUR RESEARCH BEFORE FILLING THAT PRESCRIPTION!

Severe night sweats, dry mouth

I feel my depression has improved, but the night sweats I have are so severe that my I never sleep well. Looking into medication to ease this side effect currently.

At 20 mg, none. When bumped up to 40mg, crazy palpitations. At first, a couple of times a day. Now it's everyday most of the day. Prozac has a long half life and I have kidney disease. I think the combination has caused a buildup.

Only put on Prozac because my insurance stopped paying for my Viibryd, which worked great!

I felt my anxiety was not helped by this medication. I have ADD and I do not think it's a good fit to use SSRI. I'm off it cold turkey for 10 days and i feel so much better without it.

Initially minor heart burn and fatigue.

Prozac really helps my binge eating and ruminations. But, it wasn't that effective until the dose was raised to 60 mg.

anxiety NOS/ocd/mood disorder NOS

Would not recommend this medication to my worst enemy. Not sure why it's even still legal. No real improvement on the meds. Worsened anxiety, worsened depression, worsened intrusive obsessive thoughts. Aggression, irritability, mood versatility, behavioral concerns, personality changes, drug-induced sudden suicidal ideation. Horrible withdrawal syndrome that lasts way longer than webMD/ the APA would allow you to believe. Withdrawal and ignorant psychiatrists nearly killed me.

Caused PSSD, orthostatic hypotension, low sodium levels, emotional blunting, akathisia, painful withdrawal/dependency.

Satisfied with this antidepressant after trying 8 others. Would rate about 4 stars. I am a same-day-responder for antidepressants and tend to have bouts of depression lasting 3-4 days and usually mid-weed. The half life of prozac is so long that 1 pill is about all I need to get through the week and be active again on the weekend.

I've been on it for 2 years. Roughly. I tried stopping 2-3 times this year. Started at 30mg. Went to 10mg this year. I stopped it for 1 month...But the withdrawal symptoms were bad. My husband is unemployed. So, we're going through a bad time. I went back on it 1 week ago on 20mg now. I seem to wake a couple of times, with panic and tremors at night. What can it be? I hope it goes away with time. It's scary.

Take it, when you need it. And Resume life. I pray the rosary. When I get bad side effects

More anxiety. Sleep awakening with racing pulse and nausea. Leg and feet pain. I stopped this for 3 months and still wake up several times a night with racing pulse, nausea and headaches. Has this happened to anyone this long after stopping medicine?

l started 2 weeks ago it was a change from duloxitine, Cymbalta .My MDD is much better on Prozac but struggling with thee diarrhoea.Not sure if still cymbalta withdrawal, starting on Prozac or both Lol

l started 2 weeks ago it was a change from duloxitine, Cymbalta .My MDD is much better on Prozac but struggling with thee diarrhoea.Not sure if still cymbalta withdrawal, starting on Prozac or both Lol

l started 2 weeks ago it was a change from duloxitine, Cymbalta .My MDD is much better on Prozac but struggling with the diarrhoea.Not sure if still cymbalta withdrawal, starting on Prozac or both Lol

Drowsiness, energy at the beginning then just feeling sluggish, head in the clouds, no motivation.

it works really well for anxiety but at the expense of me not giving a sh* about anything. Projects at work take me longer because I can't focus. It's frustrating...

Confusion, anger, mood swings, diarrhea and not caring about anything. I wish I had never took it. Psychiatrist wanted me to try it.

PROZAC (FLUOXETINE HYDROCHLORIDE): Fluoxetine is used to treat depression, panic attacks, obsessive compulsive disorder, a certain eating disorder (bulimia), and a severe form of premenstrual syndrome (premenstrual dysphoric disorder). This medication may improve your mood, sleep, appetite, and energy level and may help restore your interest in daily living. It may decrease fear, anxiety, unwanted thoughts, and the number of panic attacks. It may also reduce the urge to perform repeated tasks (compulsions such as hand-washing, counting, and checking) that interfere with daily living. Fluoxetine may lessen premenstrual symptoms such as irritability, increased appetite, and depression. It may decrease binging and purging behaviors in bulimia. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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Bipolar II w/ depressive tendencies

Felt better within 24 hours. FABULOUS drug.

Found out that this drug is the same as over the counter Melatonin (8 mg Px vs. 3 mg OTC). No sense in obtaining a Rx since generic melatonin is far cheaper.

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I was on Metformin for a couple of years. My fasting blood sugar was still between 145 and 160 and my A1C went up to 7.1 so I started taking Byetta. Initially it was great, did a wonderful job of controling my blood sugars. However, I started having a severe problem with swelling of my fingers and hands. I was only able to take 500 mg of Metformin because of swelling of my fingers. I had to stop taking the drug and am very disappointed because it worked well for me regarding my BS. I was off all meds and tried Byetta again after a number of months. After one dose, my fingers stared to swell. Byetta did also help with losing weight. I have read about swelling of the lips, but never fingers. I was wondering if it was an allergic reaction.

For me, it is hard to tell what particular side effects I experience from Oxycontin alone because I take: OxyContin 15mg x 3 daily, Gabapentin 600 x 3 day, PanadolOsteo 1 tab x 3 daily, Allegron 200mg 1 dose per day, Effexor-XR 150 1 dose per day, 1 dose OxyNorm 10mg every 4 hours as needed for breakthrough pain. I also have Durogesic 50 (50mcg per hour transdermal patch) which lasts 75 hours at a time.Unfortunately we found out I am one of those people who have a genetic issue with painkillers and anaesthetics wearing off too quickly, and these OxyContin only last me 6-8 hours maximum, hence why I take it more often than normal (I have come down from 30mg per dose). I am only 26 years old and experienced domestic violence while I was pregnant with my youngest child. Even now I am still not functioning like a "normal" person due to the chronic pain. I hate being on all these pills, and I know that I will be able to one day get off them, because not only did I wean myself on IM injections 2 x per day of morphine by myself, I have also weaned down from 30mg per day to 15mg (only recently) of the OxyContin. I am not a 'take a pill to fix everyhing' kind of person, so taking this cocktail everyday is not good, but without it I am unable to walk or even sit. I also went through a Chronic Pain Course which taught us the functions of each drug - that has helped me to deal with my shopping bag full of meds.

Vivid dreams, a little brain fog. (Walked straight out of a Staples office supply store without paying for an item that the store manager had just handed me. Realized what I did just before I got to my car. How embarrasing but fun to share the story with friends and family.

Heart racing blurry vision dizzy all day

A couple of days after taking this medication, I started having severe bloating that would last all day long. I eventually started having trouble breathing and had to be rushed to the Er. I had anxiety that would come on suddenly and last for hours. Brain fog, severe diarrhea and jaw pain was very bad. Chest pain and feeling like something was always in my throat was really bad. I took my last pill a couple of days ago and will never take this drug again. It seems as though the medication make my problem worse. Not wanting to get out of the bed for days on this medication. In my opinion, it should not be prescribed to anyone.