Perphenazine and amitriptyline hcl (amitriptyline hydrochloride; perphenazine) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Perphenazine and amitriptyline hcl (amitriptyline hydrochloride; perphenazine)

rapid weight gain, hungry all the time, very groggy tired during the day even though I would take only one 25mg the night before. and constipation.

These helped tremendously with the pain and to help me get the sleep I needed at night. But, was making me gain weight fast. VERY GROGGY the following day and can't have that as I have 2 small children with autism that I need to take care of. I stopped taking these after 4 days of being on them because, of the weight gain and grogginess.

mood disorder,anxiety,insomnia

well here's the update- i gained too much weight, my appetite skyrocketed! i began having horrible vivid nightmares & woke up drenched in sweat almost every night! it did rid me of all anxiety and leveled my moods but those side effects r too much 4 me to deal with!

i would be in such a stooper when waking that it would literally take me 20-30 mins just to rise out of bed!! needless 2 say i had to stop taking it.

anxiety,mood swings& irritablity

i have only been taking it for 12 days, but so far it has been a great addition to prozac. when not on meds im a lil crazy.

none so far, just sleepiness a cuz i have insomnia

its only been a week, so i will far in combo w/prozac i have been calmer,less irritable, and feel more energized when waking thanx; to better negative side effects so far. hopefully things get even better after longer use.i will report back in a few weeks.

Side Effects forperphenazine and amitriptyline hcl (amitriptyline hydrochloride; perphenazine) - User Comments


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when i first took it, i had problems sleeping intirely too much, dr subscribed a higher dose, and took care of that problem, also i had problems with back and legs hurting. that wears off with extended use. Above all I would rate this drug very helpful.

Extreme mid-section weight gain and bloat. In three months I'd gained 22lbs and 4 inches on my mid-section...and no place else!

I had the extreme rash, whole body red and terrible itching. I also took advil 1/2hr prior to taking Niaspan, once i got use to it doctor increased to 1000mg, had bad reaction hot, rash itching now I take a 180mg allegra prior to Niaspan & that is working okay.

I hate it! I must admit it did help my uti a lot but it's not worth it!!! I've stopped about two weeks ago and I still have side effects!!! Total nightmare!!! I'm just now figuring out what was wrong with me after reading reviews!!!

My son started taking this about 2 years ago and recently he is having heart palpitations that he told me his heart hurt he is 5. He is coughing, having problems sleeping and always is complaining that his stomach hurts. We are stopping the dosage immediately and hoping to see a dramatic result

I've been taking Nasonex now for 5 years and generally don't have side effects like noosebleeds etc. I take it because I lose my sense of taste and smell when I'm off it. It helps, I guess, because I've tried to live without it for a couple of months and couldn't smell or taste. When I went back on it I got my sense of smell and taste back within a couple of days. However, I experience a hangover-like condition every once in a while in the mornings (I take it before bedtime). I have a headache in form of a constant pressure behind my left eye, nausea, fatigue. It really feels like a hangover without having any alcohol the night before. Haven't experienced heart palpitations etc. but some difficulty falling asleep. Price is outrageous. I wish I could live without it.

No side effects other than I sleep much better - I was told by Dr. to take it at night before going to sleep.

Wouldnt recommend it to any one

Was on Zoloft for 2 years. That was awfull. Pristiq seems to have worked already. however still cant sleep. Im willing to give it a bit of time.

Not too bad at all, but have felt more distanced from life. Has decreased sensitivity generally. This is a good thing, except for the decline in sexual sensation! It feels like Prozac is a partial solution, as I still feel minor aches and pains as if they are major, and still feel excessively tired. Main effect was to lift mood slightly, though it has helped with pain.