Paxil cr (paroxetine hydrochloride) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Paxil cr (paroxetine hydrochloride)

decreased libido, completely unable to ejaculate, confusion and just feeling "out of it".

This medication was bad all around for me. Did not help my depression or panic attacks at all and made me feel like a zombie. Sexual side effects were intolerable. It was also very difficult to stop taking this drug. Terrible withdrawal syndrome even though I only took it for a few months.

I am myself now with help of this medication.

Memory is shot. When I half the dose I feel better.

Abdominal crampsAnd sudden pain in abdomin and bloatingI was on normal paxil for the back 10 years. But shifted to paxil cr to reduce acidity and gastritis issue.Paxil cr is better for my mood but made my tummy very sensitive and painfull .If any one can help or suggest pls help me. On my email

I need to get rid of abd cramps on paxil cr 25 mg .But not on normal paxil 20 mg .

Apathy, weight gain, always tired, out of breath, profuse sweating.

This medication is a double edged sword. I experienced a decrease in my anxiety & depression. The negative effects were feeling numb, no libido, zombie like duh feeling & I sweat all the time!

Been on and off over 20 years. Have tried 3 or 4 others. Haven't worked.Still worry and have panic attacks on occasion. Hard on my partner to deal with sometimes.Doesn't understand me.

Some weight gain, tiredness in the beginning

Complete life saver. Take it at night and it works best. I stayed at lowest dose and let my body get used to it. It did not take the full 6 weeks to work for me--saw great results sooner. I have zero anxiety now.

On and off this drug for 8 years, in that I went off of it once for a few months. I'd been on for a good few years before going off and had zero withdrawal or problems going off it by tapering down. For now, I need Paxil and Seroquel to have a decent quality of life, as off the drug, my anxiety rules my mind with obsessive horrible thoughts that plague me. The only side effects I have are slightly delayed orgasm and mild constipation.

Paxil CR is well tolerated by me and as you can see, I've been on it uninterrupted for about 6 years. When I went off of it briefly, my OCD came back back on it.

Stomach and constipation problems.

i have gain too much weight when i use this pills

Severe headache and brain fog.Unable to think!

Only medication that works for my anxiety. With all the medications on the market this is the best one. I have tried pretty much every SSRI,SNRI, Lamictal etc. Paxil works the best and I always go back too it. I can completely go off it cold turkey without any withdrawal symptoms. As far as side effects go the only drawback for me is fatigue.It is a powerful drug and at my current dose it does make me tired so I take it at night. Also if your not careful with your diet it will lead to weight gain.

Okay, I didn't take much, and I had a bad allergic reaction to it (BAD, as in, couldn't breathe, hives around throat) ...but I swear this stuff is like COCAINE or something. I've got Graves and really shouldn't be on anti-depressants (am not a depressed person, etc), but doc wanted me to try it at 20mg/day. I took 5mg knowing it might hurt me (though I didn't know about the allergy; one zoloft just made my hr go up to 200bpm and ER). I never knew "happiness" before that one dose, SO MUCH that even with the hives, I took another few days of 5mg, then 2.5mg, then 2.5mg (then pharmacist had us flush them). #ADDICTIVE

There were "bad" side effects even on low dose, and I took it 4 days only, but this kept me happy like "high" for a full week even after I stopped. I can't take zoloft or most SSRIs, and Paxil was a last-ditch on my doctor's part. I was allergic. AND STILL WANTED TO TAKE THEM. That should tell you something.Of course, I'm not "depressed"; I slept well the first night (couldn't breathe well, needed lots of benedryls the next few nights), but felt like I COULD FLY I was so happy inside. This is definitely "the one that got away". I think they'll give us Paxil in Heaven and we won't have allergic reactions! —Daddy was/is on it for decades for depression; he is so calm/cool/relaxed all the time that people COMMENT, so I was more than happy to try this! I can't believe I had such a bad allergic reaction to it :( But yes, if you can take it, DO SO. I was scared by the tales of getting off Paxil, but if you take it, I don't much think you'll care about getting off it one day, lol.

Constipation. Increased appetite, weight gain.

I noticed within one month of taking Paxil CR, the ability to stop my mind from racing occurred and I was able to fall asleep. Prior to Paxil CR, I couldn't stop my brain from racing and it caused sleepless nights as a result. I have feelings of euphoria, and I am less emotional. That's a good thing because feeling depressed and sad all the time can make one ill and cause hospitalization. Needless to say, I would recommend this medication. I took Zoloft for year's, but it made me aggressive and caused uncontrollable muscle movement. Paxil CR by far is a much better antidepressant.

Panic Disorder/Depression/Anxiety

Inability to focus, low sex drive, gastric problems such as gastritis, feeling as if my mind was foggy, difficulty showing emotions at times.

I want to get off this pill but I am afraid of the withdrawal symptoms. Does anyone have advice? Has anyone gotten off Paxil CR? Please email me. Thanks!

Fatigue, emotional blunting, low libido.

Paxil is the only SSRI that calms my racing thoughts. The effect on anxiety is almost immediate for me. It also helps with depression, but I suspect some of that is just from feeling calm. I've tried about 15-20 psychiatric medications, searching for the elusive "cure", but Paxil, Lamictal and exercise seem to be as good as it gets.It gets a 5 for anxiety and 3 for depression.

PAXIL CR (PAROXETINE HYDROCHLORIDE): Paroxetine is used to treat depression, panic attacks, anxiety disorders, and a severe form of premenstrual syndrome (premenstrual dysphoric disorder). It works by helping to restore the balance of a certain natural substance (serotonin) in the brain. Paroxetine is known as a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI). This medication may improve your mood, sleep, appetite, and energy level and may help restore your interest in daily living. It may decrease fear, anxiety, unwanted thoughts, and the number of panic attacks. Paroxetine may lessen premenstrual symptoms such as irritability, increased appetite, and depression. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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I'm still taking this medication. I don't have any side effects with this medication and have been taking it for about two years. It still works great to increase motility.

DVT led to complete Bi-lateral PE

I am taking yo my Dr. And getting OFF it.

I had a pulminary embolism and almost died. I was tested for genetic issues regarding abnormal blood clotting and everything came back negative. I am a non smoker and was surprised to find out that it most likely came from birth control pills.

I have been on yasmine for a little over a week and am only thankful I could recognize it's effect before it was too late.I knew, as I drove to work going 70 miles an hour and thoughts of driving myself into the cement wall ahead were sounding appealing, that I was having severe depression. I had not felt depression that severe since my teen age years! I pulled over and cried for 20 minutes straight, then puked. I have missed work everyday this week due to extreme stomach cramping and nausea. I have a wonderfully blessed life, and the last thing I want to do is have it fall apart. In the last 4 days my world has turned upside down. My poor 10 year old is probably ready to run-away and look for a new mommy and my partner is ready to tie me down and lock me up (and if he didn't love me like he did, I am sure he would have left me already). I cannot even speak to either one of them without snapping, screaming and thinking they must be the stupidest people on earth. I have even

Severe headaches, severe nausea, dizziness and "wobbly", depressed, pins and needles in fingers and toes at night, bone pain, totally exhausted, excessive sweating, vision not right first thing in the mornings, pain behind the eyes. After finding this site went off medicine and now a week after most of side effects are gone.

I have only had two UTIs in my lifetime, so I'm not sure why my doctor would have prescribed this "last resort" antibiotic to take care of the infection. I'm also struggling to find information about what to do if you develop this allergic reaction, i.e. how long it lasts, what to do about it, when to head to the emergency room. The symptoms have taken over my life to a degree (trying to ignore the constant itching and stinging, and taking an antihistamine every six hours ... SLEEPY!), the rattling cough. Ugh!

This drug made me feel like I was going absolutely insane. I couldn't think straight, I was constantly worrying about things, out of no where became depressed, doubts and confusion about my life, horrible taste in mouth, random crying, nauseated all the time, randomly broke out in a sweat and felt like I was going to throw up, shaking, fast heart rate, incredibly moody, weird dreams. NEVER will I EVER take anything like this again. Like everyone else has said, I am so glad I saw other people having the same side effects made me feel like there was hope that I wasn't just going crazy. I had no idea a medication could affect someone so much as a person this bad. All I can do now is never take it again, and pray that I will recover and go back to normal.

Had the joint pain and hot flashes. Took two two-week breaks in the first year just to get relief from pain. After second break, pain did not recur. The rest of my 5 years went by easily. I did have some bone loss, but had excellent bone health before starting Femara so I never had to do more than take a ton of calcium and Vit. D. Also, no head hair loss, but legs and arms became baby-bottom smooth from loss of hair on them.

Hair loss, moodiness, depression