Nortriptyline hydrochloride (nortriptyline hydrochloride) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Nortriptyline hydrochloride (nortriptyline hydrochloride)

Side Effects fornortriptyline hydrochloride (nortriptyline hydrochloride) - User Comments


Related User Reviews

I've never been this miserable in my life! Worst 2 weeks ever! Avoid taking this if possible!

Most terrible experience of my life. I felt nauseous, dizzy, shaking, shivers, fever, and more. Felt like I was having an out of body experience or like I was in a dream (more like a nightmare) head felt heavy and full. Eyes were focusing and then blurring constantly. ANXIETY AND DEPRESSION. Could barely walk in a straight line led alone walk or stand at all. So unmotivated and suicidal thoughts.

Coming off the lyrica has been the worst part. Im off it completely now over a week. I lowered my dose over 6 weeks. Im feeling very anxious since coming off it completely. Im feeling really low and feel my personality is altered at the moment. Hoping this will go away soon!! It worked really well while I was taking it. It did make me feel very tired and sedated for the first month. I wouldn't reccommend people driving at the start of taking this med until their body has adjusted to it.

Began taking medication, after a couple of weeks began waking up in the middle of the night unable to fall back to sleep, lots of night sweats then it gor worse began having severe chest pains with pain running down my arm, thought it was a heart attack, Dr. ordered gall bladder sonogram, upper and lower G.I. Series,Stress Test still having severe pain on a hunch went to a website looked up the side effects and there they were!!!, Have stopped taking and will never go back, am so angry at my Dr. for not having known that the severe chest pains were caused by the Synthroid, weight gain be damed I'll live without synthroid

Sneezing, coughing and sinus headac

I have tried many maintenance inhalers, Advair has been the most effective at controller my asthma.

I have struggled with Binge Eating for yrs & finally found a psychiatrist who understands which part of the brain that controls this impulsiveness. I am truly impressed with this drug. I have read ppl having bad side effects but my dr said to stay on lower dose and you will still see benefits without the negatives. I would highly suggest.

Low Pulse Rate around 52, lethargy, feel like junk in the morning, depression, stomach problems, feel spacey & dizzy

Vivd dreams, manic energy, loose stool, insomnia

I hope all will report you to FDA. You should report yourself to FDA. I have reported in writing and call the FDA regularly. Take it off the market. Smoking anything is safer than Nicorette Lozenge.