Nefazodone hydrochloride (nefazodone hydrochloride) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Nefazodone hydrochloride (nefazodone hydrochloride)

Nefazodone is out of shortage and again available. This medication has made a world of difference in my depression and anxiety. I have been on it for over 20 years with no side effects. I tried many other medications and none have worked like this one. I am sensitive to meds and other with other meds I had so many side effects. It is the only antidepressant that made a significant impact in my anxiety.

This medication saved my life I've tried so many others and none of them compares to this medication. Lived with anxiety and depression all my life in the past 20 years have been great since being on it please do not stop making it I beg you please do not stop making it

Please please please do not stop making this medication it is the only medicine that I can take so many others are not good for me but this one is the best.

Nefazodone has enabled me to have a normal, happy life. No more Panic Attacks and nervous obsessive thoughts. I am devastated that the one manufacturer left will discontinue it. I read on another site that the reason was a shortage of raw materials.

Major Depression, Anxiety, PTSD

Mild Side effects first 2 weeks then it saved my life last 23 years when nothing else helped and I almost gave up

Ok, today is Oct. 28th 2020 - I am not going to mince words, NEFAZODONE all strengths is on Drug Shortage list now since Sept 14th to Sept 18th... This is now what 6 or more weeks ? Wholesalers not carrying it, Pharmacies are hard to find that have some, this is VERY SERIOUS ! This could cost some of us our lives... YES I said it ! The longer this shortage goes on this may cost potentially cost some of us our lives who have had our lives saved by this drug... Example, go see what users of Nardil are up against cause they have had thieir supply stopped, delayed, unavailable since summer of 2019..... 2020 has been a NIGHTMARE with Covid-19 and what a unfrotunate thing for us Nefazodone users, to have to endure this stress of not knowing WHEN or IF this Med will become available before we run out ? Or is ever ? On top of the Covid-19 Pandemic Stress..... We know it is not a 1st or 2nd Choice Medicine, but IT IS a Medically Necesscary Drug Treatment that saved many lives for some of us, I have been on it since 1997...... I just hope Teva or the FDA cares enough about ALL people to see this needs to be made asap.. There is not even compounding Pharmacies for Nefazodone to help us users, I feel we were left High and Dry and this needs to get resolved to save people and keep the qulaity of life that Nefazdone has given them.... This is SERIOUS and PLEASE get this back out to us as soon as possible somehow..

I only experienced a dry mouth.

Out of the other antidepressants I've tried Nefazodone is the only medication that helped my O.C.D and depression. I've had my liver check every 6 months. No problems. I'm scared because there is a shortage of this medication. Please let me know when there will be more. I only have 120 tablets to last me. No pharmacy in my area has any as of 10/1/20. This medication is a lifesaver for me. Paxil gave me suicidal thoughts and heightened my anxiety.

Major Depression, Anxiety, PTSD

A little shaky first 2 weeks I started it 23 and 1/2 years ago, been a life saver for me, where others were not....

So far so good, liver is fine after 23 and 1/2 years, will e 23 years in 2021....On Drug Shortage list Currently for API Ingredients.....

Side Effects fornefazodone hydrochloride (nefazodone hydrochloride) - User Comments


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Some side effects may be scary, but so fa the only real things are jitters, bloating, gas, if that is all I have to put up with I will take it!

They they the PE was caused by BC (there's another side effect report to make, eh?). I only have to be on the Coumadin for 6 months, and I can't wait to get off (4 mos to go!) The DR has been s-l-o-w-l-y upping my dosage since I started 2 months ago, and my INR isn't any higher than when I started--1.6. I currently take 7.5 mg 4 days/wk and 5 mg 3 days/wk.

I also believe that my higher blood pressure caused me to feel very nervous, shakey, irritable, and depressed. Ever since I started taking this medication, I have felt calmer, happier and patient (like I was years ago). I am only on 2.5 mg and take the generic "enaparil." At that low dose, it has brought my blood pressure back to how it used to be (before children). I feel great.....also by just knowing that it is lower.