Mirtazapine (mirtazapine) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Mirtazapine (mirtazapine)

Restless legs at night, nausea, headache, bad bloated painful stomach, lower back pain, lethargic, acid reflux, jittery internal shaky feeling, unable to control temperature going from hot to cold, bad weight gain

Did not do anything for insomnia literally made me feel more wired just could not relax, my stomach felt so bad at 6 weeks I could no longer continue I felt like I had flu as well, I tapered down to 7.5 mg for a week then came off but a warning to anyone taking it even after a short time of 6 weeks on this the withdrawal is not pleasant I’ve now got severe ibs type symptoms, I’m 10 days out from quitting and the stomach issues and headaches are brutal hoping it passes soon, did nothing for me wish i had never took it because I am now left with the worst ibs the stomach pain is all day every day praying it is over soon.

Lightheaded, insomnia, nausea, bloated painful stomach, acid reflux, flu type aching all over body, headache, heightened anxiety, restless legs at night and feeling agitated and rapid and mean rapid weight gain.

I was switched to this from amitriptyline because my anxiety was getting bad and my doctor told me Mertazipine works much better than amitriptyline I was only on 10mg of amitriptyline and had no issues, but my god Mertazipine is the stuff of the devil I had all of the above started having full on panic attacks every time I went to go out it had the opposite effect on sleep and kept me awake feeling restless and irritated, I felt so sick and so dizzy it was unbearable, and the weight gain is unbelievable i gained 1 stone I’m just the 2 months on it, it also took my cholesterol levels very high, I know it works for some but please read the enclosed leaflet that comes with it and do your research I did know about the cholesterol levels being raised but when I questioned my doctor it said it was rare but it happened to me, and how the hell can it be healthy to put someone on a med that causes such terrible weight gain which I’m turn will cause other health issues, and for anyone who says control your diet I didn’t eat anything more while on it and I don’t want to live my life eating lettuce and drinking only water, please be careful if you are given this withdrawal is absolutely brutal after on a short time, I’ve been on several antidepressants over the years and this is absolute hell to be on and even worse to get off, I’m going back to amitriptyline if I survive

Prescribed this as SSRIs made me suicidal and feel really numb, and impacted my sex life. Compared to those side effects mirtazapine has been great, although impacts on sleep are interesting. I get mad vivid dreams which can be horrible at times. Its made me struggle to get up in the mornings and if I don't get to sleep within 15 mins of taking it I get really bad restless legs. Apart from these the side effects on my waking life have been minimal and I'd say its the reason I didn't kill myself after some awful trauma. Just about survived it and I don't think I would have happened without this medication. It's great. I did have a weird thing when I didn't take it for 3 nights and then I had mad hallucinations, so I'm going to decrease my dose a bit and see how that goes.

Bloating, stomach pains, severe diarrhoea and occasional vomiting, constipation

I only continue to take this drug because I became severely depressed to feeling suicidal, I feel I have benefited from taking it but the stomach problems are horrendous! Nausea is awful too. I sleep better but wake up feeling as though I've not slept. I would love to wean off it but I'm scared to, I have tried but was very Ill.

Dry mouth, dry eyes, tired all the time

Does anyone else take a sleeping tablet with mirtazapine?

Dry mouth, dry eyes nose, zombie like, more depressed

When I was 37 I started taking Remeron to help me with 1st time depression/insomnia. Doctor started me off at an extremely high dose. At that time it did help me with my depression and insomnia. Yet I did gain 20 lbs. I worked with psychiatrist to lower my dosage and learned how to gradually cut back to 7.5mg that I have been taking for 20 years. And I got myself back to my original weight. I had tried to get off of it completely but the withdrawal effects were too severe that I resigned to just stay on 7.5 mg. My depression was in check and everything seemed fine. Things changed for me 11/24/22 as I started feeling dizzy and have vertigo. Never had this before and I still am dealing with it 2 mos later. I have been to an ENT and neurologist and had an MRI and they cannot figure out what is causing the vertigo. I just came across an article that mentioned Mirtazapine as a front runner to cause dizziness and vertigo. Not sure why it had taken 20 years to cause this but I am going to meet up with my psychiatrist to wean myself off of the 7.5 mg.

When I was 37 I started taking Remeron to help me with 1st time depression/insomnia. Doctor started me off at an extremely high dose. At that time it did help me with my depression and insomnia. Yet I did gain 20 lbs. I worked with psychiatrist to lower my dosage and learned how to gradually cut back to 7.5mg that I have been taking for 20 years. And I got myself back to my original weight. I had tried to get off of it completely but the withdrawal effects were too severe that I resigned to just stay on 7.5 mg. My depression was in check and everything seemed fine. Things changed for me 11/24/22 as I started feeling dizzy and have vertigo. Never had this before and I still am dealing with it 2 mos later. I have been to an ENT and neurologist and had an MRI and they cannot figure out what is causing the vertigo. I just came across an article that mentioned Mirtazapine as a front runner to cause dizziness and vertigo. Not sure why it had taken 20 years to cause this but I am going to meet up with my psychiatrist to wean myself off of the 7.5 mg.

Vivid unpleasant dreams weakness in arms feelingLegs felt like I was having bad circulation feelings like a throbbing in the muscles that felt like it was my vainsBetter off just being you !!!!

Helped with sleep at first then it actually caused insomnia so be warned

Anxiety, insomnia, mood swings

My only side effect was increases appetite that's why I stopped taking it gradually. Apart from that it's a great medicine, I liked its calming effect, took at a night time, didn't make me drowsy or tired next day.

Could not stay awake, always felt hungover. Didn't help with anxiety or depression. Weight gain.

Causing severe acid reflux and constipation

Prescribed this for chronic insomnia (6 mths ) and Generalized Anxiety Disorder. Within 45 mins of first taking this, I felt like I had been hit with a dart from an elephant tranquilizer gun. Extremely fast onset of overwhelming sleepiness. Could not get to bed quick enough. Fell asleep while talking to my husband - usually takes me an hour to get to sleep!I would imagine it would be dangerous to take these before driving or in a situation where you could not immediately get to a safe place to sleep.Slept 8 hours, according to my sleep tracker, which is more sleep that I had got at once in over half a year!Here the benefits ended. Felt hungover and extremely groggy the next morning, as though I had not slept at all instead of 8 hours. My close-up vision was blurred upon awakening and focus remained slightly off all day. Felt simultaneously drunk, hungover and high right through to the end of the next day - trouble concentrating on anything and had to focus really hard just to find the right words to talk. It also made my dry mouth (from possible Sjogrens) worse. I was drinking big glasses of water all day and still felt thirsty.I also immediately noticed that sweet foods tasted extremely good, better than normal, so this taste enhancement could easily lead to gaining weight if you already have trouble with self-control around sugar!

Will not be taking this a second night, as I need to be able to focus at work. Even the few hours of broken sleep I get without Mirtazaline make me feel better than I have felt all day. Might try taking a half pill (7 MG) next time I have a free weekend with no commitments and see if the next-day sedation and side effects are less.

Not good for the stomach but I take lanzoparole to counter

my 29 year old son who was successful and happy committed suicide by gun shot after he started taking this medicine

big pharma continues profitting from this drug even though they know its great suicide risk factor. Robin Williams was taking this drug too!

Felt like I was always on the edge. Felt restless and panicked.

Not help with anxiety and little sleep.weght gain constipation

Weight gain! Hunger, vivid dreams.

Would be a great drug if not for weight gain.

I suffer from insomnia and mirtazapine really helps. It took around 3 weeks to help with the anxiety/depression. I would be happy to stay on them but for the bloating and weight gain. I don't usually have a weight problem but both times I have been on it my weight has rocketed. I have also become pre-diabetic both times. I am not eating any more that normal but the weight gain starts straight away.

Most medication gives me bad side effects and apart from the tiredness, fidgety legs and weight gain, mirtazapine suits me. I would therefore use it again in the future, as I have not been able to find another drug that works as well for me.

Suffered on SSRI's. These are amazing and provided instant relief.

MIRTAZAPINE (MIRTAZAPINE): Mirtazapine is used to treat depression. It improves mood and feelings of well-being. Mirtazapine is an antidepressant that works by restoring the balance of natural chemicals (neurotransmitters) in the brain. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


Related User Reviews

Really hope this works....tried like 12 antidepressants and couldn't handle any of them!!! Guess this is last resort. Also am on klonopin or xanax (switch up sometimes)

A collegue of mine has since seen similary reactions in other people.

Seronegative Spondyloarthropathy

severe peripheral neuropathy (tingling n numbness of the extremities), loss of appetite, twitching of facial muscles, deviation of mouth to one side ( sounds like facial nerve palsy), abnormal movement of eyeball which caused me to have some problem in my vision, loss of appetite, severe depression, suicidal thoughts, low mood, diarrhoea, decreased sweating.However the symptoms went off after few days stopping the drug.

I have taken Aleve once or twice in the past but will NEVER take it again. It should be taken off the market. It was a terrifying and unnecessary ordeal.

I took Accutane for 4 months when I was 14. First of all, the good. My acne dramatically improved. However, at age 23 I still have bacne that never went away. My face is pretty much clear with the occasional pimple.Now the bad. Before starting, I was a perfectly normal, happy kid. 3.8 student, lots of friends, played select baseball. Great upbringing, never a worry in the world. Aside from my acne, things were seemingly perfect in life. In a couple months I had developed depression and started getting angry at others very easily. My mental health issues increased in number and severity as time went by. After four months of taking Accutane, I attempted suicide. Massive overdose, parents found me, I woke up in the hospital. I have been battling these issues for the past nine years now. Just a couple years ago I began feeling "normal" again.Sure, the drug works. But it's not worth the hell it put me through.

Mental confusion, inability to recall facts, can't remember words in the middle of a sentence, mental fogginess, cannot spell anymore!/ carbonated drinks taste nasty, extreme thirst and dry mouth

I don't think this medicine helped my father at all. If anything, it made him worse. His speech became slurred and he wasn't even able to make words. His blood pressure skyrocketed and he had never had a issue with high blood pressure. I wouldn't recommend this for anyone living alone because he wasn't even able to tell us how he was feeling. Luckily a family member checks on him several times a day and he was treated at the hospital but the side effects have left him feeling ill and severely depressed. I understand that his alzheimers will progress but this medicine turned his life into a nightmare after only taking it for a week. I think the physicians need more education on what to watch for in their patients. The warnings with the prescription don't tell enough.

Inability to focus, spacey and increased self-talk.

Gassy, Bloating, Hives, Loose BM