Lithium carbonate (lithium carbonate) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Lithium carbonate (lithium carbonate)

Works well as adjunct to Zoloft for moderate depression. I only take one 300 mg capsule six times a week. No known side effects.

Extremely suicidal. Constant terror. Strange obsessive thoughts. Never even liked cops shows until lithium when I suddenly started obsessing on serial killer documentaries. So glad that is over! Horrible nightmares. Weight gain. Incontinence and often peed myself. Bed ridden for many months after quitting. Panic. Depression. Completely disabled me. Tongue swelled up. Teeth grinding. Tongue rubbed teeth until roots exposed. Nerve pain in legs. General stupidity. Unquenchable THIRST! Horrible body odor. No joy. no creativity. No sex. Ruined my life. Off for over a year but still trying to get some joy and feeling back. Will never trust a shrink ever again.

The doctors told me it is natural. They don't want to hear that the reason I came for counseling was to deal with sexual harassment. They just want to shut women up by any means!

Only have been taking it for 3 days. Made it hard to sleep and ringing in ears.

I haven't been taking it long enough to say much about it. I am scared to death because of all the side effects I read about it. I will try it because my depression is so bad. I am on other antidepressants and klonopin.

Always fatigued, feel full, slight nausea

Forced to take this med. Would stop right away if I could. Still dealing with invega sustenna traces in my body. Lithium side-effects more tolerable than invega sustenna side-effects (panic attacks, restlessness)

Makes me feel extremely numb have no happiness can't laugh

Been on it for years don't wanna take it no more I want my happiness back

Bipolar I possibly and major depression

I was on Prozac, Ativan, and myrtazapin when I first was prescribed so it's hard to tell. Now I mainly just take gabapentin and lithium. There seems to be consensus about lithium causing thirst for many and that includes me. I started to notice this when I started getting healthier and bought a Fitbit. I was drinking over 85 oz of water some days doing moderate yoga and studying. It made me tired initially but also helped quiet my mind. I gained some weight initially but was on myrtazapine which has the same effect. I needed to eat more regularly also. Now I feel like the long term effects I need to think about, I do not take ibuprophen unless necessary (2-5 times before root canal or other procedure). This is hard sometimes. It's comforting that it's more natural than other drugs.

I really think this has helped after a psychotic breakdown to help and combined the positive effects of several medications (Prozac, Ativan, and myrtazapine). I did take myself off of those other meds but will work to taper Better. The lithium lek checks has had different results indicating I needed a higher dose last time but I want to work off of it as meditation and yoga have helped.

Frequent urination, thirst, sleepy

Works as a mood stabilizer. For insomnia when manic I take Thorazine.(25-100mg)

Diarrhea. Gain weight. Heavy urination

Occasional hand tremor, muscle pain, constipation, change in texture of hair, weight gain, increased thirst.

It stopped my suicidal thoughts.

Daily nausea/vomiting, SEVERE derealization, weight gain, acne, loss taste, nightmares, SUICIDAL

The 6 weeks I endured this were torture. I wouldn't go thru it again for anything. I'd rather die. And can you imagine, I told the Dr and nurse and they insisted I increase from 300mg cuz I wasn't yet at therapeutic dose???For me it was like literally taking poison every day.

diagnosed bipolar during crisis

At first this drug felt like a miracle.YEAR ONE:- hypothyroidism- weight gain- flat affect- constant diarrhea- water gain- thirstYEAR TWO to TEN (approx.)Following years (2-10)- same as above- low libido- more sleep- beginning of memory problems- frequent urination- panic attacks- phobias- vertigo- skin insensitivityYEAR TEN TO THIRTY-FIVE- all of the above increased- GFR kidney begins to decrease- despair- antisocial- fatigue- dyspnea- chest pain- seizuresLAST 3 MONTHS- interaction with antihypertensives led to lithium toxicity (1.9) due to kidneys unable to filter the lithium- inability to remember words, or to speak, or to walk for a week- GFR decrease- cardiac problems- tremor- very sick, one month prior to mother's death and bad fluMy dr. asked my husband to watch out for relapse, e.g. mania. He never saw me manic, just depressed prior treatment. Presently, my GFR has climbed from 40 to

I think that hospitals should hire more IT professionals for databases on drug interactions. I also believe that lithium should be monitored more often and the dose should be regulated at minimum therapeutic index. I was monitored once a year.Dr. Mogens Schou, suggested a "lithium holiday" to ease the kidney progessive failure, and give the body a chance to recover once in a while. He was a pioneer in lithium treatment. I am afraid that all pharmaceutical treatment has declined in intelligent monitoring in the past three decades or so. In general, I believe that pharmaceutical representatives and ad CEO's who advertise their drugs by saying "speak to your doctor about his wonderful drug" (well, FDA may have to give the dirty details) should not act as middle men to physicians but do the direct monitoring of the patients themselves, and that should include all meds, not just lithium. Lithium in particular has a narrow therapeutic index.

Ive gained 42 pounds in 4 months.

extreme thirst and bloating, weakness in hands, poor memory, dry mouth, weight gain, headaches, extreme anger, worsening anxiety and depression

Lithium made me thirsty to the point where I would retain so much water that I had to change clothing sizes. While taking it, especially during the first two weeks, I felt like I had an unexplainable rage inside of me and also had violent urges. Even after the anger subsided, my anxiety skyrocketed and I felt more depressed than I did before taking the drug. My hands became so weak that I couldn't even write the way I normally do. I stopped being able to focus in class. Immediately after lowering my dose and tapering off of the medication, these occurrences started to dampen and go away. I will never try this medication again.

Dry mouth,slight weight gain, hormonal acne, brain fog

Life saving medication, as long as I take it faithfully. Prevents manic episodes. Side effects very minor

Fatigue, skin problems, change in appetite.

It saved my life. It's an older drug but works wonders.

Vomiting, constant nausea, not hungry, dehydration, unable to cool body down- constantly hot and sweating, fingers and hands numb, part of face numb, shaking

It helped with my mania big time but the side effects outweigh the benefit. I am switching medications. I am also super sensitive to medication & am on a low salt diet due to acid reflux. I was given ER to start but was switched to instant release to decrease sweating but did not help.

Suffered serotonin syndrome, neuroleptic malignant syndrome. Basically your life is finished when this happens.

My Dr was absolutely a fool. No other words can describe him more perfectly. He prescribed this with a old school tricyclic and two weeks in I suffered brain, muscle, nerve and kidney damage. Safe*** pharmacy admitted not checking for interactions and the hospital I was taken to during the reaction left me in a wheelchair and ignored me for over four hours. They made a fake triage report and tried to cover this up and my fiance threatened breakup if I sued. After taking this two days I told her it was making me sick and wanted to stop but she got violent and demanded I keep taking it. My life is finished. Do you think Dr's would give this junk to their sons or daughters? Absolutely not. People talking about how this saved their lives but their thyroid or kidneys are finished are out to lunch think destroying your body in order to exist is worth it? They have bigger problems than what this stuff supposedly helps. Ask your Dr what meds their son or daughter takes...the answer won't be this stuff. There has to be something else to take besides this organ destroyer. After I nearly died and the Dr admitted it was his fault he tried to change his notes to fend off any repurcussions. When I caught him he dropped me as a patient...thanks Dr Sloan. This was the absolute worst experience of my life.

bipolar disorder severe depression

saved my life. side effects after 1 year: severe all over body itching from top of head up till ankles, some hair loss, acne on face an back. had to discontinue lithium due to severe all over body itching. a shame. because lithium helped me tremendously.

Serotonin syndrome/neuroleptic malignant syndrome...I think that should say enough right there!Yep, Dr Sloan was a fool and just pushed a combo of meds on me and never asked a single question like, how are your current meds helping?

A combination of this and another med made me feel very sick and I had told my Dr that I was on natural supplements and wa's about to start another one and he said it was absolutely okay to take with this garbage. I was taking the combo for two days and started feeling very sick and I mean sick. I was on vacation with(my ex)and after mentioning that the pills were making me sick and I wanted to stop taking them...she demanded I continue taking them. Not wanting to deal with anymore silent treatment or anger I kept taking them because I had made a terrible decision to be involved with this person. Two weeks later was rushed to the hospital but the hospital never took it seriously and left me in a wheel chair for over four hours and at that point I suffered brain, kidney, muscle and nerve damage. A Dr finally saw me and said to go home it's a panic attack and wouldn't believe me that I was having a severe reaction.I ended up walking home at 3am and I could've taken a cab but I honestly didn't think I would work anymore so walking was good. I woke up in the morning urinating blood and my muscles had melted and atrophied and my nervous system was destroyed. The hospital later tried to cover up their malpractice and I had proof, my Dr admitted that he gave me bad advice and later changed his notes but I caught him red handed. My life was ruined, I stopped all of the meds in the morning and didn't realize I was going to go through massive withdrawals and did I ever! Ruined my l

LITHIUM CARBONATE (LITHIUM CARBONATE): This medication is used to treat manic-depressive disorder (bipolar disorder). It works to stabilize the mood and reduce extremes in behavior by restoring the balance of certain natural substances (neurotransmitters) in the brain. Some of the benefits of continued use of this medication include decreasing how often manic episodes occur and decreasing the symptoms of manic episodes, such as exaggerated feelings of well-being, feelings that others wish to harm you, irritability, anxiousness, rapid/loud speech, and aggressive/hostile behaviors. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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Days 1-3: Vertigo, shakiness, mild concentration lossDays 4-6: increased appetite loss which in turn has caused weight loss(for me not good), weird dreams and sleep patterns,anxietyDays 7-11: Increased anxiety, get angry, cigarettes tasting bad, have had dry mouth since the beginning, sensitive to light,short on patience, increase in energy and sex drive. Sleeppatterns still somewhat messed up.My quit date is on the 14th day of taking Wellbutrin. I don'treally feel like smoking, now it's more like just habit orcompulsion.I worry about the anxiety as it seems to be increasing, however,with everything I'm researched on this med, chances are for meit'll gradually get better. I only got a scrip for 30 days, ifit's not working by then I'll quit taking it. Wish me luck andhope I helped others.

I am SO happy I found this page! I have been taking Flonase for over two months, based on my ENT's recommendation, for constant sinus pressure. I have been experiencing lightheadedness practically all day, every day, since I began taking Flonase, but never linked the two together because my ENT ASSURED me that Flonase does not cause dizziness, and that it is so safe I could "take it every day for the rest of my life." All of the side effects I listed made me begin to think I had a brain tumor (seriously!). The dizziness began to depress me...I never felt "normal," which is difficult for someone who has fortunately lived a very healthy, normal life up until this point. This stuff is poison, and the makers of Flonase need to investigate all of these side effects. I went to their website first, where the side effects listed are LAUGHABLE. I am sending me ENT an e-mail about how wrong he was (he wanted to do surgey to corrected my deviated septum, which he was *certain* was causing my issues. I stopped taking Flonase three days ago and already feel SO much better. The eye pain and difficulty in focusing my eyes is still around, but getting better. Lightheadedness is almost entirely gone. I feel like I can actually play with my kids again. This stuff is the WORST (to repeat many other reviews).

drowsiness/tiredness, slight confusion, some memory recall problems esp short term (though can remember later usually).

High blood pressure, constipation, vision changes, sleep too much, loss of motivation, total loss of libido.

It is now 6 months since my last 50mg tablet and life is better but I am still depressed and dont know if i am ever going to get better.According to wikipedia cipro is a " chemotherapeutic " agent and is "but only a handful have found their way into clinical practice.[11]The fluoroquinolone drugs are the most toxic and dangerous antibiotics in clinical practice today.[citation "If you take this drug then it is like being on chemotherapy except for the fact that you are all alone and by the time you realise it is the cipro that is ruining your life then it is too late and the damage is done!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!