Lexapro (escitalopram oxalate) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Lexapro (escitalopram oxalate)

Worked, then didn't work. Started with 5mg then up to 10mg. Whatever the dosage the effects of the drug became intolerable, like you are walking around in a zombie land without any desire of wanting to do the normal things that your life requires. Going or attempting to wean off it was even worse. The leg pains and other body pains make you think that taking any of these drugs is just not worth it. This drug affects your life to the point that you start to question every ache and pain and what is causing it, is it the drug or am I suffering from some sort of disease. The doctors must love me with all the visits questioning what is causing all the things I'm feeling. Can't honestly recommend this drug or any antidepressant type drug.

I'm still taking this medication. Palpitations is nearly gone,sound hypersensitivity fading away slowly..Sleeping better and does not feel anxious .Still feel tired at times.

I think you need to persevere with side effects and will probably take 6 months to feel the full benefits of medication.Getting my life back slowly.

10mg kept falling asleep after food. 1st dose weak arms legs couldnt barely walk so tired..redyced to 5 better emotionally blunted. upped to 10mg again now ears hiss all time. stops sexual urges get from another med so still take but got depressed again. still take.

was ok once reduced to 5mf. then ears hissing when upped to 10mg. . did stop pain eating from gastrtitis

This drug has ruined my life. Was prescribed it to worry less and help with sleeping.Took 20mg and had instant adverse reaction. It actually gave me insomnia where I couldn't get a seconds sleep. Also gave me tremors, twitches, high BP, racing pulse, anxiety, extreme irritability, fatigue, dry mouth, nausea, either hot or freezing and weight loss. And this was one pill. Impossible, right? Well it happened and the worst part is this was months ago and the symptoms are still here and getting worse as time goes on. Hate this drug, imo it should never have made it to market.

nausea, tingle in lips and hands

Weight gain of about 4lbs, dry mouth, sweating

This medicine at 5 mg has greatly helped my depression and it's blanketed my anxiety just a little bit. I am currently moving up to 10 mg to help the anxiety and the OCD more but my depression is gone.

Extreme fatigue, RLS causing me from being able to sleep, weak arms and legs unable to get up from chair!! I should have just suffered with the hot flashes and night sweats now I have a whole lot of new issues to deal with!!!

Sexual disfunction, weight gain, tiredness

Decreased sex drive/inability to orgasm, restless legs, dry mouth, weight gain

I have severe panic attacks and this medication helps take them away and lessens the severity of them when they do occur. Despite some side effects, it has helped my a great deal with quality of life.

i am on a benzo for sleep. it had made me depressed after long term use sadly i never knew about them. given Lexapro. felt better but afrer eating kept falling asleep.sitting diwn 1 to 3 hrs. i stopped it. but the issues from the benzo (still on 10mg)*came back one being reducing benz caused my stomach to not digest properly ans pain eating worse. So took Lexepro again but its made me weak in my arms legs getting up and i can barely walk. this didnt happen before. im still diwn and still have gastritis. Im sure its afecting the benzo as my calf muscles ache badly and im back to digest issues. im stuck nit niw knowing whats causing what. im can walk sometimes waking then go all weak again and sooooo tired. its probably affecting the benzo as these are some side effects of reducing a benzo.Email if anyone had these issues

While adjusting to it i was ready to write my will, and i started on the lowest dose to have any effect, 5mg. Pupils extremely dilated to the point it scared me to look at myself in the mirror. Full body migraines kind of like the ones you get from COVID when you feel like your skin hurts on you, but this was just for one day and then I felt nothing of the sort. Nowadays it just makes me very drowsy and makes me eat twice as much

I take it at night and it knocks me out by 12 pmOtherwise does nothing of note to make me feel better

While adjusting to it i was ready to write my will, and i started on the lowest dose to have any effect, 5mg. Pupils extremely dilated to the point it scared me to look at myself in the mirror. Full body migraines kind of like the ones you get from COVID when you feel like your skin hurts on you, but this was just for one day and then I felt nothing of the sort. Nowadays it just makes me very drowsy and makes me eat twice as much

I take it at night and it knocks me out by 12 pmOtherwise does nothing of note to make me feel better

RLS, rapid headbeat, dizziness, balance control.

My RLS is off the charts. Would rather be depressed.

- Fatigue and weak body especially in the arms & legs- Insomnia- Restless leg syndrome (they're most noticeable in the day time after taking it in the morning it's much harder to nap)- Increase appetite & weight gain- Decrease in my impulse control

This medication is amazing. I have only been on it for a couple weeks and I am pretty amazed how much it's helping. I cannot state enough how unbelievably horrible my anxiety, OCD, & depression had gotten. Every waking moment I riddled with an endless cycle of thoughts I would never be free from. Within a month my anxiety has dramatically reduced & I am already back to functioning & doing things throughout the day again. I would rate it a 5 if it wasn't for the side effects, the weight gain & fatigue being the most difficult. I am going to talk to my doctor about Wellbutrin at our next appointment, I've heard that can help sometimes. With your doctor's permission, give Lexapro some time to take effect before you write it off. Some of the most helpful medications are given up on because when all people experience is the negative side effects at first they don't see the point and want to stop. But it works for many if you hang in there & give it a chance. Hope this helped!Everything is going to be okay, we're on this tiny rock floating through space, we don't need to carry the weight of the world, let's just try to enjoy the ride. :)

I think it helps, but not sure. It seems to control, anxiety and depression pretty good especially based on what I have gone through over the past seven months. I still don't sleep as well as I hoped, but it's not worse than before taking Lexapro. I'm getting back to exercise and walking and hopefully I will see more of a difference when I am more active.

Postpartum depression & anxiety

Jittery, nausea, headache, tired, dry mouth, heavy eyes,I feel like it helped in the beginning at 10mg, but I kept asking for an increase because I still wasn't feeling great or like myself. Now at 25mg I'm considering getting off completely because I'm just not sure if how I feel is a result of the medication or what it is. Not totally happy with this.

Restless legs, decreased sexual desire,

Lexapro saved my life. I never ever want to go back to the way I was before this med.

Moved up to 10mg and started having facial twitching.

Side effects aren't bad at a low dosage but anxiety is still there

Suicidal thoughts, headache's and feeling tired, started on 10 mg increased to 20 mg, felt better after about two months, then went down to 10 and had bad side effects now for 5 week's, with suicidal thoughts most days.

Burnout/chronic stress panic attack

Where should I start? When not taking OR reducing dosage I got the following:- burnin/stinging all over my upper body and hands-tight chest, nausea, diarrhoe, weird body aches,sadness-Anxiety out of nowhere, fatigue no matter how much sleep, warm/hot flash from the core of my body spreading out. Balance issues, just feeling weird overall, as if im not me

I started to have panic attacks because i had a very stressful job. Didn't sleep more than 4-5 hrs over the course of a year, unhappy at my job, always stressed and angry. Suddenly panic attacks happend. First started with sertraline, got nervous anxious out of nowhere just by waking up, same stuff with lexapro. I don't know but these ssri's are not good if your body isnt adjusted. Stay at your dose, as soon as you change you start to get all these side effects. I hope one day I'm off of these and and can feel like myself again.

LEXAPRO (ESCITALOPRAM OXALATE): Escitalopram is used to treat depression and anxiety. It works by helping to restore the balance of a certain natural substance (serotonin) in the brain. Escitalopram belongs to a class of drugs known as selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRI). It may improve your energy level and feelings of well-being and decrease nervousness. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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tired all the time, nausea,severe mood swings!

Nausea, panic attacks, heart palpitations, nervousness, sadness, tingling (circulation), troubled breathing, major dizziness,,jitters, stiff muscles, lost 25 lbs in 3 weeks, abdominal pain, major headaches, sleepiness, insomnia.

Loss of appetite, heart palpatations, spacey feeling, chest congestion, short of breath, heart burn

Besides a couple of days in the begining where my sleep was disturbed, and sometimes at work I could not write down what I was thinking, nothing else.

Constant need for liquids at first, decreased appetite and increased irritability. Very difficult to sleep less than 12 hours from taking meds.

After taking Adderalll for almost 18 years, a move necessitated new doctors and their fear of the DEA trumped my continuity of care, so my new PCP refused to write my usual Rx and insisted I see a so-called "sleep specialist" as if I hadn't already been diagnosed and treated for the last 18 years. The sleep specialist also fears the DEA so he insisted I take Nuvigil instead. I've been sick ever since, to the point I can't drive or get chores done, pretty much making me a housebound invalid! I was functioning fine on the Adderall for almost two decades, but now I'm a mess. I hate this medication.I tried The generic version (the name starts with an M) first, and it made me very sick right away. The Nuvigil was smoother and took longer to for all the negative symptoms to kick into gear, but once they did, I've steadily grown worse so I'm as sick on it as I was on the generic version.

I have taken this drug before and never had such terrible side effects. I'd rather just use the cream

OMG!!, I am so glad I found this page, I've been using generic Nasonex for about 6 weeks, starting about 4 weeks ago I started having these weird panic attack feelings, but the feeling lasted for hours, it was horrible!! It took me a while to connect the dots because I thought well its an OTC medicine it has to be safe right? Wrong!! This stuff is dangerous, my stomach ached and ached, my anxiety was through the roof, my hands and feet itched/tingled, this stuff is poison!! Since stopping it everyday I've felt better. I will never take a steroid nasal spray again, I'd rather have my sinuses completely plugged up Then go through that again!!!

i am desperate for a solution to my pain, but feel trapped. after these side effects, i don't know what else to try, since i am allergic to all meds that i tried so far. i heard from a chemist friend that pancreatic cancer is common with long-term use, although i think she got that from the PDR or some other reference. she said that with symptoms of weight gain and increased urination, pancreas problems can be a higher risk. i don't know where else to turn to deal with the pain from a damaged CNS from chronic fatigue syndrome and fibro.

furry tongue diarrhea fevers hot and cold painful period dizziness