Fetzima (levomilnacipran hydrochloride) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Fetzima (levomilnacipran hydrochloride)

SWEATING!!!! Unbearable! Nauseous, stomach pain, headaches. Weight loss is the only plus.

First 10 days: increased HR, blurred vision, confusion, tiredness, irregular sleep

Worst thing ever, HR while brushing my teeth 150, gave me mania after few weeks, numb emotions, got off cold turkey since was on a lowest dosage after 3 months, currently experiencing withdrawal for over a month and don't see an end to this

Dizzy, can't sleep, stomach pain.

Flushing, dizzy, electric headache, heart rate increase

First starting has major face flush and then subsided. I thought this was a perfect drug til I developed major effects, flushing came back, and my head felt electric and chest pains, my pulse was high. I am currently just finished reducing my prescription 60mg to 40mg for 2 weeks and then 20mg for 2 weeks. It's been hell. I have been many different types of medicine and this is far the worse I have ever experienced. I feel terrible .

Dizzy at first, sweating and vivid dreams much better now .

I am so happy now that I finally found something that's helping me with depression, anxiety attacks and panic attacks. Extremely satisfied. Would definitely recommend this .

I’ve been taking Fetzima for a year and half. It feels like it’s stopped working. I’d like to increase it or what can I add along with it .

First few days I felt better. However, then started the headaches, blurry vision, sweating, stomach pain and extreme irritability and mood swings. I have a highly stressful job dealing with difficult clients and the side effects of this medication made me afraid I would do something to lose my job, which is totally unlike me. Scary stuff!

Dizziness first few days but subsided. Blurry vision corrected with lubricating drops.

I have never felt this great in my life. No more racing thoughts and I SLEEP! I wake up feeling great and have energy throughout the day. Fetzima is giving me the life I never knew I was missing.

Nausea, dizziness, sweaty, all around bad feeling

Anger outbursts, excessive sweating but cold and clammy, feel like fainting upon standing, BP drops suddenly upon standing, tetanus, vision blurry, pounding heart in ears (whooshing), unable to close hand and grip things, numb flat emotionless. Weight gain.

At first i thought i finally found something that worked- tried every antidepressa u can think of none helped n bad side affects. I had more energy and it did stop the deep sadness and sobbing at first but from beginning i would lash out suddenly then calm then lash out- quick to anger, began sobbing again after stopping 2 days,. I am stoppeing due to fainting and high BP n stopped helping, confused and loosing time. All the side affects others experienced including increased pain speciallyin upper back stiffness increased in lower back along with pain. Spacy ADD worse.. Sad this did not work.

Depression/Social anxiety/ADHD

First 2 weeks: Vasodilation, Increased blood pressure and HR, early awaking feeling refreshed and energized, stimulation, euphoria, brain zaps

This is a miracle drug and it cured my treatment resistant depression because i tried all the SSRI's, other SNRI's, tricyclics, Brintellix, Abilify, Latuda, Lithium. Beside Pristiq that worked for 9 months and Anafranil that is the most effective but too many side effects, Fetzima is the most effective with the least side effects for me. I take it in combination with Lamictal 200 mg, Wellbutrin XL 300 mg, Adderall XR 40 mg and zopiclone 7.5 mg for sleep and i feel fantastic, no social anxiety anymore, I have more energy, better focus and concentration, more productive. By the way, people that didn't go through the initial side effects and tried it for at least 8 to 12 weeks shouldn't put reviews because it's not significant and when you say don't take this drug, you may discourage some people that could get better on Fetzima. Actually, I missed the initial brain zaps, I loved the feeling.

headaches, nausea, burning sensation in groin, eye pain, blurred vision, racing heart, racing thoughts, insomnia

Fetzima is crazy expensive, but it works. Check fetzima.com for coupons, it may or may not make it affordable for you. If you have been on it for a couple weeks and you are still experiencing side effects, talk to your doctor about your dosage. The dosage might be too high. If you have eye pain or blurred vision, you probably have dry eyes. The eye pain and blurred vision should go away if you use lubricating eye drops 4-5 time a day (not Visine, not Opcon-A, use lubricants only).

Irrirability,crying spells, depressed more,negative

Getting off of it!! May try something else.

No issues 2 days on 20mg, some dizziness & headache w 7 days at 40mg. Hit almost all of the worst side effects at 80mg. BP raised to 230/130, pulse rate 115. Severe headaches, eye pain, hot flashes then chills, nausea, vertigo 24/7, extreme light sensitivity due to pupil dilation, insomnia then irritabity, agitation.

Fetzima worked on improving my depression & anxiety. Got out and enjoyed life except for the on going vertigo, sweating, headache & eye pain. ER room said stop Fetzima. Saw cardiologist and had to add a BP med to control the side effects. Saw opthalmologist on eyes. No damage from increased eye pressure. 10 days off of Fetzima and BP is lower but still 158/117. Pulse rate still 115-133. ER said a continued pulse rate of 133 meant I had to return to the hospital. Added another BP med to control pulse rate. It is decreasing BP slowly, but not controlling pulse rate, and the new meds side effect is dizziness (damn). Still have vertigo, eye pain, sweating & headaches. No doctor will say if these side effects and heart issues will resolve ever, or if they are permanent. Even though Fetzima was helping MDD I would never consider adding lots new meds for BP, glaucoma, headaches, eye pain and dizziness to offset the terrible Fetzima side effects, and be able to survive it.

Depression/Social anxiety disorder

First 2 weeks: heart palpitations, tachycardia, hot flashes, increased sweating, irritablity, reduced appetite, weight loss (10 lbs), insomnia, agitation.After 2 weeks: no side effects at all.

By far the best antidepressant I tried. I tried so many like Paxil, Zoloft, Prozac, Celexa, Lexapro, Effexor, Cymbalta, Brintellix, Elavil, Seroquel, Abilify, Latuda, Pristiq and Wellbutrin. They were not effective at all beside Pristiq and wellbutrin. I still take Wellbutrin XL 300 mg with my Fetzima, Adderall XR 40 mg and Lamictal 100 mg. With Fetzima I have more energy, motivation and concentration. I'm more comfortable in public and more sociable. I am able to work more hours and be more effective at work. My mood is better and I was able to make a lot of new friends. Fetzima saved my life.

MDD, Anxiety disorder with panic

weight gain, increased sweating

Does not work at all for me. Still have anxiety attacks.

This medication is working - more energy and far less depression so far. No real side effects except sweating but I can live with it

Have been on many meds over the years and will stick with this and hopefully get back to feeling well

First 30 days: migraines, nausea, vomitingLongterm: fogginess, irritability, increased depression, suicidal ideations

Some increased energy, chest pain, mild nausea, severe agitation, no patience, finally flat affect

When I first started, the increased energy was very welcome! Thought I'd found the one. As I went into week 3 the agitation/aggression at in. I had absolutely no patience with anyone or anything. My psych increased the dose to see if the agitation would lessen, which it did, but then I was left feeling flat and not like myself at all. I was also taking 2.5mg of abilify with this. Asked my doctor to try something else.

Lightheadedness upon standing at times, increased energy.

I've tried Cymbalta and Effexor and did not tolerate the side effects of those drugs. I have not had any of those side effects with Fetzima and have noticed a huge improvement in my depression. I have increased energy, no sexual side effects as with Effexor and Cymbalta, and slight weight loss so far. This has worked for me.

FETZIMA (LEVOMILNACIPRAN HYDROCHLORIDE): Levomilnacipran is used to treat depression. It works by helping to restore the balance of certain natural substances (serotonin and norepinephrine) in the brain. Levomilnacipran belongs to a class of drugs known as serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors (SNRIs). It may improve your mood, sleep, and appetite and may help restore your interest in daily living. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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I would not recommend this pill to anyone. I have been on it for the three months, and I have had tons of negative side effects that make me question whether or not it works at all. At the beginning, I was dizzy, sick, and vomiting constantly. After the first month, this mostly went away, but was still randomly present. I gained about 10 pounds from the time I started to now, and my breasts increased by at least a cup size, maybe more. I have been randomly bursting into tears for no reason at all, have been depressed almost constantly, and at the third week of this pack, I have begun menstruating, rather that the fourth week. I have also developed acne, and before I have never had any problems with breakouts in my life. Now, my face is simply covered with zits and blemishes. My friends, family, and boyfriend have all noticed drastic changes in my personality between then and now, as I am cranky and angry most of the time after starting this pill, and perpetually moody. I plan to get of

I am willing to deal with these side effects because no other medicine has actually worked. I am able to actually get up in the morning and function all day. Once in awhile I get tired, but that's easy to handle. The one you want to avoid is, Symbyax----- I gained 50lbs in a few months and got high cholesterol from it. I have been off of it now for several months and I am still battling the weight and cholsterol.

Major Depressive Disorder,Panic atk

Anger, hyperactivity, weight lose, insomnia, extrem head aches, panic attacks, after 5 months I weaned myself off! Not good for me!

After several years of uncontrollable anxiety and borderline dissociative episodes ( I felt like I was being possessed by a child-like part of myself, completely debilitating anxiety), and trying several different meds, having to detox off of addiction to benzos, which didnt completely cure me. then I was offered Seroquel, and I have felt better than I ever have in entire life. Have suffered low grade and sometimes more severe depression since a teen. This problem is genetic, at least 4 generations now. Unfortunately, it appears that the side effects are seriously dangerous to my health, with the possiblity of diabetes. I hope that I can find some alternative that works as well. I still recommend this medicine to anyone suffering severe uncontrollable anxiety and depression. It works different than other anti-depressants. Since I know how it works in the brain (what neurochemicals it affects) I can now go about finding a similar non-pharamceutical solution.

Weight Gain, Ankle Swelling, Fatigue, Weekly Painful Bouts of Diarrhea, Elevated Blood Sugar, Elevated Liver Enzymes

to avoid infection after prostate s

Tried this as an alternative to Paxil due to sexual side effects and weight gain. Did not work for me at all even at 60mg, quickly slid back into anxiety and panic.

i would not recomend this bc pill..i take it for my hormoans..and it works but just for that..how long can one bleed without a break?

After having had a terrible experience with Wellbutrin, I was quite nervous about trying another drug but needed some relief from anxiety. Started with 5mg for 2wks, then jumped to 10mg. The results? Much better experience for me! Yes, my weight gain happened but I had lost so much weight before taking the med that it was OK with me to gain back some of it. Felt like I could deal with the enormous stress I was facing and was a HAPPY MOM again...a huge relief! Am back down to 5mg and am hoping to stop taking altogether soon now that life is getting back to a new normal. Hang in there, the side affects are temporary and I felt "normal" physically and emotionally in about 6 weeks.