Escitalopram oxalate (escitalopram oxalate) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Escitalopram oxalate (escitalopram oxalate)

one huge problem with this drug and it's the only drug I've ever encountered, myself or heard of, that you must stay on the same manufacturers version because switching the manufacturer is like starting the drug over again, and stopping it! You get the side effects of both starting and stopping! Yes, I know, most of you will say that's not possible, it's exactly the same but it's not. I've dealt with this problem many times. I was able to choose the teva brand for many years and had no issues but during the lockdown insanity and now with the way things are you can't choose your brand so each time you get a new refill you have to hope it's the same brand or it's like starting it over/and stopping it at the same time! Or you can just buy Lexapro at 5 bucks a pill?

Day 1 Diarrhea, extreme tiredness, loss of appetite and a little nausea. Day 2 No diarrhea but still a little nausea, loss of appetite and some random shaking for no reason, loss of appetite and soooo tired. Day 3 Still nauseaus, loss of appetite, random shaking, loss of appetite, extremely tired and sexual dysfunction. Day 4, the final day, was a repeat of day 3.

My husband is 38 and was also put on escitalopram 10 mg. He said he too had some sexual dysfunction, tiredness, and muscle agitation (like restless legs and arms). He was on his medication a few days longer than I was.I haven't noticed any positive changes but I have had several side effects, at first I thought I was getting sick but the sexual dysfunction got me (I have a pretty high libido normally). So i googled the medication and saw these were all side effects of this medication. This is the only medication I was taking at the time. I have also had reactions to other medications in the past and I have food allergies.....sooo ya know

Only side effects are sexual dysfuntion - specifically low libido.

Irritable bowel syndrome - mixed

Within a few days my abdominal pain was cured. I had been suffering from IBS for 11 years. I had only abdominal pain from age 12, then at 17 it was IBS-D then when I turned 21 I started having IBS-C. I tried Cipralex when I turned 22 and my life is forever changed. I have my life back. Only the brand name works for me. When it was swapped for the generic I noticed after 2 days when the symptoms returned.

I took Escitalopram for a bit over from 18 to 24 and it did improve my anxiety and mood swings. It didn't do much for the depression unfortunately and one of the side effects was the complete disappearance of my libido.When I stopped taking it, there were a couple of months where my sex drive slowly started getting back and then after 3/4 months it came back full force, to the point where I feared I had become some kind of sex addict overnight. It took almost 6 months before my libido stabilized but I haven't had any problem ever since.

Anxiety, Panic, Mild Depression

Changed From Brand Name Lexapro 1 Month Ago - relapse of anxiety, horrible mood swings, return of panic attacks, no energy, diarrhea, nausea.....

The efficacy of Escitalopram (generic) is far less than the Lexapro (Brand Name). I have been on Lexapro for 2 1/2 years with fantastic results. I have severe anxiety with panic attacks and Lexapro has done wonders far more than any other AD I had tried previously.A month ago was the first time I had the prescription refilled with the generic form and within a week my friends and family started noticing I was getting very moody and just wasn't myself. 2 weeks into the change to generic I started feeling very anxious and noticed slight zaps of panic attacks setting in. Around this time I also started having diarrhea and was getting nauseas.1 Month into the change to generic I was back to being anxious with panic attacks, horrible mood and feeling dull and depressed. I called my Doctor to swith me back to the brand name but had to wait for my insurance to approve it. In the meantime, my Pharmacist gave me a few Brand Name Lexapro to get me through until my insurance approved it.From the first dose I started noticing subtle improvement and three or four days later I was totally feeling better.Now I know everyone reacts differently to these kinds of meds so this is pretty much my opinion, but this generic is NOT the same as it's brand name and I won't be surprised if it doesn't start to receive more poor reviews as it is new to the market this year. Just Saying.......


Sinus congestion with plugged ears in the morning, lowered energy, occasional numbness and tingling in hands, arms, legs. Felt down and pessimistic. Appetite increased. Digestion was affected.

I have a gluten intolerance and while I never had a problem with the brand name drug Lexapro, this generic really did not work for me. I suspect it contains gluten. I have switched back to the brand name because it is really not worth it to experience these side effects; it's worth it to pay more fro the brand name.

Tiredness in the afternoons, weight gain

This drug has been very good for calming my mind and stopping anxious and fearful thoughts...however, I have recently cut down to 5mg with a goal to wean myself off completely, as I'm fed up with being so tired and with the weight gain.

ESCITALOPRAM OXALATE (ESCITALOPRAM OXALATE): Escitalopram is used to treat depression and anxiety. It works by helping to restore the balance of a certain natural substance (serotonin) in the brain. Escitalopram belongs to a class of drugs known as selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRI). It may improve your energy level and feelings of well-being and decrease nervousness. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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Loss of appetite. Possible memory loss?

had no idea that others had the same reaction to this stuff that i had. i felt as A feeling a sheer terror completely took over me. I didnt actually rip the iv out of my arm, but i did run fleeting down the hall of the ER while naked wearing nothing but the open hospital gown and dragging the IV pole behind me. I was convinced that the doctors were all plotting to kill me. It was completely irrational but i couldnt convince myself that it wasnt true. I felt like the walls were closing in on me and i was trapped. It wasnt until about 3 or 4 doctors or nurses grabbed me and held me down and gave me a shot of benedryl that i began to feel better. This stuff is the worst and i'd much rather have morning sickness before i ever take that drug again. Im so frightened by the effects that whenever i go to a hospital or Dr.s office and they ask for any allergies to medications i immediately let them know that under no circumstance am i to be given Compazine!!!

Extreme weight gain.No sex drive, don't even think about

No side effects at all. Works great when I use it.I only use this as needed but it won't allow me to write that in the usage section. I do not use this everyday. Only as needed

Extreme weight gain,back pain,headaches,insomnia. Does help my nerve pain but look what all it gave me in return. My life has been changed for the worst and I curse the day I was ever prescribed this poison!

Within 1 hr of taking, felt more fatigued than I felt before. Almost fell asleep behind the wheel on my way to work. Trouble focusing and even speaking. Weird feeling. Felt very slow moving. Mild, constant headache. If I talked too fast or too much, I got winded and I felt funny. Sometimes I felt weird in my chest- can't really describe it. Slight diarrhea. Very clumsy. Sinus problems.

Invega sustenna fried my brain. Im unable to talk to people like I used to. I'm not as outgoing as I once was. I'm always quiet with nothing in my head. I don't know whether its the meds, or if its the schizophrenia. I can't speak up for myself. I feel dumb now, and it feels like a permanent disaster. Invega sustenna ruined me. I used to be smart, but now its like I know nothing. I can't get a girl friend, and its frightening because it seems as if I'll be this way forever. I'm no longer the loving man that I used to be. This medicine ruined my personality, charm, and charisma. Its as if I know nothing now, and have nothing to say. My feelings and emotions are gone, but my feelings can still get hurt. Its torture, and the doctors don't care. This is a total violation of my civil rights, and I had no choice but to comply. At this point I don't know what to believe in. I just don't know what to say to people at any given time. My mental state is tarnished, and its all due to invega sustenna. I know crack heads who are smarter than me now. Literally...


fatigue, depression, weight gain

All positive side-effects. Acne and hair loss stopped. Mood stabalized. Period disappeared. Minor breast size increase.