Endep (amitriptyline hydrochloride) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Endep (amitriptyline hydrochloride)

heartburn constipation numb arms legs

Dry mouth; no libido; low mood; dizziness; trembling hands at times, brain fog; memory issues; tiredness next day;

My Doctor said it was a wonder pill, and everyone should be on a small dose a little blue pill as she called it. Well after 2 years I am sick of the brain fog and memory issues. I went back to study and it really affected me. I am off it now for last 4 days. Pain came back so bad by Day 2 I was going to go back on, However, am back on pain meds anti inflammatory Eg disprin occasionally, helps relax muscles, Panadol, voltaren gel, See how I go, Read someone's post they only take it 3 or 4 times a week, so might try that

At first I slept all night but it started having no effect after 2 months.I was waking up feeling a bit dazed but it goes away in a few hours and I feel great after that.

All I can suggest is start on a low dose and raise it a week at a time.Side effects do go away in a month or so

Worked for sleep until 3 days ago diarrhoea, phlegm build up in throat causing a cough and dry reaching, vision very blurry panic attacks and suicide thoughts

Migraines and neck and back pain

I have found endep 10mg a life saver. No more migraines and neck pain. Back pain reduced.

Brain fog, lethargy and mild anxiety

Dr recommend Endep at 10mg once daily to (1) help with managing neuropathic pain from chronic back problems and associated rehab activity, and (2) for long term insomnia from back pain. Found the medication effective in reducing severity of nerve pain and helped with getting to sleep and duration of sleep. However, the day after effects are significant. Low mood, anxiety and bouts of extreme tiredness have become daily issues. Hoping these reduce as I need to continue taking this medication while I go through intensive rehabilitation for my back.

The best anti depressant I’ve ever taken and I have been on anti depressants since I was 27. SSRI’s only caused insomnia and loss of libido. I would never touch SSRI’s. Horrible. I gave Endep a score of 4 because the only side effect was an extremely dry mouth. It also made me sleep as soon as hit the pillow. No problems with sex drive or orgasms.

weight gain. urinary retention.

apart from the side effects this medication generally helped me with all conditions fairly well.

I take 150 mg Seroquel, 10 mg Endep, 75mg Lyrica. They have worked for the last 3 months but now its been 2 days and nights of no sleep at all. My legs feel like they are going to give out and they are sore. Also feeling very sick on the stomach. I also have a Duralgesic 25mg patch and Effexor 150 mg.

Has worked for at least 3 months with great results ( sleeping all night and depression not as bad.

CRPS, Insomnia and mild anxiety

Possible weight gain, unsure because I haven't been able to exercise properly with nerve pain.

I was taking 10mg at night but it zonked me out too much the next day so I only take half now. I sleep through the whole night and I don't have any nightmares where as I was most nights before that. So if anything I would recommend it for a better sleep and no nightmares.

Lacking quality sleep,only 4hr/h/n

Take one tablet 3 or 4 nights a week, for 7 hrs sleep a night. Wake up feeling good for work.

Breast tenderness (all the time) and big drop in sex drive

This very much reduced the frequency and pain from the migraines, I now have a better wellbeing and (pain half as bad)

mind fog in morning, had to increase dose as my body got used to it. Did have some dry mouth and diarhea too.

Asleep usually within an hour of taking it. And I usually stay asleep now all through the night. Wake up without drowsiness but in a bit of a mind fog and babbling words. It has helped with the pain but had to increase from 10/20mg.

Migraines think GP guessed depress

Not sure if related at all experiencing frequent severe reflux/heartburn ?when sleeping.

Finally can go to sleep at night which was an issue. struggle to push myself during the day to get things accomplished. was prescribed 50mg a day but thought that would make me twice as drowsy during the night. (need to stay alert for special children) struggling with chores but at least going to sleep within 3hrs

With dosage up at 150mg fairly zonked.I initially felt horrible,dry mouth, urinary issues and weight gain.It took a few months to really make a difference but once it did quality of life improved. Back to 100mg and dry mouth the only remaining symptom.

Takes a while to work but has brought my anxiety under control. The side affects did eventually subside but the first few months are tough.

Difficulty waking up in the morning, but it improved within 2 weeks. It's still hard to wake up and be coherent but I can get up mostly when I need to.Dry mouth, improved with time.Weight gain, becoming a problem.

I can function because of this drug. Previously I would need codeine just to get through a shift at work, and sometimes had days off because it was so bad.I'm not pain free but I can manage each day a lot better now.

FatigueInability to wake upFoggy headFeel like shit all around

Do not take this drug. It will mess with your head in a major way. I am quitting it after only two days because it is AWFUL.

Can't sleep up from 1am now3.30 urinay retention weakness arms legs hands dry mth trembling hands unsteady on feet feel fluid in legs also have health problems fmd so not sure about this so called happy pill felt my brain closed off ? Not for me

Did calm down my mind first few hrs but wide awake 1.am now1/4 to 4am felt sick legs wobbly bladderdecrease in frequency out put I don't like it

Side Effects forendep (amitriptyline hydrochloride) - User Comments


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Extreme nausea, very tired, headache, bad stomachache, backache, insomnia

Dizziness, Vivid Dreams, Respitory Infection, Tiredness.

This medication stopped the burning pain from my neuropathy. I have even missed a dose and never had any side effects except the pain returned. It works for me perfectly.

I just got back from the ER. I took one tablet of Augmentin 875 this morning after breakfast. In an hour I was itching all over and sweating. I looked in the mirror and I had a red rash and began feeling nervous. I tried to take a cool shower but then I had trouble breathing. I decided to head to the hospital on the way I couldn't stand up I had severe dizziness and broke out in sever sweats. I had to lay down on the sidewalk while a passerby called a taxi for me. I could hardly hold my head up. Then I experienced diarrhea. I got to the ER and collapsed. I was given an injection to counter the Augmentin. While laying in the ER bed my legs began to tremor. They checked my hospital records and about a year ago I had been given the same drug for another sinus infection, but I can remember no real side effects at that time. It was very scary I seriously thought I was dying.

Has anyone else got a bad case of strep after using this product???

I guess 10 pounds weight gain ,and sleeping 9 hours

I take 80mg a day. It fulfills its job. It really only sucks during the initial stages due to the nausea, and occasional throat swelling.

back pain/leg pain /trapped nerve

insomnia (waking after 2-3 hrs.)

I literally have no memory from about a half an hour after I took my nightly dose and was lucky to sleep more than 2 hours a night.