Elavil (amitriptyline hydrochloride) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Elavil (amitriptyline hydrochloride)

Side Effects forelavil (amitriptyline hydrochloride) - User Comments


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Before Zyrtec, my 2-year-old was polite, mentally advanced, fully fluent in English, and was learning Spanish & sign language. Her Pediatrician gave her this Zyrtec to treat allergies. Extreme Stutter, Vaginal Discomfort, Mental Health issues, hallucinations, nightmares, mood swings, violent hitting and biting, dry nose, OCD Anxiety, and more. The worst was the bouts of Sadness. When a 2-year-old sits down and says she is SAD and has a catatonic blank stare when she is usually the vibrant life of the party social butterfly, it is VERY disheartening.

My first issues were the tachicardia and stomach pain. Now, have ostseoarthritis in hand and lower back and neck pain. The new thing that's happened now is terrible pain in my jaw and headaches. My Dr. has now advised me to stop taking Fosamax immediatly due to some "scattered reports"of these side effects from Fosamax.

At first I believe this made me feel a little tired and spaced out. As time has gone on, it has subsided. (I am still on the same dosage taken vaginally) Based on all of the reviews that I have read, I believe that some women taking this for trying to conceive could have some of the symptoms confused with an early pregnancy that hasn't been detected. For example, sore breasts shouldnt come from progesterone but from estrogen. I am now 5 weeks pregnant, and I am not even sure if those are the true side effects that I was feeling from the prometrium. I am also on a intra-muscular shot of progesterone oil, every other day. All in all, I think side effects have been mild, if at all.

I had headache the first day taking cialis, but a 400mg ibuprofen put a STOP to it. I sometimes get stuffy nose after a little break with Cialis. With my experience, it is the best

Noticed cramps 2 weeks before my period and also I started having a brownish discharge which I didn't have with tri-cyclen(weight gain).Felt nauseated while taking the pills and my period wasn't even close.This was for the first 3 months. Been taking it for 3 years and the acne on my back cleared up and on my face it was reduced.After year 2 I started to get mad for no reason. I'd be happy one moment and then my boyfriend would do something small that usually I'd find annoying,with the pills I'd yell at him.I'd get so mad it would cause my heart to beat very rapidly and then I'd be unable to breath.It felt like an anxiety attack. Lost sex drive which could have been due to the vaginal dryness I felt, and it made condoms sting.Got a lot of bladder and yeast infections.Could time them once a month like my period.Still had the discharge 2 weeks before my period which was annoying.Period was shortened from 8 days to 3 or 4. Only benefit though.Breasts got a little bigger,so did everything

heart palpitations; panic attack (as a result of severe heart palp)

terrible aches and joint pain, thining hair, diarrehea. colesterol went up and terrible fatigue

Have been off the drug for 6 weeks with only mild improvement in symptoms. Very concerned that I will never be the same. I cannot get in and out of bathtub, cannot get down on the floor, cannot get up from chair without using arms to assist - all happened after Actonel - mostly starting in the 5th month.

Works great if I take it @ 6:00PM every night before symptoms start. My 17 year old daughter was just diagnosed with RLS this week. My wife is extremely thankful for this medicine because now I dont keep her awake at night with my constant twitching legs and arms.

Toprol has worked well for me and I have had no side effects. I take 50 Mg per day (split pill) and find Toprol is less expensive and more effective than OTC remedies.