Effexor xr (venlafaxine hydrochloride) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Effexor xr (venlafaxine hydrochloride)

I felt a bit dizzy for the first few days and still get constipated after 1.5 years of taking it.

This was the first antidepressant to work for me after trying 7 different medications.

Sexual dysfunctionAfter stopping, my entire nervous system collapsed and it still has not recovered after 2 years. Complete erectile dysfunction, genital and pelvic pain, shrunken penis, everything down there is different... Extreme bowel issues, close to zero gut motility, abdominal tightness, head stiffness. Please NEVER touch the poisons SSRIs!

Brain Zaps, Increased Nervousness for the first 5-6 weeks starting the Effexor XR.

I am now, sadly, having to taper off of Effexor XR due to getting side effects from it, probably my brain finally got used to the drug after 12 years. Going to try Cymbalta and if that does not help then I'm going back to this drug. It saved my life basically.

Literally the worst. Racing heart. So nauseous and dizzy. Giving me anxiety attacks. Definitely done with this med.

Paranoia, anxiety, depression,constipation, akathasia,shake, tremors, insomnia etc

Please avoid this...please if you a new in this drug speak with your dr for another option please

This medicine CAUSED more hot flashes. It has taken me more than 3 months to wean off it because it causes severe dizziness and brain zaps every time I lower the dose.

Stabilized mood and diminished depression. However if I was late to a dose, even by 30 minutes, I would excessively sweat, shake, and have a headache. Became dependent on them even after depression was gone. Only continued to take them for an extra year because of the withdrawal feelings, but other than that this is the only antidepressant that has given me a positive experience.

Was able to discontinue use as depression went away. Prior to this, I was depressed for 8 years. I'm now 2 years off of Effexor and have not been depressed since.

Patient suffered with total insomnia at first and then extreme mood swings and the inability to be around others. Patient ran away from home in the middle of the night. Luckily our police department located him and safely returned him home. Prior to trying this medication the patient never reacted like this.

I would never advise anyone take this medication.

Worst drug ever taken. Would not recommend this drug to anyone. If i gave it to someone i would expect that person to want to punch me in the face. Horrible drug.

Going on is tough. Being in it is meh. And coming off holy heck even with a gradual taper I would not recommend this drug to even my WORST enemy. There's a reason they say Effexor discontinuation is worse than heroin withdrawals!

The side effects were HORRIBLE. Withdrawal symbol were extremely awful. Dizziness and nauseous all the time. My dr told me this is one of the hardest meds to get off of. One more day of dizziness and I will lose my mind. Been tapering off for 1 month and today I took none. Finished! Now I wonder how long this nauseous and dizziness will continue. Awful drug

I am now going thru a period of un explainable dread have all the problems mentioned.Body rejecting medication, going intohospital for 3 weeks trying to get off drug do not think I can.It is affecting me so much,..,...

Night sweats the first few months of taking, increased anxiety, terrible terrible withdrawal symptoms when missing a dose such as brain zaps, nausea, headache, extreme sadness. Ive moved between 37.5mg - 150mg. 150mg made me feel like a zombie and incredibly depressed. 75-112.5mg seems to be the best dose for me.

Ive tried 20 medications for major depression. No medication has worked as well as Effexor for my depression, not even weekly ketamine treatments. About 1-2 months after starting it I started feeling much better, eventually the best I had felt in years. It still works well for me after 10 months and Ive never had unbearable side effects other than if I miss a dose. My weight hasnt changed much, if anything Ive lost a little bit of weight after starting it. I was very hesitant to start another SNRI after cymbalta put me through hell, but I am so glad I did - it has been a game changer for me.

Horrendous! This drug should be illegal! Heaven forbid you forget a dose, you would know by 2pm and then would be sick for days on end! The nausea, dizziness, headaches! I was more emotional and out of control being on it then not on it. I also went from 115lbs to 158lbs. The only reason I was switched to setraline is because I became pregnant with my son. I will NEVER go back to this drug!

EXCESSIVE sweating at night, complete lack of libido, inability to orgasm, insomnia, nightmares, confusion, muscle soreness and fatigue so bad that I couldn't stand or do physical activities for days, absolutely DISGUSTING taste in mouth.Withdrawal: vomiting and diarrhea, brain zaps, incessant sensitivity/pressure down there (imagine your V swollen and throbbing like you're about to climax except you're stuck at that phase and experience no sexual pleasure from any of it).

DO NOT accept this prescription. At all. If your doctor suggests this, ask for an alternative or switch to a less sadistic psychiatrist.

I have been taking 75 mg per day for 3 years, initially prescribed for my ever lasting migraines. After 6 months my migraines has stopped. It helped me a lot, but I have gained weight a lot too. Constipation is constant while taking, I got vision problems and missing a dose is like hell.

Low libido, increased irritability, more emotional at random times, headaches, horrible and vivid nightmares

If I miss a dose, god help me. Brain zaps, mood swings, panic attacks, emotional breakdowns, nausea, fatigue, vertigo, irritation, depression, night sweats, more violent nightmares than usual

Orgasm problemsSome weight gainBrain zaps if I miss a dose

Even with the above side effects I am thankful for this drug. I started taking it the year 1996. I had tremendous amount of stress in my life at that time.I started out on 37.5 mg non extended release tablets. Over the course of a few months I leveled off at 75 mg extended release and was fine at that dosage for 23 years. My body became accustomed to that dose and the year 2019 my dr increased the dose to 150mgI do not feel like a zombie. I have the same personality. I can still cry if something is sad.I'll take it forever.Thanks

Depression Anxiety Intrusive though

My depression was the worst it had ever been when I started taking Effexor. It truly did help with how depressed, sad, irritable, and just plain MEAN I was. It's only been 3 months and I've gone from weighing 119lbs (on March 12th) to weighing 140lbs (as of today, June 8th) The only time I've ever weighed this much, was when I was pregnant. I've always been a tall and slender woman.... Until Effexor. I tracked my weight gain and was gaining at LEAST 1 pound every day, sometimes 2. It also makes me incredibly sleepy. About 20-30 minutes after I take it, I get so sleepy. I have Narcolepsy and struggle to stay awake enough as it is, the Effexor makes it impossible for the first hour or so after I take it. 40mg of (prescribed) Adderall doesn't even help me to fight the Effexor sleepiness. I hate it!I'm thinking about weaning off of it and I'm hoping that since it's only been 3 months, the withdrawal effects won't be TOO debilitating. I took Paxil a few years ago and the withdrawal off of that nearly ended my life, so to say I'm scared would be a massive understatement.

EFFEXOR XR (VENLAFAXINE HYDROCHLORIDE): Venlafaxine is used to treat depression, anxiety, panic attacks, and social anxiety disorder (social phobia). It may improve your mood and energy level and may help restore your interest in daily living. It may also decrease fear, anxiety, unwanted thoughts, and the number of panic attacks. Venlafaxine is known as a serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor (SNRI). It works by helping to restore the balance of certain natural substances (serotonin and norepinephrine) in the brain. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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Took this shot on 2/10/17 WILL NEVER TAKE AGAIN. I cry every day for taking this injection. My quality of life has been drastically changed to the worst from this injection.

Loss of libito, vaginal dryness, bloating, slightly cleared skin, no weight gain, stable moods

I just stop torturing myself. OTC lubricant eye drops from Target's $5.00 worked just as will with no side effects.

Not many until I stopped taking the drug. Then is horrible. Brain zaps and dizziness are the worst. This drug is great as long as you don't mind brain zaps, weight gain, a sweet tooth, and muscle pain during withdrawals.

Severe Nausea, Diarrhoea, Hot and Cold Flushes, No Energy

I have been using glucophage for a couple of years and not feeling well but not connecting the two. Then doctor increased dosage from 2 pills to 5 (so 2500 mg)as my blood sugar was too high. Now, I have nausea and lethargy after each pill. If I take 2 pills, I feel

Muscle Aches/Spasms, Fatigue, Acute Insomnia, Mild Constipation, Increased Libido, Yawning, Severe Nausea and lightheadedness (if taken without food), Decreased Appetite, Weight Loss, Mild Dizziness and Vision issues, and initial diarrhea

Really bad heartburn with pain in back.

Couldn't fall or stay asleep .

chronic sinusitis and allergies