Desyrel (trazodone hydrochloride) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Desyrel (trazodone hydrochloride)

Drowsiness, urinary retention once medication started but later on stopped.

Makes me sleepy within 30 mins of taking it. Was originally prescribed 50mg but I react well to 25mg. At first gave me weird dreams and occasional nightmares but after building up some tolerance I sleep like a baby. My nose is stuffy when I wake up but it's bearable. Also noticed it helped with my anxiety that creeps up at night which is a plus.

I don't have insomnia just difficulty falling asleep most nights due to racing thoughts. Trazodone works for me.

DR gave me this for sleep, along with Pamelor I don't care for neither medication. My 1 st night taking Trazodone, and I am restless and my head hurts. This drug is a "so called SSRI" BULLCHIT! This medicine is no better than a antihistamine. (Benadryl) Gimme a break smh I'd rather take Benadryl on a long term basis

had taken it for nearly 2 weeks and it did not help me sleep whatsoever. I learned it was mainly a pill to treat depression (which im already taking stuff for) and that there was a small chance it MIGHT help me sleep better. Honestly this pill didn't even affect me.

Only side effect ive gotten from trazodone is I get hungry shortly after taking it and restless legs before I fall asleep

Got on this for insomnia and it works wonders. No side effects other than the very tolerable ones listed above. Was on sinequan for a while but had to stop taking it because I couldn't wake up in the morning and it KNOCKED me out for at least 9 hours. With trazodone it makes me sleepy but doesn't put me on my azz like the sinquan did. Really love this medication

closed my sinuses up completely, could not breathe out of my nose at all, dry mouth, felt like I had flu next morning very cold but body felt hot, just felt "wrong" like you do when you catch flu.

I have random insomnia where I go weeks sleeping normally, then ill have 2 nights of literally no sleep at all, I used to get ambien for it and it worked but would make me do dangerous things and have no memory whatsoever of doing them so I cant take it and was given trazodone to try. It didnt really make me tired at 25-50MG doses, but I did get some pleasant mental feelings for a bit and my nose got completely stuffed up. The worst effect it had on me was the next morning id feel really "wrong", like I had a virus or something my body would shiver and id feel freezing yet my body was hot just like flu does to you. Its not effective for me for insomnia.

I fall asleep but after 4 hours wide awake for at least an hour! Stuffy nose headache dizziness don't feel like exercising and in two days ate more crap food than in an entire month! No thanks and I'm not depressed so no way do I want this medication in my system! Anxiety yes and I'm going to ask MD for Xanax which I've had before but stopped years ago because it made me sleepy so I couldn't take it during the day don't understand why these doctors seem to prescribe the exact opposite of what you really need and then we're worse off than before we started taking the stuff they prescribe! This stuff gets a huge NO from me

Works good. No brain fogginess or confusion. I can sleep!

Significant grogginess and head pressure the next day. Stuffy nose. After 2 weeks I'm feeling hollow, numb, no personality and I just want to stay home in bed all day.

Drs have been pushing this on me for my persistent anxiety-induced insomnia, because they won't give benzos anymore. The first week it helped me sleep, but the second week it's not helping, and I'm numb and empty. Thank goodness I recognize it and going off this crap immediately.

Increased depression, caused insomnia, suicidal, terror, super high BP - labile BP, indigestion, brain fog, tingling feet and arms, migraines, anxiety,so many terrible side effects. Withdrawal is painful and scary.

Prescribed this mediation 20 years ago as a tried and true med for insomnia. over the years I believed this and when my sypstoms became severe I went to many doctors who never diagnosed the problem properly. It was poisionous for me. I was almost incapacitated by sie-effects from toxicity from this drug. It is not benign. I am tapering off and it is extremely difficult. The arc of recovery is positive but the symptoms of withdrawal vary from day to day. It has hurt my life significantly and was severly negative. I was robbed of a joyful life because of this drug. So watch out if you are taking it - it works for a while and then it doesn't at all. I had to figure this out myself.

Upset stomach, occasional nausea, increased libido, inability to orgasm, persistent frequent migraines, blurry vision, eye pain, sensitivity to light and sound, muscle weakness, metallic taste, stuffy nose after taking, bloody urine.

I started taking trazodone for insomnia. I was taking 100 mg. The first week was great. The first night I took 50 mg and although I slept it was very light. At 100 mg I slept awesome but it would cause my nose to be stuffy (bad) and the feeling of being unable to swallow. Which would cause anxiety. Then after about 5 days I started having debilitating migraines daily. With severe pain in and behind my eyes and I was super sensitive to lights. It it was a horrible cycle. Wake up, eyes hurt, lights and sound would hurt my head and by the late afternoon it would be a full blown migraine. The worst though and the straw that finally caused me to discontinue the medication was the bloody urine. Large amount of blood in my urine. It looked like someone poured a bottle of red wine in the toilet. That was it. I was terrified something was wrong with me. After researching I found out this can be a side effect as can the light sensitivity and migraines, although I had no idea until I found this forum. Will not be taking it again. Fingers crossed for no withdraws.

unable to stay asleep at night

I have never noticed side effects.

I love Trazodone! No weird withdrawals if I don't take it. It just simply guarantees a good night's sleep without the hangover of stronger sleep medicines.

8 plus hours of sleep a night. It's amazing!

I was prescribed to take 50 mgs. at bedtime. It gave me the stuffy nose, congestion, fogginess etc., like other users reported. After I lowered the dose, the side effects went away and it didn't take long for me to start sleeping like a baby. From what I've read, the higher doses are for depression, and the lower doses work better for insomnia. Last night I slept 11.5 hours. I feel so energized now that I'm sleeping again. Like I said, if you are using Trazodone for insomnia, use the lowest dose possible. Less is better!

Must be taken with food and 1/2 hour before bed time. 8 hours of sound sleep with mild hang over. Otherwise great for insomnia. Definitely improves REM sleep and Dreaming with occasional vivid Dreams.

Insomnia and anxiety depression constipation zombie like confusion

Would not recommend this as a sleep aid

insomnia from Seroquel withdrawal

NIghtmarish visions between wakefulness and sleeping combined with intense anxiety. Swelling of feet and ankles-- water retention when I increased the dose from 50-100.

It put me to sleep the first 4 nights very well, then I started having massive anxiety (I think as drug built up in the system) every night right after I took it, then it just stopped working to put me to sleep and my legs and ankles swelled from the water rentention!! Horrible drug. Has BLACK BOX WARNING OF SUICIDE!! DON"T EVER MESS WITH THIS DRUG. TOO MANY POSTS OF GOING MAD AFTER JUST ONE DOSE.

This pill definitely put me too sleep. Quickly. A little too quick. Falling asleep would come out of nowhere. Even though it helped me sleep it scared me. While taking this the next day I would have stomach aches on and off. The worst part is I would forget everything about my day. I felt like I wasn't even there. Physically I was, mentally I was gone. I felt like a zombie. It wasn't worth the sleep

I forgot to mention that I believe the side effects are from a mixture of Trazodone & Lunesta!

Somnolence, lethargy, brain fog, insomnia, dry mouth, headache

Yuck. I really don't like this medication. The doctors put me on it to manage my insomnia, as a "safe" alternative to ambien. A medication that turns you into a zombie (the effects lasting well into the next day) does not seem safe to me. The hangover is intolerable. If you're taking this medication with another medication that also causes dry mouth, watch out. The dry mouth alone was enough to keep me up at night. When I told the doctor it wasn't helping me fall asleep, she recommended that I take more of it, and when I did, I was way too loopy to be able to fall asleep. The day after taking it, I'm tired, apathetic, and have difficulty concentrating. I honestly don't understand how this could be seen as a superior sleep aid.

Took at 10pm and slept soundly. Woke with body pain and grogginess. I was unable to function for most of the day due to brain fog and grogginess.

In all fairness, my body overreacts to many types of medication.

Side Effects fordesyrel (trazodone hydrochloride) - User Comments


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After Singulair I stop recognise my child that was the worst thing I did by giving her this drug. She didn't had side effects till about 5 month from starting the drug and I thought that she is "save" I was very rong. I did my research about Singulair before she started taking it and I knew all the side effects but I was thinking this won't happens to me but it did happen.I'm hopping that she will be ok and I will have my little girl back. When I ask her why she is behaving this way she always tell me " I dont know" and that is hart braking.SINGULAIR SHOULD BE BANNED!!!! Don't take it, I will naver give this to my child again.

None except for a faster and far more pleasant recovery.

For a year I took this medication for a condition that I didn't even have. It totally flattened me out, made emotionless and careless. It also turned me into a selfish, arrogant person and almost destroyed my marriage. It might be a good medication though if you're truly bipolar.

I was on Depo for 4 yrs. The worst thing that ever happened to me. I had severe mood swings, depression, anxiety, anger, extreme vaginal dryness to the point of sex being painful, headaches, lethargy, and 60!!! pound weight gain. It took me TWO YEARs after getting off of it to get a normal cycle, and here I am five years later and been trying to get pregnant for two and NOTHING! I am somewhat convinced it made me sterile. My new gyno tells me that basically one of my ovaries is not ovulating any more and my periods are worse then they were before I went on it. I was also told when I got off of it that the weight should fall off and I never lost any of it, and have been trying off and on for five years and can't get past 15 pounds off. DO not take it!

I have been on BC for about 10 years and have tried many including Desogen, OrthoTriCyclen, OrthoCyclen, Estrostep, Ovcon and Apri. The majority of the pills (excluding EstroStep and Ovcon) were not strong enough and I experienced terrible periods--extremely heavy bleeding coupled with cramping, nausea and breakouts. Loestrin FE 1.5/30 has given me a long deserved break from painful periods; however light bleeding would be reassuring! While on the active hormone pills, my sex drive is low which is dissappointing, but at this point I would rather be a bit moody and save some money (Ovcon cost me $70 a pack), than suffer for a week with heavy bleeding/cramping and general discomfort.

Anger, irritability, nightmares, aggression, emotional.

Nausea and stomach cramps for hours after taking the first two tablets; stomach cramps and diarrhea an hour or so after taking medicine on the other days.

I have tried many other migraine medications. Nothing else works this well. I am thankful for Imitrex. I take 3-6 a month. I do think the menstrual cramps can be worse for a short time, but that's nothing compared to good migraine relief. Take it when you first suspect a migraine, don't wait. Why wait when you can be over and done with it? But if you wait, it will still work in most cases. I may take a nap with it at the beginning or I may take a walk. A walk clears my head and helps with any of the mild side effects I get. I'm just glad it works for me!

Feel dreadful. So tired all the time, feeling so low and depressed. Awful cramps in my legs and feet.

Had tried it before and stopped b/c of side effects. Years later tried again thinking my first reaction could have been caused by other factors. 2nd time - same reaction:Tight chest, breathing more difficult.