Desipramine hcl (desipramine hydrochloride) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Desipramine hcl (desipramine hydrochloride)

Been taking this for 30 plus years for panic disorder..tried to wean off a few times to see what would happen and after a month or so the panic came back ..dry mouth is about the only issue I have

Dry mouth, constipation, and weight gain.

Helped relieve my anxiety and allows me to function at a higher level of happiness in my life. When I try to wean off, I get very sad and depressed.

Helps me sleep, stopped thoughts, better adhd

Helps me sleep feel way better!!!!!

This med took away my anxiety quickly in the first week. It helped my IBS. My side effects are typical - headache, loss of appetite (which for is a good thing), sexual. Now after 2 months, my appetite seems to have returned, and the sexual stuff is still there. It sort of seems as if I have to keep taking more.

Best for my IBS-D. Never sure when to take it though.

I've tried 3 different ones, this one works for my IBS-D the best! I feel normal now, no anxiety about going all the time, I've had this probably all my life. As I've gotten older it become more troublesome. Also takes a edge off things that piss me off..which are many lately.

Unable to sleep nightmares anxiety

Blue face and hands. I have to go off it now. Its very noticeable as it reacts to sunlight exposure rare ad it is, it has happened to me.

I've tried coming off a few times but nothing else works like it does for me..

Dry mouth and nightmares (but not too disturbing)

Started at a very low dose and gradually increased to 100mg by the end of 4 months. It has significantly reduced the frequency and severity of my daughter's migraines. She had previously tried topiramate and propranolol with horrible side effects. She tolerates the Desipramine very well and it works wonders. Much easier to tolerate than protriptyline, which she also tried.

Slightly having issues with sleeping. Increasingly painful orgasms. The longer I am on this drug, the worse the pain gets each orgasm.

Only took two days. Could not sleep, dry mouth and nausea.

Practically no side effects at all, just some mild tiredness at bedtime dose

This was like taking a placebo--nothing happened at all even as I increased the dose. Seems to affect norepinephrine more than serotonin. I read it may be better for people withdrawing from stimulants like cocaine.

Major Depression with anhedonia

Dry mouth, difficulty urinating, somewhat decreased sex drive/anorgasmia, constipation, heptatoxicity.

I took this medicine because of my anhedonic depression (apathy, lack of drive, inability to feel pleasure, feeling "empty," etc.). It felt like a sugar pill other than the side effects, which I guess alerted me that the medicine was at least in my body. It wasn't good on my liver so I had to stop.

Serious constipation, dry mouth, trouble sleeping, weight gain

trouble falling asleep and staying asleep, binge eating/compulsive over-eating, weight gain

This medication brought back my bulimia, which was in remission for over a year. It caused me to have very strong urges to binge eat daily after being on it for a few weeks that I could not fight despite using all my therapeutic tools I could think of. Additionally, I had previously been able to cope with episodes of overeating without purging since my recovery from my eating disorder, though not while on this medication. It seemed to increase my impulsivity in that way, which is counter to almost evertying else I've read about this medication. Also, it didnt' do much for my depressive symptoms (if anything it made it worse because of how out of control I felt with the return of the bingeing and purging and fear of weight gain).

Dry mouth, constipation, lightheadness when I stand up suddenly, itching, sleep disturbances.

I was put on this medication as one of my last resorts after trying nearly every other anti-depressant on the market and having to discontinue them because I couldn't tolerate the side effects. This medication has been wonderful. I feel less depressed than I have in a decade and the most of the side effects either went away completely or were greatly reduced after a couple of weeks on the medicine. My dosage was very slowly increased from 25mg to 75mg and now I feel great. Hooray!!

Gained 30 pounds, difficulty urinating, dry mouth, forgetfulness, stammering, constipation, craving for sweets

This med gave me very little benefit and a LOT of crummy side effects. I hope everybody else has a better experience with it!

weight gain, occasional constipation

It was recommended in a trial of R-EEG to find what meds should work best for me. It worked ok for a while at a high dose of 250 mg and now I'm at 350 mg and it's quit working. worked ok for about 6 months but I've been through over 10 anti-depressants and nothing's worked for long. I've gained 20 pounds since starting to take it.

acid reflux in the morning, change in sleep cycle (couldn't stay asleep as long, felt too cold or too hot, some minor nausea

I started on the lowest possible dose of 10mg at night. On the second day I couldn't stay asleep more than 4 hours. After that I started taking it in the morning. My sleep pattern was still altered. Also, immediately after I woke up I would have the worst acid reflux. I gave up after 7 days. I know its not enough time to judge a drug but my tolerance for these kind of side effects is really low.

Extreme worsening of panic attacks: more frequent and more intense.

Do not recommend taking this for panic attacks or anxiety.

DESIPRAMINE HCL (DESIPRAMINE HYDROCHLORIDE): Desipramine is used to treat depression. This medication may improve your mood, sleep, appetite, and energy level and may help restore your interest in daily living. This medication belongs to a class of medications called tricyclic antidepressants. It works by restoring the balance of a certain natural substance (norepinephrine) in the brain. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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I started taking lexapro around December, planning on stopping when summer came round again. It worked wonderfully. I felt pretty darn good. Some insomnia as they mention, the sleepyness the next day as they mention, headaches I dont recall them mentioning. But it did its job fine. The problem for me now is I went off of them two weeks ago and dang. Theyre a doozy to get off. I've had this constant Advil proof headache. Just imagine... standing on your head, after or during spinning on a computer chair... after sleeping in way too late. Its that kind of headache. Not sharp, but uncomfortable as heck. My eyes hurt... and dizzy. Very dizzy. Dazed dizzy. All of this leaving me bored, irritated, and coming of a anti-depressent, a bit down. The pill works, but watch out for the withdrawl.

Can it cause "liver sludge" ? I came ff it when the panic about HRT started,the result was I felt terrible,I had awful night sweats,tiredness,moody and miserable.i am doing as the doctor suggested for 1 month to see if the liver count goes down. i feel OK o the reduced level so i will probably stick to that doseage.

this drug needs to be banned. worst thing ever!!!

Occasional flushing, stuffy nose

I just retired and have no insurance. I am 63 years old, so I don't have Medicare. I am very concerned that I am no longer able to purchase my Bystolic. I have about 3 months left then my doctor will switch me to another (generic) medication which have not worked well for me in the past.

Havent been taking the medicine that long so Im sort of indifferent about if I think its working. At times I feel amazing. Life is great. Then before I know it I feel like I used to: extremely depressed,suidical thoughts, just really not being my "old" self. The medicine has eliminated the radical thoughts for the most part. I have crazy dreams every single night. Which can be pretty cool but also pretty alarming.