Celexa (citalopram hydrobromide) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Celexa (citalopram hydrobromide)

Sexual dysfunction, Emotional Blunting, Anhedonia

This drug gave me PERMANENT side effects after stopping. It only took 1 pill to do the damage. Please stay far away from SSRIs they're extremely dangerous and cause PSSD.

I'm still taking this medication. Still taking it two years later and panic disorder is very manageable and I am mostly fine. Just have a bit of PTSD from past panic.

Do not take this medication. It caused so many side effects for my mom. She passed away from this drug in 2012.

Please think very carefully when you're considering taking these drugs. They are an outdated, 1 fits all, personality altering, life destroying nightmare. SSRI's should be illegal. I was shoved on them by the GP when I was a child and have been on and off ever since. They make you an emotionless, loveless, unmotivated Zombie unable to engage with life. I was abused as a child and THIS is my problem. Not a flipping chemical imbalance. If only someone had helped me in the way I needed then this would never have happened. I now have to spend about 6 years tapering off these drugs as the withdrawals are a disaster. Please please consider other options. Find the root cause of your suffering and wherever possible stay away from your GP's. There is so much hope out there, so much information and new evolving trauma healing by modalities. You can heal organically you just have to become your own doctor!

vomiting, nausea, dizziness, heartburn, wake up gasping for air, increased panic attacks, bran fog

This is a terrible medication. I have only been on it for 5 days but i am going to get off of it. I have tingling and burning sensation in both arms, diarrhea, feel like i can’t breathe right. This is literally poison and i am so sad it didn’t work for me.

I am 51 years old and have been on 40 MG of generic Celexa for 12 plus years for depression. I tried about 5 different drugs for depression before this one. I am very happy with the drug, although ability to orgasm has been negatively affected this whole time. I can still have an orgasm, but not as easily as before. Libido not affected for me, just climax. Still, it is worth it for the relief from depression, which was a severe lifelong issue for me. I stopped it cold turkey at one point and withdrawal was severe. I will probably be taking it for the rest of my life.

Morning anxiety, burning sensations that caused panic, lethargic. I would not recommend this med. It also causes wierd flutters.

I had no side effects except for weight gain. I could not use generic; it didn't work. My anxiety returned and panic attacks. I never felt any negative effects from the drug.

I stopped taking it because my insurance would no longer cover the cost. I am now taking fluoxetine which, so far, is better than anything else I tried over the years. I still have some anxiety and feel panic at times.

The worst for me was anaesthetised sexual organs and no ability to orgasm. This was on 20mg. I went off cold turkey JUST to have an orgasm and within 72 hours I could.

I fell into suicidal depression after going off, but I have found on 10mg daily (have to use pill cutter as brand name doesn't come in 10mg) I am less depressed, but not optimal, AND can have an orgasm. Hope this helps anyone who has been sexually affected, female or male. Even going down to 5mg is better than nothing if you find the medication helps.

Severe dizziness and anxiety, unable to function but I stuck with it and now have no anxiety and am able to return to work and feel like myself again.Please stick with it. Getting off it is another story.I have tried. I’m resigned to this but I’ll take it.

Do NOT go off this medication without doctor supervision. It made me suicidal.

Run! The absolute worst crap I've ever taken. It's as if the dr prescribing it is attempting to kill me. Side effects are brutal, withdrawal effects even more so. Why do you think the arschlachs at celebrex out aside 9 million in defense funds...it's because this drug almost kills a person. Side effects, vision issues, breathing issues, gastro bleeding, suicidal thoughts, appetite loss, shakiness, diarrhea, etc... withdrawal issues, massive chest pain, panic attack, loss of bodily control, suicidal thoughts. Long term: breathing issues, gastro bleeding, vision, anxiety. Who did the tards at celebex pay off to get this crap approved? I'd like to find out, perhaps pay a visit to these assholes, see what they have to say...woukdn't it be nice....in theory, of course.

It's hard to believe I took this pill every single day for 2 years, but the damage has been done at this point. it's been 5 years since I quit and I have zero libido, zero sex drive, can't be aroused, don't get w3t, and I feel like an emotional robot. No human emotions. This is pure soul death. Look up PSSD and please don't do this to yourself like I did. I feel suicidal every day because of the long term effects from this awful drug.

Exstream aniexty, sweats, bad dreams, morning panic attacks, tyerd, dry mouth, dizzy, loss appetite

I've been on and off citalopram 2s before I was on a 40mg dosege then 20mg and I had 0 side effects and they done wonders for me especially with anxiety. I started again after having my 2nd born and started on a 10mg no side effects wanted to go up one more but unfortunately I have had exstream side effects. Bad anxiety especially mornings, sweats all the side effects you can get.... I'm in to the 2 week mark now and I'm really struggling with this anxiety... I really need some advice as I'm struggling feel like it's never going to carlm down...

What I liked about this drug was that I could think clearly, had less anxiety and more motivation. Unfortunately it was causing me to sweat to the point of dripping all day and night so I had to come off

I was having burning substations all under my upper chest area and forearms. Set me into major panic attacks. I thought I was gonna have to go to hospital.Only took it 5 days that was on the fifth day. I've been off it now 5 days and still getting occasional burning sensations. With panic attacks and taking clonazapam to help with panic from these weird body sinsations.

My doctor told me I'm to sensitive to meds. So I'm hoping this finally leaves my nervous system.

I started 10 mg of celexa at end of May and it helped after about a month but I still have bad days where I feel like really disconnected and just can't enjoy anything and other times I feel just fine. I talked to my dr. about going up to 20 and she prescribed me 20 mg but I'm just worried to take it because I had horrible side effects when I started at 10 mg.

If you've had a similar experience and can provide advice please feel free to email me i would really appreciate it.

I am writing in retrospect about this drug that I took in 2012. Something went wrong while I was taking it when I was changing dose from 10mg to 20mg and it caused me to have a severe mental breakdown making me totally suicidal. I was rescued by taking 120mg Duloxotine although it took me one year to stop being suicidal. Citalopram is not safe. DON’T TAKE IT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCE. IT’S TOO RISKY!

Vivid nightmares, no sex drive

I had the worst nightmares on this medication- vivid nightmares every night that had me feeling terrified and disturbed. I had never had nightmares of that frequency and vividness until I took Celexa. Horrible experience.

Increased AnxietyInsomniaPanic Attacks

Anxiexty Depression Suicidal Thought

Nausea Eurporia Belly ache headache when I forget it.. Me and Mr. CELEXA are like a functioning married couple good days and some bad.

Only issue is when we have to recalibrate it.. and a mid crash by noonSome days I struggle to stay awake.

CELEXA (CITALOPRAM HYDROBROMIDE): Citalopram is used to treat depression. It may improve your energy level and feelings of well-being. Citalopram is known as a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI). This medication works by helping to restore the balance of a certain natural substance (serotonin) in the brain. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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Initially diarrea, then vivid, bad dreams and night sweats, Bad headaches. Dry throat mostly at night. Fatigue, I'm taking day naps which I've never done before. Then cannot sleep at night. I am also crying more.

Flu-like symptoms, headache, back ache, pain from head to toe. Bad insomnia. Unable to sleep at all.

Sleep was great for first couple weeks. Then not so great along with burning sensation everywhere.

Bi-Polar, Anxiety, OCD thinking

Dry hacking cough, constipation, dry hair, rash on stomach, severe fatigue, heart palpitations.

Achilles tendonitis, bursitis of elbow, shoulder, knees, enthesitis in ribcage, electrical buzzing/popping/stabbing sensations throughout body, severe muscle spasm/contortion/muscle tear, panic attacks, inability to walk requiring mobility assistance/bed rails. Overall body pain/muscle weakness. Memory and speech difficulties, chemical insensitivity, chest pain, palpations, syncope, diastolic dysfunction, critically low levels B12 and D.

Took Zyban for six weeks and it appeared to be working. Then my hands and face started to swell and by the time i visited the hosiptal i had breathing dificulties and i was in terrible pain all over my body, in particular my knee and elbow joints. Hospital told me Zyban is a very dangerous drug and would not recommend it to anyone and my doctor should not have prescribed yet when i spoke to my doctor before taking zyban he told me no reported side effects in Canberra and only one in New South Wales. I find that very hard to believe.

Originally I was prescribed Zoloft for depression & anxiety attacks and was given 50mg dose from the start. Within a few hours I was trippin from the side effects. I was unable to carry on a conversation, racing thoughts, room spinning, looked like a zombie, emotionally numb, I felt i was high, nauseous for 4 days. Finally my Dr. switched me to Lexapro. The first day was great, no side effects whatsoever. Until I woke up nauseous, as soon as I ate I was fine. 2nd day: no side effects, I was social, but that night woke up at 2:15 sweating and in a terrible panic attack(not from a dream) but heart racing, swallowed breath, felt emotionally traumatized..but quickly fell back to sleep. Day 3: great! Social, happy to have company, emotionally well & stable. Again, woke up at 4am (no anxiety) for no reason but fell asleep an hour later. Over all I'd say these side effects are much easier go deal with than before & am very happy to be on the route to a steady, happy life!

heavier periods then with miscarriage, exteme moodiness, irate