Bupropion hcl (bupropion hydrochloride) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Bupropion hcl (bupropion hydrochloride)

BUPROPION HCL (BUPROPION HYDROCHLORIDE): Bupropion is used to treat depression. It can improve your mood and feelings of well-being. It may work by helping to restore the balance of certain natural chemicals (neurotransmitters) in your brain. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


Related User Reviews

Agression, screaming, tongue twitch,

Easiest way to feel better with the least amount of side effects. Paxil was great but I slept all the time and gained a ton of weight, so used Prozac to wean off and switched to Trazodone. Dry mouth if I take 50 mg needed for winter, but I take less in summer. That and a 5 mg. Valium pill put me out peacefully. Some water retention and no weight gain. I take it at night only. When in a very tense situation need extra valium, but normally Traz cuts the need for valium and I feel human, not drugged. Easy to get on and off and cheap! Full benefits felt almost immediately. I can ignore things that used to get me down. No upset stomach and don't take with food. Start out at 25 mg. or less for several days and cut most of the few side effects. So glad I found this drug. I'm still losing weight slowly thru exercise after the SSRI's put the weight on!

Depression (weeping for hours multiple days a week, numbness), exhaustion, nausea, headache (the first day), dried out private areas a LOT (very painful). I have clinical depression and ADD, both of which I take medication for. In general, my clinical depression is pretty well managed. It didn't occur to me until day 7 on this stuff to check the side effects both listed and those reported by those who've taken this stuff. I have had suicidal thoughts (2x this week) for the first time in along while. It's honestly been HORRIBLE. I've cried for hours on end. My wound only got slightly better and I wonder if it would've on its own without this stuff.

Vomitting, dizziness, shaking, headache, heart racing.

This drug saved my life. I was on 30mg per day 150mg trileptal as a mood stabiliser. Ot was magic. No weight gain or lethargy. Would still meed a few days downtime after prolonged periods of stress, but bounced back fast. No irritation/mania/anger depression. Literally felt the (I assume) normal ups and downs of well adjusted people.

This drug made me dumb with no emotions. It has ruined my social life and relationships with others. Now I'm anxious, depressed and suicidal which I wasn't before the injections. Now I'm 2 months off but still experience the side effects.

If you guys have any more information about being on this medication for long periods of time and how it affects your body please let me know.

My skin was clear until I started taking Lamictal. Almost immediately, I experienced acne on my face, neck, chest and back. At lower doses, I experienced insomnia, lack of appetite, headaches, was accident prone and noticed my misspellings with my typing. At higher doses, I started having problems with my eyes, dry eye, uveitis/iritis, break-through bleeding while on birth control, migraines, pressure inside my head, extreme fatigue and sleepiness during the day despite consumption of massive amounts of caffeine.

Thought I had pneumonia, steep throat, ulcers, dementia, broken ear drums......HORRID SIDE EFFECTS. Stopped right away, and felt better in 48 hours. Nausea and dizziness left me unable to walk or function at all.fluid in lungs, and swollen body.

I take 12 mg of cytomel plus 100 mg of thyroxine daily. I have just started taking provera (progesterone) for multiple uterine polyps and it has helped my depression and loss of appetite. I donĀ“t feel so overwhelmed. I believe that I have the polyps as a result of my underactive thyroid. The combination of my meds means that I am feeling better than I have been for the last 30 years.