Aventyl (nortriptyline hydrochloride) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Aventyl (nortriptyline hydrochloride)

20 pounds weight gain severe consptipation

Side Effects foraventyl (nortriptyline hydrochloride) - User Comments


Related User Reviews

Muscle, tendon, bone(?) pain all over body. (7 out of 10 level) Lessening of mental acuity. Started right after first day, continued to get worse (for 6 weeks) and has not let up to any substantial degree even almost 2 months stopping.This is a VERY serious drug with long lasting sequelae for many people!Think twice. Then think again.

Caused me to have HORRIBLE anxiety and depression (no previous mental health conditions). I wanted to commit suicide and I had never in my life had those thoughts until this medication. Nausea every day and no appetite, I lost 10 pounds in a month, and I didn't have it to lose. I think this pill should be taken off the market!!!! It is dangerous

Cramping, always cold, bloating, mood swings,flu like symptoms, heavy bleeding first two months on the pill.

Palpitations and hear pain still there but seem to be subsiding after two weeks of tapering off.

I started taking Xanax recently so I can't speak of any long-term side-effects but it has worked WONDERS for my nightly sleep. I told my regular physician that I was having a hard time getting to sleep (I work 40 hrs/wk and am a grad student) and he recommended this. I am taking the 0.5mg dosage once/night. Why don't they allow refills on this Rx? It's a WONDER DRUG! I was taking 200mg of Benadryl every night (um, not good for the liver!) and it just wasn't working. Now I just take one of these and sleep a straight 8-9 hours/night. I didn't have a lot of luck with Ambien, but this stuff works great! I never take it during the day or when I need to concentrate. I was warned that it was "highly addictive" by another doctor, but we'll see. I am just relieved that I can finally sleep!

My pain is also back but the pain is better than the confusion.

The medicine has worked very well at controlling wheezing and the need for further treatment. The two times I tried to take her off of Flovent, she developed respiratory ailments that required a nebulizer.


Nurse said she'd put in my chart a bad reaction to the drug. I will NEVER take it again, and I have chronic pain.

At first, I experienced no side effects. However, on the third day, I began to feel a tender spot on my thoracic spine which gradually developed into generalized shoulder and neck stiffness. This was compounded by increasing anxiety and nervousness, and an inability to sleep at night. These side effects constantly increased day-by-day until I decided to quit Celebrex.