Aplenzin (bupropion hydrobromide) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Aplenzin (bupropion hydrobromide)

Tremors, diminished fine motor control, insomnia, burning sensation in feet and legs, swollen feet and ankles

This medication made my depression worse. My doctor added it on to Pristiq. I have since added Zoloft to the Pristiq and feel great!

mild-to-moderate insomnia, slight nausea for the first few days, flashes of irritability for the first week, then subsided.

I first tried Wellbutrin as a teen in an inpatient hospital 20 years ago (serious, chronic depression), and it worked wonderfully. Over the years I would go back to it now and then when the depression welled up again. About 4 years ago I had serious side-effects from generic Wellbutrin, and was unable to afford non-generic. Fast forward to now...I read about Aplenzin as being a "tailored" version of Wellbutrin - so (now that I have good insurance) I wanted to give it a try. I have to say that this medication has almost ZERO side effects - I'm so pleased with the results! I started really feeling better two weeks into treatment, so I'll continue with the 174 mg. dose.

loss of appetite, decreased sex drive, still feel depressed sometimes, but it seems to pass more quickly w/this medication than others I've tried

This med was tried in desperation because I haven't had much luck w/antidepressants over the years. I also have rheumatoid arthritis & ankylosing spondilitis so there are those meds to add to the mix.

I'm unsure of whether it is helping or not but if I have to say one way or another I'd say it's helping. I'm still somewhat depressed at times. Other times, not so much. (I'm also taking 10mg of Lexapro every day)

My 15 year old was put on aplenzin after trying several other medications. This has worked wonders!! He is a different child. Highly rec.

yep, that's right. I actually started loosing weight! Not only do I feel soooo much better (more energy, happier, not as moody)but I lost like 15 lbs. wierd. good wierd.Even if I didn't have the added weight loss joy - the drug itself has greatly improved my life. I've tried other drugs. This one worked for me :)I don't know if I'll ever try to stop taking it (if I did, my husband would probably slip it into my coffee!)

APLENZIN (BUPROPION HYDROBROMIDE): This medication is used to treat depression. It may also be used to prevent seasonal affective disorder (SAD), a type of depression that occurs each year at the same time (for example, during winter). This medication can improve your mood and feelings of well-being. It may work by restoring the balance of certain natural substances (dopamine, norepinephrine) in the brain. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


Related User Reviews

This drug works very well at first and after about 2 weeks The conditions started to return. After taking this for one month I feel that I am the same as when I started. I will have to stop taking this. I could deal with the side effects the others have mentioned if the bladder would just completely empty itself.

flushed face and pressure behind the eyes

I had never done well on tradtional anti-depressants,they usually made me manic,or sick.Taking BuSpar has lowered my anxiety levels somewhat.I still feel very tired a lot,and emotionally flat.I have been taking BuSpar for 1 1/2 yrs.

This has been a lifesaver for me. Pain doctor and I worked for 7-8 years to find a med/combo that allows me to function (be a parent, hold down a job, etc) without turning me into a zombie AND takes care of most of the pain. Have tried every medicTion for TNA with little succes and a lot of outright failure. Insurance does not want to cover the cost of this expensive ($1k per month) med, but I appeal their decision each year and have so frar been successful. Helps that I have tried and failed on everything else. I would never try this before trying all the other meds. Not only are they less costly, but less damaging to the system. But when up against a wall...i think that all narcotics should have tamper resistance, but again, that adds to the cost.

been on concerta for 2 months. definitely helps, but exagerrated my blood sugar problems. If there is any one else who is on this medicine who is hypoglycemic, I'd recommend buying a blood glucose monitor to keep an eye on your glucose levels. the medicine seems to intensify the symptoms of hypo.once i started monitoring my blood glucose, i could see a direct coralation between some of my mentioned side effects and my sugar level(always low when side effects are a bit too much).since the medication suppresses the appetite, I found it VERY important to force myself to snack all day(every 2 hours or so to maintain somewhat of a proper b.g. level. It definitely took some of the edge off the side effects.And since glucose is the ONLY fuel your brain uses,maintaining proper levels seem to help the med. work better. Hope this will be useful to atleast a few people.

I am 52 and I have been on Omeprazole 20mg for over 18 years now.I started when it was only available as Losec / Prilosec but I now have generic Omeprazole. It completetly changed my life for the better.Pretty early on I found that taking the 20mg every other day worked best for me unless I feel I have a particularly acidic reaction to some food in which case I just take an extra one. So dosage has remained stable and effective for 18 years.I can say hand on heart that I have been lucky enough to experienced absolutely no side effects. However, I know that I would not now be able to give the drug up. After so many years my body is so used to the regular drug that if I was to miss, say, three days I would get an uncomfortable reaction - But I am quite happy to stay on it for the rest of my life and have no worries.I felt I should post this because you always get lots of negative reation posted on the internet making people frightened and I wanted to provide a positive side - this drug worked wonderfully for me and after 18 years without a problem I think it will continue to do so.

headaches, nausea, vomitting, restlessness, racing thoughts, anxiety, dry mouth, extreme weight loss, bitter taste in mouth, loss of sleep, loss of appetite, loss of concentration.

Best decision of my life. I took it when I was 23, I wish I took it years earlier. Dont drink on it! I ended up taking it about a month or 2 less than what was recommended by the doctor and it still worked great. I think when they first came out with the drug people were taking it for too long or too strong of doses. You will get the most dry skin you have ever had while on the medicine but you will not regret it. Once you get off the medicine, your skin goes back to normal. I went from having horrible acne to total clear skin. I never thought my skin would get so clear so quickly.

Gave this med a 3 rating simply because of the side effects. I am assuming that it is helping. Diagnosed in '08. ERP. Chemo on clinical trial, surgery (bilateral mastectomy) and radiation. Difficulty losing the 25 lbs I have gained since start of this medication. Lack of energy also makes it hard to lose weight. Leg pain and swelling make it hard sometimes to walk for exercise. Stand for work, and have had to cut back on work schedule. I will try to finish out my recommended five year therapy plan.

Flovent worked very well to control my son's asthma. But the price was FAR too high. Parents should be warned to watch carefully for behavioral side effects. We spent a year going a parenting improvement program--only to discover that we were fine parents, as long as our son wasn't on Flovent!