Anafranil (clomipramine hydrochloride) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Anafranil (clomipramine hydrochloride)

I took anafranil I start shivering and feel nusea after 3 hours I got massive heart attack I fell down broke my jaw, I admitted in hospital for 5 day they put stents, I was about to die, please ban this medicine .Thank you

Please don't sell this medicine. If any death occur management is responsible for that.

slight constipation seems only one

helps very well with my mental problems

Terrible heartburn, brain fog and nausea. Rather live with Ocd than take anymore of this evil medication

Most effective medication for me

HeadacheMuscle sorenessStomachacheBitter taste in mouth

Been on 6 antidepressantsNon workedLast resort was clomiipramine and it is somewhat better then the othersI haven't been on it long enough I guess I start my 10th week todayStill getting side effects remaining hopefulI hear it takes time to work for someBest luck to us in need of peace

They changed my life enabling me to live with OCD pure O I dread to think how I would have managed without them.

Side effects were gone within the first couple of week.The only annoying is constipation.

Much calmer and happier overall. It didn't remove OCD thoughts, but definitely helped with panic reactions and anxious behaviour.

Triggered an autoimmune disorder, dangerous lack of concern for self, suicidal ideation, memory loss, brain zaps, seizures, heart damage, began serious self-harming.

This medication is the turning point where my life fell apart and everything along with it. The side effects were severe and some have been permanent over 5 years later. I have almost no memory of the time I was on it. I now have a permanent autoimmune disorder that this medication set off that I will spend the rest of my life fighting to keep it from killing me. The skin on my arms is destroyed, have damage to the side of my head and several arteries, and it made my OCD a million times worse. I wish I could sue due to how much this medication ruined my life, if only to pay for the medical bills it caused me to rack up (and continue to rack up).

Sweating, weight gain, loss of libido

Works incredibly well for panic disorder but weight gain and loss of libido are severe.

Brain Zapping on and off. Extremely sensitive skin unable to sunbathe burn very easily even when using high factor sun cream.

Life changing! Had many problems with SSRIs over the past 10 years I was allergic to everything but Anafranil along side Lamotrigine is a game changer for me and my family. I am much better person and feel so much better than ever before.

Depression, fatigue, tiredness

I've tried just about every SSRI available and nothing has ever subsided by OCD the way Anafranil does. I would go as far to call this medication a life-saver. If you're willing to brace some bad depression for the first two months or so of taking it, the effects are very much worth it.

Increased thirst, orgasmic dysfunction, orthostatic hypotension, constipation

Was on 80mg of Prozac for 25 years and basically OCD symptom-free. Prozac stopped working and was put on 200mg Luvox. Helped a lot with OCD but made me so tired I fell asleep briefly behind the wheel once. Now on max dose of Anafranil for OCD (250mg). It’s lights out for OCD but with really annoying side effects. It’s only been three months but I am thinking of going back to an SSRI like Zoloft and see if that helps with fewer side effects. If not, I’ll probably be on Clomipramime for life. It’s all about trade-offs since no med is perfect I think.

Unfortunately some anticholinergic effects are present. Dry mouth at the beginning, but that went away after a few weeks. A feeling of heart burn / reflux that didn't go away. Brain fog / cognitive impairment.This caused sexual dysfunction on a way different level than SSRIs, with almost complete anorgasmia.Also a slight increase in heart rate.

Really potent antidepressant, but with a number of annoying side effects. In my experience it packs quite a bit more punch that SSRIs.Go slow with the dosage increases, starting with 10mg for at least two weeks and then move to 25mg. The dosage often prescribed is WAY too high and won't increase effectiveness, but will markedly increase side-effects. Don't recommend going higher than 25mg as you already have very high binding to the serotonin and noradrenalin transporters at this dosage.Drug takes about 4 weeks to show it's full effect, and during that time you may feel worse.

Extreme insomnia,Excessive thirst,

OCD/dermatillomania, Anxiety, depression

Dry mouth, brain zaps, night sweats,sexual dysfunction, tremmors, muscle twitching,insomnia

Side effects halted after 6-8 weeks of starting medication as well as with every dosage adjustment. Sexual dysfunction is still an issue a year later

Dry mouth, night sweats, sweating, ringing ears, dry eyes, loss of sex drive

Anxiety, major depression, OCD

Constipation, Short term memory loss, hand tremor, weight gain... all minor but much better than not taking the medicine.

My Doctor quickly upped the dosage higher and higher. Over 150 mg at one point. I cut it down to 25 mg and kept it that was for many years. Now I have reduced it to 10 mg. Doctors like to increase the dosage but I feel fine now at 10 mg. My Doctor is aware that I cut it back.Anafranil is an old drug but was brand new when I first started. I tried the newer drugs but they don't work for me. Zoloft was terrible. I also tried Citalopram, Wellbutrin and others but for me I seem to do best with Anafranil. What works for one person won't always work for another.Anafranil is a miracle drug for me.

Dry mouth, insomnia, pains in joints, burping, terribe constipation, increased depression

I did note a slight decrease in my OCD within a day or two, but the side effects such as insomnia made me feel worse and overall I got more depressed. I would rather have my OCD than put up with the terrible side effects. Celexa 20mg controls my depression well, by the way.

Depression and anxiety, thougts

Suicide attempts. Aggressive. Teeth pain. Erratic behaviour. Memory loss

Tried once before years ago and worked on a low dose, tried again and not helped at all. Still in a state of unreality and another psychiatrist took me off 200mg.He stated he would like me on 10/30max or not at all. I've since had propranolol but I've ceased all meds for time being. Currently got the and social anxiety. No purpose

ANAFRANIL (CLOMIPRAMINE HYDROCHLORIDE): Clomipramine is used to treat obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD). It helps decrease persistent/unwanted thoughts (obsessions), and it helps reduce the urge to perform repeated tasks (compulsions such as hand-washing, counting, checking) that interfere with daily living. This medication belongs to a class of medications called tricyclic antidepressants. It works by restoring the balance of certain natural substances (serotonin, among others) in the brain. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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Constipation, dizziness, light headed, inability to think clearly, confusion, memory impairment, sleepy.

Extremely painful achilles tendons (now walk like Frankenstein in the a.m. and after sitting for awhile). Also sudden weight gain (round the mid-section).Have been off Crestor for 3 months - damage done - still very, very painful achilles tendons!!!

This is my 3rd med now in a years time. Started out on Zocor (simvastatin), then switched to Mevacor (lovastatin), now Crestor 5mg dose. First 2 brought my #s down substantially, but now just trying to find something that doesn't have so many bad side effects.

Dizziness,confusion,large breasts,depression,headaches and itchy eyes.But I am peeing much better.

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