Amoxapine (amoxapine) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Amoxapine (amoxapine)

AMOXAPINE (AMOXAPINE): This medication is used to treat depression. Treating depression can improve your mood and sense of well-being and allow you to enjoy everyday life more. Amoxapine is a tricyclic antidepressant. It works by restoring the balance of natural chemicals (neurotransmitters) in the brain. Because amoxapine has some effects that are similar to those of major tranquilizers, it may work better in patients who have agitation or anxiety along with depression. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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At first, it worked great. I was a pack a day smoker but the only problem is that I never came off of the 4mg gum. My doc said it was fine to continuing chewing because it was less damaging than smoking. Only problem is that just about on the 5 year mark of chewing about 10 pcs a day. I now have severe TMJ, which has causing quite the bout with anxiety. I now have switched to the 2mg losenges (to reduce the jaw damage) while I try and quit nicotine replacement for ever. I recommend that people go ahead and use the gum, but STOP after the 12 weeks that the box states!

I've experienced "allergic skin rash" x the last 16 months. Thought t might be Orencia, but this medication works so WELL for my arthritis-I eiminated everything else. However, this still persists.. Seeing my next week. Due for infusion this week and I'm so afraid to take it. My rash is improving as I started Prednisone yesterday and that certainly helps. As soon as I go off Prednisone (reducing dose) it seems to return probably because I get my next infusion.

It didn't help me fall asleep at all. When I finally slept, I had vivid dreams, then woke with nausea, severe headache, and grogginess the first day. Every night after that, it didn't work at all and left me with a nauseating headache the next day.

Loss of appetite. Slight shortness of breath. Minor allergic reaction after a week.

Started with 1/2 tablet and slept for 14 hours. Then another nap. Went two more nights with somewhat normal sleep, then coudn't sleep at all. Makes my muscles ache and twitch. Can't think well. Paranoia. Craving carbs--can't stop eating donuts, and other sweets. Feelings of self-hatred now that I'm taking this drug. I think I'd be better off without it, but the Doctor's think I can wake up on time in the mornings and resist sugar intake through enough self-will and determination. My opinion: walk a mile in my shoes and THEN tell me that.

i took zyban a few years ago and quit smoking for 9 mnths. i dont remember having these side effects im having this time. very bad side efects. but i do know the drug works and these will go away with time just like the smokes....Good Luck all

I didn't have any side effects that I can recall.

This drug controlled my hypertension and prevented frequent headaches and migraine. The pain on the back of my neck and shoulders was also helped by this drug. There were no other undesirable side effects. I thought I found my "wonder drug" until subsequent blood tests revealed that it was causing muscle damage. I now switched to a different class of drug (CCB's) and the muscle aches still linger but has definitely improved. I no longer awake in the morning, feeling sore--as though I ran all night!

Severe headaches with nausea vomiting. More pain different in neck area severe panic attacks everyday debilitating side effects and pain. Feels like I am losing my mind.