Zonegran (zonisamide) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Zonegran (zonisamide)

ZONEGRAN (ZONISAMIDE): Zonisamide is used with other medications to prevent and control seizures (epilepsy). Zonisamide is a sulfonamide anticonvulsant and a carbonic anhydrase inhibitor. It is unknown how zonisamide works to prevent seizures. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


Related User Reviews

The makers of this drug should be sued especially Eli Lilly for coming out with these so called "safe" drugs. Long term side effects are lied about in trials. The side effects are irreversible possibly unless a drug comes out that can reverse it.

severe pain in joints, difficulty walking, flu-like symptons. Pain lasted for approximately 3 weeks. Taking 1 month pill - will never take again. Reported to pharmacy, dr.

insomnia, loss of appetite from day 1 of drug. depression & emotional distress after a few days into the drug. slight dizziness if on empty stomach

Very tired. Numbness in my arms and shoulders, joint pain, especially in hands and knees. Mild dizziness, vision seems worse. Mild nausea. Not sure if any of it is related to Bystolic, but I don't take any other medications or supplements or vitamins. The comments here have made me a bit nervous. I don't want to have a stroke, but I'm not completely comfortable with taking this med.

I have been on ambien and was up to 30mg but it would still take 2-3the hrs to kick in. I have been using unisom when my ambien runs out bc im only allowed a certain amount each month. I am now up to 5-6a pills and they ztill take 2-3 hrs to fall asleep. I wish i could find a sleeping pill thatwould take 15-30the mins to work and still sleep through the night. With 6 pills i still wake up in the middle of the night and if i have to get up for work after only 3 hrs of sleep i dont feel groggy or anything. Im wide awake and can stay awake for 24 hrs no problem

if you don't want to gain weight DO NOT TAKE. Extremely bad experience for me. I would rather be unhappy/sleep deprived than fat and happy.

i was given this after not having regualr periods since march 2010 until 8-2010. i ended up in the er due to several stomach pain. which turned out the i had a ovary cyst 2.5 cm. My ob says birth control is not a opinion since i have history of headaches and it could cause me to have a stroke. so i was given provera 10mg. and i am suppost to take it on the first of each month. i started yesterday. so far i am just spotting, and still having my severa pain ( like i am having a baby minus the baby). i have been having nausea, and severa pain before i even started the provera. i was told this would help get my cycles regular and hopefully help the cyst. i am keeping my fingers crossed. i dont know if i am suppost to get my cycles while taking provera or after taking it. so far i am spotting brown blood not a lot just enough to wear a pad. i have to take it for 10 days twice a day. so i dont know if this is my period or if i will get another period after i take my last pill. i guess i will find out soon enough.

At first Claritin seems to help my allergy symptoms, but after about 6-8 weeks it seems Claritin makes them worse. The same thing happened with Nasalcrom. I have noticed this pattern for a couple of years now. Very recently I got so bad that I was sneezing 10 times in a row, had extremely red and itchy eyes, etc.Wearing a dust mask and stopping Claritin helped immensely. Before I stopped walking outside would lead to sneezing in less than 2 minutes. 3 days later after stopping, I went for a 3 mile walk with 0 sneezes.

I have been on Flagyl for 3 days now due to C-diff. Had severe diarrhea for 3 weeks and went to see the Doc. Looks like Clindamycin is the culprit. Stool sample came back positive for C-diff. No side effects as of yet except for being tired.