Vimpat (lacosamide) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Vimpat (lacosamide)

VIMPAT (LACOSAMIDE): Lacosamide is used to prevent and control seizures. It is an anticonvulsant or antiepileptic drug. It works by reducing the spread of seizure activity in the brain. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


Related User Reviews

followed instructions- took an aspirin 1/2 hr., some food and took 1000 mg niaspan. an hour later i was red, hot, itchy, all with a touch of panic. googled on product and realized i wasn't alone. have not decided but might try 250 or 500 mg and see what happens. if there is a reaction--i am off this drug.

I lost 8 years of my life before I figured out these pills were the cause, I lost family and friends because I was not myself. Its so ez to become addicted to these pills. Coming off them is nearly impossible. U must take seizure meds. I hate to detox by myself, I have amesia, and I had seizures. My life is a nightmare.- can't believe this is my life. I've been off 1 month and I still cannot believe what has happened to me.the pill was great at first I had no worries but u pay the price because this pill will turn on you like the devil. My faith was broken, noone understands its so frustrating. Please if u love someone don't let them take this. Its the path to hell I promise. 1 year quickly turned into 8, all u end up with is a pile of ashes and a bad reputation. This pill will ruien your life!!!!! Drs have no business giving this to anyone!!!! Noone is excemt the strongest fall prey. Eminem fell prey stevie nicks fell prey. We lost icons to this drug. But still drs hand it out like candy. They see ur addicted and they just don't give a dam!!!!please if u love someone please help them. I had to detox alone and it feels like ur trippin!!!! I don't know when its gonna stop. I'm being so strong but this is so hard!!!! I have vertigo, I don't remember anything. 1 year turned in to 8 with a quickness. Your left with devistation and dibilated.all because of a Drs GREED!!!!!!

Am now further convinced the FDA is really not on the ball, big pharma is out for profits ONLY.

My life has become completely horrible while using the patch. My doctor urged me to continue using it as I need something to regulate my periods and birth control has a tendency to make me nauseated. I have gained 18 ib. since starting the patch and it has turned my life upside down as I feel like I'm dying every day! I went against my doctor's wishes and took the patch off today after reading many women are having similar issues. I generally feel terrible when I have my period so on my break week I wouldn't know if it was the patch making me feel so gross. My symptoms slowing increased from mild to extreme in just three months. I removed it just a few hours and washed the spot it was on thoroughly and my head feels less fuzzy already.

Increased urination (especially during the night), lowered sex drive.

increased appetite, extreme drowziness, weight gain, difficulty concentrating, relaxed and feeling good

because of the sore throat and feeling like i need to lie down for half an hour or so after using it, i use my inhaler as little as possible, but it does relieve the breathing issues remarkably well and i never go anywhere without it.

I was prescribed Doxy for a cat bite to my hand. After the first day all I could taste was metal, Dr said this would go away, it didn't. After 2 days I deveolped a rash on my foot and had been running a fever of 102 for two days, with Ibuprofen. Went to the ER twice once for a fever of 103 and chest rash and again fever of 104.7 and high blood pressure. I was given IV antibiotics and sent home as they felt it was the infection still. After 5 days I couldn't eat anything I felt so sick decided to skip that nights dose. On the 6th day I couldn't drink and woke up with blisters under my tongue and a full body rash. Returned to the ER, was admitted with a 104.7 temp, kidneys were shutting down (I pissed red, not the color you want to see) liver was failing and developed hepatitis. Another day and I would have been dead were the words the Dr said. I was put on IV steroids (did I mention the first guy blew out my vien? Yeah just to top off the whole dieing part.) After two days, I was released because I asked to go home, I missed my kids and hate hospitals .I had to be on steroids for a month and have labs drawn every two days to monitor my liver function. Monitoring then dropped to once a month, 3 months, 6 months, and annual. It damaged part of my liver and threw my immune system into chaos. My plalettes were so low I could barely stay awake more then a couple of hours, even on steriods.They said I had a severe systemic reaction, which is rare.I followed that with a year of in

I need to drive a truck all day for a living. I can't deal with the nausea and dizziness etc., Would I be better off taking it at night or just getting my doctor to switch the medication to something else?

Only side effect I experienced shortly after was fatigue. A few days after my first infusion I experienced joint pain. I was starting to realize making a fist was very painful. After my second infusion my joint pain became even worse.