Trileptal (oxcarbazepine) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Trileptal (oxcarbazepine)

I'm still taking this medication. I still experience these side effects: tiredness and poor memory. If I take my dosage too early, I still will get numb lips and double-vision.

I now take the generic version of Trileptal, Oxcarbazepine. I noticed no negative effects switching the generic version. I also now take 1500 mg each day, 750 mg AM and 750 mg PM.

weight gain - even if I just ate, I still feel hungry.brain fog - I have a very hard time concentrating or finding the word I'm looking for.emotional numbness - I'm not depressed anymore but I don't feel joy either. I just want to sit at home all day every day doing nothing.

I have taken this before and stopped taking it due to headaches. I'm not getting headaches this time. It does help me avoid depression but being in an emotionless fog isn't much better.

My anus relaxed & I was able to empty my colon at 4-5 hours after taking medicine. My anus is still relaxed after a week & can open wide.The problem is my stomach, small intestine, and large intestine have stopped working & nothing has gotten to the working rectum.

Muscle ache and drowsiness blurred vision feeling tired

Very effective but it takes time to work

Internal full body tremors, stomach pain, constipation, head pressure, ear pressure, chest pain, minor anxiety, shortness of breath, cannot stand for more than a few minutes, feeling weak, eye issues.

Kinda helps my mood swings, but not enough for me to really wanna stay on it. Since it kicked in and I got somewhat used to it, I have not felt well. Cannot work or even shower everyday anymore. Too weak and hurt too much. I have been to the ER and they want me to see a cardiologist. Dunno if the medication is making me feel borderline dead or if I just developed a major health issue around the same time..... Either way, I feel like I am gonna have a seizure almost all day, I feel stupid, and I have not been able to leave my couch in about a month unless I just use the bathroom. Standing to do anything is excruciating and basically impossible. I have to have tests done, but all of my issues started whenever I started to get use to this medication. I am sure it works well for others, but I am over it at this point.

Made me feel like a zombie the whole day and nightDidn't help with anger. Made my life miserable, could barely drive to work I was so tired and almost fell asleep on the job many times, thankfully I was never let go.

Anxiety, confused, forgetful, 25 lb. weight gain in 11/2 years, peripheral neuropathy, horrible horrible insomnia, dry mouth 24/7, dry eyes, double vision.

Numb lips and tongue. Fatigue. Agitation. Constipation. Dizziness.

18 of more than 40 side effects are due to the reaction Trileptal has with Sodium. The lips begin to chap, heavy levels of Flem buildup in the lungs, throat and sinus track, Oedema Peripheral, balance disorder, speech disorder, Dysphagia, Dyspnoea, Hot Flashes, dry mouth and throat, syncope, Asthenia memory impairment, memory impairment, balance disorder, number and letters are reversed, High sodium levels in the body short circuit the direction of the fingers while typing, even though I a verbally saying the proper letter.Insomnia comes when fluid retention reaches its peak lasting approximately two and a half hours. Fluid retention, the urethra shuts down urine flow to almost nothing and later opens like an uncontrollable flood. Sodium level drops so lower surgery was canceled. Weight increase increases in several days and then decreases 3 to 7 pounds in less than 8 hours dropping sodium level in the body. Trileptal and Naproxen do not work well together, urine turns in t

Bone density continues to be destroyed by Trileptal. Forteo has been used three different times to increase bone density, when stopped bone density declines. Hypothyroidism, RESTLESS LEGS SYNDROME, acid reflux, The nerves begin to tingle on the scalp and begin to spread down into the chest and arms. As the patient, I have been dealing with more than what has been entered, doctors have a difficult time accepting what I am experiencing. They doubt what is being said until they uncover what is taking place. Approximately 12 to 18 months after starting Trileptal I was told I was massively asthmatic. The medications did not work. When seeing a different doctor he did not believe me until one appointment there was no wheezing, no phlegm build-up anywhere to be found. Sodium had been completely dropped from the diet, when I began to use sodium a few weeks later it returned. In the beginning, I was prescribed three 600mg tablets daily. The information I have entered covers some of what I have experienced. I began lowering the Trileptal intake down to just two 300mg pills a day late last year. When I moved to Washington State last November, I began to lower the Trileptal intake and began using RSO - Rick Simpson Oil - Cannabis Oil. The Trileptal was down to just 150mg when I woke up and RSO when I went to bed due to the reaction that took place when taken at the same time. On August 4, only RSO was taken for the Epilepsy and has seizure activity controlled. The major

Warm feeling in face; dizziness; double vision; extreme drowsiness but inability to sleep; hallucinations when I first began but stopped; migraines with aura; nausea; jerk in limbs; eye movements; unsteady when on feet.

Awful. I complained to my dr but she wants to increase it. She does not listen to me but sadly she is the ONLY psych in town. Be careful with this medication.

Witch doctor forcing me to take it

Shaking, tremors, chest pains, coordination issues

It’s a horrible medication they should not prescribe it.

My mood swings were every 20 minutes. While in the psychiatric hospital, they put me on Trileptal. At first, I paced the halls and wanted to crawl right out of my skin. They lowered it back down, and I was able to get used to it. After sometime, my mood swings leveled. It helped me very much. It also helped to make the Effexor work better.After many years, I lowered my dose from 150 milligrams 2 times a day, down to 225 mg per dayI don't know why. Seems to be what bipolar people do. Doc raised it back up to 300 mg a day. I struggled with suicidal thoughts, and depression was worse. It took a few weeks to level out.

If sensitive to meds, I recommend starting off on a low dosage of maybe 100mg. Raising up very slowly because the possibility of becoming suicidal

I took my meds this morning and after about and hour i started feeling my brain was in a fog and then it go weirder I cant stop grinding my teeth and they are broken now then my stomach hurt so bad it wrapped around my back and left lung. I dont know what to do

I feel I will get fussed at if I quit it but my jaw hurts so bad I cant stop crying

Depression anon epileptic seizures

At first I told my Dr I was having panic attacks because of the meds, so we tried lower dosage of 75mg per day for 2 weeks. No more panic attacks. However, dizziness, vomiting, nausea and some how weight GAIN through all the vomiting. Irritable at the drop of a hat, constantly angry for NO reason. Rapid mood swings. I have never had mood swings, not even with "that time of the month" that were this rapid or this terrible. I was diagnosed with bipolar but I have NEVER had manic episodes. I do believe this is a misdiagnosis. The side effects are interfering with my day to day life and making it hard to get up for work or even complete my job.

I would not recommend. Drs seem to not give a care when the side effects outweigh the therapeutic uses. Why does the pamphlet with the meds say "tell your dr right away if..." if they don't do anything about it?

Nausea almost to point of throwing up. Headaches.

I have been suffering for a few months with rapid cycling and panic attacks But boy has this med changed my life. I just hope this nausea goes away.

Loss of appetite- weight Loss, loss of sex drive, fatigue, muscle wastage

Has worked well as a mood stabilizer I'd been wrongly diagnosed and treated for depression for years only to be diagnosed with rapid cycling bipolar worsened by my treatment with citalopram, trileptal has definitely helped a lot but the lack of sexual desire is frustrating as is the muscle wastage ( I'm a tree surgeon and have started to struggle wielding tools when previously I've had no problem)The effect on my bipolar is massive I've been taking 600mg twice a day but hope to balance it out to no more than 900mg pd

Read long term side effects. I hope to ween off it, medical cannabis in place of it, I didn't need more bone issues,ect. 😡😩😬I want to be me.

Many side effects. My Doctor said no weight gain and that was bs. Weird dreams and nightmares, very weak and lazy,sore teeth,dark urine,No sex drive,depression and negative thoughts worse,can't think clearly,flu like symptoms,drymouth,etc.

Started out on 150mg once a day, didn't like how I felt and the doctor doubled the dose after three days to 300mg. Didn't really feel any better, so I switch the dose to night time instead of morning. No difference. So after another two weeks he upped it again to night. Felt the same. I've tried splitting the dose every twelve hours and nothing.The only thing I felt was worse physically and mentally. I feel like I have no more feelings of happiness, anger, or sadness. Just a zombie. These doctors make me laugh when they tell you, you have to give it time while it's going on months now. Praying to God I don't suffer any lasting side affects like the sodium levels, etc. I was previously on Lamictal and that was a joke too.

GAD/generalized anxiety disorder

Difficulty achieving orgasm, sleepiness.

This stuff is amazing. It helps the anger from GAD, and negative thoughts. Never hd issues with weight gain.

TRILEPTAL (OXCARBAZEPINE): Oxcarbazepine is used alone or with other medications to treat seizure disorders (epilepsy). (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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Was prescribed Cefdinir (generic Omnicef) for a nasty sinus infection following the flu. As directed, I took one capsule every 12 hours with food. I also took a probiotic supplement once daily, about halfway between doses. Cefdinir cleared up my sinus pressure and sinus symptoms within 2 days, but the side effects were too much for me. The chest tightness and pain began on day 2 and gradually intensified. By day 4, I was experiencing shortness of breath and doubled over with intense abdominal cramps that came in waves and wrapped around to my back, similar to early childbirth contractions. I called my GP and he told me to stop taking. One day later, and I'm still experiencing some lingering chest pain/muscle soreness, but the other side effects have subsided. I have never had such a bad reaction to an antibiotic in my life. Never taking this one again.

after a few months i had sever lower adominal pain. i could quit taking it and pain would go away. prostrate also would enlarge.

In 2007 I started having panic attacks after 1 week of reglan, i was 15 years, a month after my dr. prescribe me zoloft, trileptal and clonazepam, I completely recover in 3 or 4 years and stopped the meds, I was normal again and happy... In October 2012 I had GI problems and I was at hospital and they gave me reglan and my panic attacks came back!! I don't want to take drugs again, I want to be normal again, do I go back to normality again? My life is a hell cause the panic attacks gave me agoraphobia... I hate the person I am bc reglan :( email me: [email protected]

I was awake most of the night. My skin was itchy as if I had the hives. I will be throwing the whole bottle away. I'm afraid to ever try it again.

I have had a spinal fusion of L4,5 & S1. A year later I had to have the hardware removed because I couldnt tolerate it. I have degenerative disc desease, osteoprosis, fibromialgia, and now am looking at surgery on L2,& 3 and also on discs in my neck. Before being prescribed MS Contin, I couldnt get out of bed. Now I am taking 240mg a day and am able to function almost normally. They tried me on all different kinds of pain medication but the MS Contin is the only one that seems to help. What I dont understand about this medication is why it is so hard to get prescribed. I had to "doctor shop" for months before I found one that would prescribe it. The doctors are all so afraid that you will get addicted to it that they wont give it to you. So f**king what if you get addicted. Id would much rather be addicted and function normally than not to be and not be able to get out of bed. What is it with all these doctors?? If only they were in my shoes.... Im just s

I started taking this pill on and off for several months at a time and stopping for a few days at a time and going back at it since Jan 2018. I was not suspecting this pill was the root of all of my problems. I gained 40 lbs since 2018 while working out, dieting and I was not able to drop more than 5 lbs and then gaining all back. I thought the problem was my age! When I decided to get off of it, experienced horrible itching all over my body similar to when you drink pre-work out that contains beta-alanine, is not in your skin, is somewhere a little bit more deep inside your skin. Also felt like throwing up, could not fall asleep, my mid section started to shrink within 3 days after stopping! I do not feel like snacking or bloated. I know I'm going to keep pushing through getting off of zyrtec, It is my 6th day, so far CBD oil before going to bed and shower a few times a day with cold water has helped a lot with itchiness.

Decreased appetite, weight loss, headaches, clear skin, increased sex drive.

This has worked great for me. I started on 75mg, then went up to 150mg and then 300mg a day. The only side effects I get is night sweats. I did lose weight on effexor. It could be a coincidence. Dr said some people eat more when they're happy and some eat less so that's probably why some people put on weight while others lose while on effexor.