Topamax sprinkle (topiramate) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Topamax sprinkle (topiramate)

Lethargic, insomnia, anxious, tingling in hands, mouth, feetNo appetite, depressed thoughts, crying, moody, Slow response, body became highly acidic !!!!!!! Avoid at ALL COST !!!!!!!

Makes sodas flat tasting and makes you kinda out of your mind for awhile but once I took them for awhile it stopped other than the flat soda taste took the pain away and I felt better than I ever did but they cost alot and I can't afford to takebthem anymore so I have to live with the pain now.

And to add the sprinkle caps helped the tablets did nothing they never touched the pain

Omg this is dangerous meds .....: buring of the nose throat eyes head back stomach .... Eyes felt heavy like they were glued brain zaps withdraws are nasty week tired rash don't use danger meds

I felt totally stoned. Like a had a martini and joint for breakfast and lunch. It stayed with me all day. I could not deal with it. decades ago I used recreational drugs and the feeling was something like that only a bit more chemical feel and brain numbness. I could not remember basic stuff. I did this for two weeks and bailed. I could not function in my job.

I was on topamax for around 2 years. For the entire time, I experience periodic nausea, but it was manageable until about 8 months ago. I suddenly started feeling nauseous every day. I was vomiting almost daily and losing weight due to my inability to eat regular meals. After extensive testing for gastrointestinal diseases, I was diagnosed with gastroparesis. It took several months and thousands of dollars of testing and medication to come to this conclusion. About three weeks ago, I accidentally forgot to take my topamax for several days in a row. As what seemed to be a result, my stomach problems literally disappeared. To be certain, I took Topamax again for a few days and low and behold I was sick as a dog AGAIN! It's the Topamax. As someone else noted, it caused horrible problems with my stomach and gastroparesis is a very serious disease that requires alot of medical attention and a complete life change. I wasn't able to eat raw vegitables, raw fruit, nuts, fats, most c

It's not worth it. I still got migraines and the side effects were absolutely insane. I am seriously considering legal action.

change in taste, frequent headaches, fatigue, emotional changes, feelings of unreality, weight loss, no appetite, sore gums

I have been on topamax for one month for migraines because the side effects for inderal were awful. the worst side effect from topamax for me now is the sore, painful gums. it hurts to eat and brush my teeth. i usually am only hungry enough to eat one meal a day. always tired. has helped with migraines but still have lingering headaches. very emotional and sometimes feel like this isn't "real life"

Complete numbness in feet (always one, sometimes both). Numbeness in right side of face. Tingling in hands, nose, chin, eyebrows and left side of face.

I was on topamax four separate times with length of time varying from 4 month to 11 months. I started out on lower dosages with mild side effect, but it didn't help much. When the doctor upped my dose, the side effects kicked in. By the time we reached an effective dose, my feet went completely numb. I waited for nearly a year for this to decrease, but nothing happened.

Tingling in legs and hands. Difficulty breathing when running. Leg and back pain. Constant itching.

My 13yr old daughter takes this med. This is the worse drug ever! Doctors are just brushing me off. So i started to *slowly* decrease this med myself. We have to be our children's advocates. Doctor's and Nurse's don't know everything!

Forgetfulness, loss of concentration, zombie like feelings, personality changes

My neurologist prescribed this to me and I would initally take 25 MG at night time then work up to 100 MG, 50 in the morning, 50 at night. When I started taking this medication, I immediately started noticing the side effects. I had just studied for a quiz & when I went to take it my mind just went blank I could not remember anything I had just looked at/studied. I felt like I was a zombie, my personality was diminishing. I couldn't concentrate. I did not feel like my usual happy, up-beat self. I am no longer taking this medication.

I experienced some weight loss, tingling in my fingers and toes, and some numbness. More side effects that the topamax caused, were that carbonated beverages tasted terrible, I had mood changes(slight irritability), headaches, fatigue, some spaciness, an inability to spell simple words or come up with words in conversations. It drove me insane! It was absolutely frustrating, but if you can be patient for a week or so all the airheadness will pass.

The tingling and numbness can be easily remedied by taking a fish oil supplement twice daily with your topamax. My doctor gave me that tip, something about the omega 3 fatty acids. It sounds crazy but try it! The dosage depends on your topamax dosage. If you are on a lower topamax dosage you’d be on a lower fish oil dosage. (I'm on the higher end it starts out at 25mg)I take 100mg tablet twice daily of topamax and my fish oil dose is 1000mg twice daily. (Yes, I'm sorry I didn't take the sprinkle capsule, it’s expensive and overrated. The topamax tablet now comes in generic and I'm a pharmacy technician. Go generic if available!)

Over-heating in hot environments; thirst-need to drink lots of water-can't now do physical exercise in hot weather. Blood sugar issues, but this can resolve with nutritional support-molasses in warm water and honey/vinegar...yes it's worth a go!!

It works very well, and the sprinkle formulation is great for flexibility and digestion. Blood sugar issues might be helped by nutritional support??

Weight Loss (intended); Memory Loss; Tingling in fingers and feet

Lost 25 pounds with no effort; starting to go off medication slowly because I don't want to loose any more. It just keeps coming off. Side effects are a serious consideration. It did help with my menstral migraines for a while but it doesn't seem to help anymore.

Worst headaches:daily, and stronger -about 6 from scale 1-10.

I have been taking this drug for almost 2 weeks and my headaches are worse than before in addition to all the normal symptomps. My doctor can't tell me why, but he tells me I should keep taking it. I have not seen anywhere that more Headaches are a side effect of TOPOMAX...... wierd, and I don't know if I should stop.

New Daily Persistent Headaches

Tingling in the fingers. Loss of words- even the very basic ones! Loss of weight (over 20 lbs)and being spacey.

I don't know what I would do without this medicine. I have had a daily headache for the past 8 years and this drug has been a lifesaver. I can live with the side effects as this medication has most days, lowered my headaches from a 7 to around a 4 (0-10). As for lost of words or spelling of words- get a dictionary or as I say to people "it is the drugs" and most people will smile/laugh or shrug it off as today most people are on some type of drug. Just make sure you start with a low dosage and work yourself up- don't let the doctors tell you when you are ready for a higher dose.

nausea, abdominal pain and bloatedness, delayed gastic emptying, numbness and tingling from elbows to fingers, eye pain, tiredness, emotional instability, cabonated beverages taste awful, attitude of not caring about things.

The first time I took Topamax was for about 18 months. I had no idea all these things happening to me were from the Topamax. I had testing done and even went to a GI specialist. I had horrible invasive testing done! I was diagnosed with severe gastroparesis. I complained to my neuro doctor about the stomach issues, the numbness the tingling, the tiredness, everything. She never mentioned it could be from the topamax. It wasn't until I stopped taking it that I realized everything stopped. But my agonizing pain from my trigiminal neuralgia came back in full force. I tried Tegretol and Lyrica. If you ever want to gain about 30 pounds just try taking Lyrica for a while. They never worked at all so here I am back on Topamax with my fingers numb and my stomach hurting. I took a drink of a coke today and actually gagged. The topamax is really not working yet and I've been taking it for about a week now. Maybe it has to build up in my system again??

Total numbness in my right foot!

Have been taking 25 mg for about a week and have had numbness for five days! I hate this and I'm going off it! :(

Experienced horrible mood change. It totally altered my generally optimistic personality to one of anger and even rage for no reason (I had never experienced this before) - I now refer to topamax as the "drug from hell." I was only on Topamx for @ 1 month and after I stopped, the feelings of anger ceased and I felt like my old self again.

Continuous thirst;inability to tolerate hot atmospheres. Some eye-strain. Need to limit IT use

Works very well indeed, without affecting energy levels. Very pleased

This medicine was written for my 2 year old grandson. (25 mg) The first dose caused him to see things, after taking it in the first two hours he cried out... pulling at invisible strings, wanting held comforted, rubbing his belling, rubbing his legs, pulling his fingers, which we interpreted as tingles. The next morning he was still seeing things pointing at things that weren't there. After a phone call to the neuro. (doctor) he indicated that was seizures and we were to double the dose. He indicated that this drug in non hallucinogenic and give it to him at late afternoon and again before bedtime. Again giving one more dose the same side affects happened but worse. We placed an emergency call to his primary care physician at that point the on-call doctor said we were to not give the second dose. Which confirmed that we weren't going to after we witnessed the second round of side affects.

I'm not sure if this medicine has been tested for 2 year olds but I wouldn't recommend it.

dizziness, hallucinations, severe panic attacks, numbness in face, tongue, & hands, none of my words came out right, extreme mood swings, extreme highs and lows, i felt like i was going crazy, everything was surreal, no comprehension of time, misplacing things, memory loss, horrible smells that came from nowhere, an unexplainable lack of care for responsibility (including hygiene), loss of appetite, extreme laziness, black outs, suicidal thoughts

I couldn't carry out normal daily functions. I started feeling like a completely different person. It made me a lot more social, which I enjoyed, but I didn't realize how much of a fool I was making of myself. Despite the horrible panic attacks & mood swings, I was enjoying the uppity moments, til my sister sat me down & told me how crazy I was acting & I was scaring her. At first I didn't believe her, because my reality was so distorted. I'd get lost just driving down my block. The hallucinations & black outs were the worst. I'd get from one place to another & not understand how I got there or how to return. My sense of time, reality, everything was so out of whack that I thought I'd been taking the medication for weeks, & I thought I had permanently damaged myself. At times, I felt like I was in some eternal dream, & everything was a joke/game. It did, however, cure my migranes & seemingly endless nightmares...but with the roller coaster ride

TOPAMAX SPRINKLE (TOPIRAMATE): Topiramate is used alone and with other medications to prevent and control seizures (epilepsy). It is also used to prevent migraine headaches. Topiramate belongs to a class of drugs known as anticonvulsants. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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I took this to help relieve some back and neck pain that I been having. I looked up what is a good one. This came up. I took 2(220mg). It said I can for adults but not 3 in a 24hr period. I took with water. After ate dinner, pho(vietnamese soup). Then drank more water. Woke up to tight chest and stomach, heartburn and threw up a little. Was able to sleep after. But woke up to tight chest and heartburn. It like a back and forth feeling.....this should not be over-the-counter. Especially reading into it after my side effects. It easy to overdose, no sorry not easy, you can accidentally overdose.

I read about people in jail for murder trying to say that medrol contributed. I would have locked them up and laughed at their defense prior to my taking it. Google this guy Randall Creek, or Robert Danenberg. one was a duputy sheriff from bowling green who refereed high school football games and served in desert storm. the other was a young lawyer with a life ahead of him. Now they are convicted murderers. Unreal how this stuff can take a bad emotion and make you feel it is reckoning day and your last day on earth.

Drowsy at first, but helped with extreme anxiety. Became tolerant to it to the point where it didn't cause any drowsiness, but a lucid feeling, and addiction. Took it with alcohol, caffeine to just feel good, for a few hours in a day. God! Like a junkie. I would go crazy if I couldn't find my pill box in my purse! I am now going through withdrawal, because I want to be able to feel real again. I was put on this by a psychiatrist, and now, the last 23 years of my life are just a blur. Yes, it helped me from passing out when taking my mom to the ER at 3am countless times, and caring for her until she died. But now I want ME back. I should have never been put on it in the first place. If there was a problem, the doctor just increased my dosage. Now I don't want to be drugged out of life. I want to live my life fully aware...and withdrawal is horrible, just as I have read with other users. Don't even start on it, unless you have convulsions, but not for anxiety. Or if you need it for a par

very mild dizziness, I thought the inability to achieve orgasm was my antidepressant, but it did get a lot worse after I started Ultram.

Depression. Very emotional. Worse pain than before taking them. White smooth tongue that keeps sticking to the roof of my mouth. Discusting taste in mouth. Heartburn, sore in stomach area.

I've never had a problem with Aleve as many people here have. It's the only thing that works for me and fast.I am so totally suprised this causes others so many problems but knowing how i am with other drugs and thier horrible side effects i can understand it fully.

Frequently peeing, gain a lot of weight, hot flashes, night sweats.

My son has been on concerta for 7/8 years for adhd. He has always had emotional outbursts but has been a pretty good kid. He struggled in school and functioning in general. Just in the past 3 months he has self injured himself. He is dealing with depression, failing school,low self esteem, and seem to have no emotion or feelings. He does not have any real friends and stays up in his room. He is also on zoloft now and has been on 300 mg of seroquel and 3 mg of intunive to help him sleep at night. I am starting to feel like these meds have had an effect on him and his personality. I am missing the fun loving son I had. Are these long term affects or can they get better in time by weening him off these meds. I am now regretting giving my son these meds although at the time I know he needed it now I think they are making long term side effects.

I found that my side effects were short lived. I had issues for maybe the first 2 weeks where I couldn't sleep and I was really hyper. It's leveled out and I feel normal. This is exactly the opposite of my side effects from Zytec, being constantly foggy and tired no matter how much sleep, side effects that never left even after years of use. I would say it works slightly less than Zytec for nasal allergies, but I would rather not be foggy all the time. Oddly, allegra cleared up some skin allergies for me. Zytec does not.

Dizziness .Aching muscles.Tingling in hands and feet.Headaches.Stomach pain.Tinnitis. Blocked sinuses.Blocked ears.Throat tightness.Burning in gullet..Insomnia.Nervousness.Still have raised no.Raising dosage makes no difference but makes side effects worse.