Tegretol (carbamazepine) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Tegretol (carbamazepine)

Tegretol helps me relax and calm down, but with many side effects. These include weight gain, even with less food and more exercise. Loss of hearing higher pitch sounds, music and words Even my cats crying outside occassionally. Vision is poor, need reading glasses and more light when i am off it my eyesite is fine. Memory loss and word finding ability.

I call Tegretol my I dont give a sh*t medicine. I dont get upset and stressed and dont shop like i would with my mania. I interrupt people less and feel calmer, happier.

Works quite well for nerve pain but brings on terrible depression

To prevent Seizures from Brain Cancer

Dry Mouth Symptoms such as Phlegm in the mouth when I wake up!Going to the toilet a Lot!

Dizziness, inbalance is walking, headache and heart beating fast

I have stop it since April still feel the side effects

Compulsive eating resulting in a large weight gain, even with increased physical activity. Decreased cognitive abilities, especially with word-finding and speech and memory. Extreme loss of motivation - I work and come home and can barely manage to do anything else (except pack my face full of food).

Was taking this as an add-on to Zonisamide, and it did help with the seizures, but I'm not about to become diabetic with no motivation to do anything ever. I'd rather have a few seizures and the motivation to leave the house.

Can't concentrate, memory terrible,. Start to talk and I know what I want to say but it want come out. Can be looking at a object and can't remember the name of it.

I have weaned myself off of this over about 4 months. Hadn't had any for 6 months. Seem to be doing ok. I haven't told my dr yet hadn't been for checkup yet.

Can't concentrate, memory terrible,. Start to talk and I know what I want to say but it want come out. Can be looking at a object and can't remember the name of it.

I have weaned myself off of this over about 4 months. Hadn't had any for 6 months. Seem to be doing ok. I haven't told my dr yet hadn't been for checkup yet.

Neuropathic pain and brain injury

Increased severe head pain (not headaches), significant blurred vision, head heaviness all day and night, increased dizziness (I already have dizziness all day but this med made it worse), feel drugged, tongue feels strange and tastes metallic, my head feels abnormal in that something bad is going to happen, affects concentration worse although I already have that problem.

I'm taking this med for TBI injury of neuro shocks to my brain, along with neuropathy from spinal cord compression, where nerve pain was at ER level all over my body, extremities worse. This med did reduce the burning in my extremities and severe full body electric shocks, along with stopping (for now) the brain shocks I was getting. My nerve pain is reduced to where I can function under distress, BUT I am really afraid to increase the dose to a second pill with my current symptoms since taking this med 3 weeks ago. I am only on 200 mg at night for now, and I am supposed to increase another 200 mg pill in the morning. I need spinal decompression from herniated discs seeping into my cervical spinal cord, which should reduce much of my neuro pain, but I also have another spinal cord injury which produces neuropathic pain, along with a TBI and its problems. Unfortunately, I am going to need some type of neuro pain medication even after surgery, but I do not know if this is the correct one. I tried Lyrica, Gabapentin, and other antidepressants for neuropathy pain relief and had problems with all of them. Maybe my body is very sensitive to medication, as many TBI people are, and I've never had to take any medication other than an antibiotic through the years. In addition, I am very concerned about the serious other side effects from staying on Tegretol. Thanks for all of your comments and I wish you well.

Weight loss,loss bone mass,and became imune to it so im on keppra now but i feel really shakey like tremors i am also on klonipin 2mg,3xdaily

Can i still be going through withdrawal from tegretol its been since september 6,2017

Horrible short-term memory loss, forgetting my point mid-sentence, feeling hyper sensitive, over stimulated, nerves on "high alert", restless, ANXIOUS. Made my anxiety worse.

I also take suboxone and the 2 meds are contraindicated. Plus, I was able to discontinue Tegretol (thank God) when I underwent invasive brain surgery (microvascular decompression) on 5/16/17 for Trigeminal Neuralgia.Bottom line is that I'm torn on this drug. **ONLY** when I combined Tegretol with Neurontin (gabapentin), was I able to experience pain-relief....but, it was only temporary. And I am not alone: most TN sufferers get relief from Tegretol, but very disappointingly, it doesn't last long 😓 Which is was leads us to consider MVD (brain surgery).

Severe constant tiredness,my concentration & memory have decreased dramtically,aching body,severe night sweats,rage,lazyness, neuro suggests keppra, but don’t like the look of that either

Forgetfulness stumbling vision

Keppra was making me so tired. So I switched. Not as tired but hate both but of them

Dry mouth forgetting things jumpie

Drowsiness, forgetfulness and body jerks.

Drowsiness I understand... Due to it relaxing my brain,but my forgetfulness and body jerks have gotten worst.medication has not given me any seizures since I'm taking it,better than epilum.just worried about my side effects.

I have not had any side effects thus far hopefully I won't

I was hospitalized before I could get correct diagnosis.It has worked well so far pain is almost gone,I can open my mouth more than an inch now.

Have taken Tegretol for a very long time.Now that I am older I am wondering whether it is responsible for my brain fog and confusion.

8 mths coming off slow its sodium in brain decreases this shit is poison was taking 5 200 mg a day on it 38 years next week only half 200 pill

Best neurologist in usa taking me off very slow

constipation, confusion, balance

Looking back, I wish my MD had been more attentive to the side effects When I presented in 2012 with severe TN (levels 7-10 pain, couldn't talk, no solid food), Tegretol provided immediate relief, without any obvious side effects.Shortly thereafter, I met a fantastic woman and became engaged. To merge our families with three kids meant I had to take certain steps in a short period of time, sell my house and buy a new house for us. All while also holding a demanding job and going to school part time.With any complex task, things got foggy. Contact a realtor, get a loan, fix my credit, create a list of things to fix in order to sell the house. I couldn’t do these things. Tegretol made me into slug. And my fiancĂ© saw this and began to wonder about me.My MD knew the basics of our situation, had met my fiancĂ©. A neurologist, "one of the best", lots of experience with this drug. If he had been more compassionate he might have seen what was happening.Ultimately my finance saw what I was doing, interpreted my actions as meaning that I really didn't want her and the marriage, and cancelled the wedding five weeks out. I was angry and confused, she has moved on, convinced that there is something wrong with me.My current MD is getting me off Tegretol and will now phase in other drugs and consider interventional radiology/ electro and/or MVD.Be very, very careful with this drug.

TEGRETOL (CARBAMAZEPINE): Carbamazepine is used to prevent and control seizures. This medication is known as an anticonvulsant or anti-epileptic drug. It is also used to relieve certain types of nerve pain (such as trigeminal neuralgia). This medication works by reducing the spread of seizure activity in the brain and restoring the normal balance of nerve activity. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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The doctor refused to acknowledge any of the side effects. I quit taking it on my own (and quit going to my quack doctor) almost 18 months ago and have only partially recovered.

Fast heartbeat,constipation, headache, insomnia

The Mayo Clinic and NIH web sites describe some of the less and more severe side-effects of Coumadin. Print these pages and show them to your doctor(s). These organizations recognize what Coumadin can do to people. I want to scream when a doctor tells me my symptoms are not from Coumadin but because I am depressed. This is NOT depression!


I've been on this for 4 years now with minimal side effects and seizure free. I maintain a VERY healthy diet to keep the fatigue, headaches, and brain fog to a minimum but I also make sure I get plenty of rest as well.The odd thing is, I only just started loosing my appetite and lost 20 lbs. not sure if it's the RX. I also recently went off BC, so it could be a combo. But it's the weirdest thing!I've been on Keppra and Lamictal before and they both affected me poorly in the personality dept, so I'll take what Zonegran throws my way any day!

Headaches everyday lately and dizziness.I would like to get off this medication.

My 12 yr old son, was prescribed singulair after asthma medicines were increased to maximum doses allowed for his age as his sporting activities brought on severe asthma attacks, he was fine the rest of the time. Since taking medicine (Sept 06) he has not had one asthma attack and plays football 5 times a week, his steriod intake was reduced, and his blue inhaler has not been used in anger, although I still make him take a couple of puffs before sport.

Medicine works great and stops all pain and stiffness. It was the only medication that stopped the pain. Unfortunately, I can no longer take celebrex because of the LPRD.

A little nausea, dry mouth, a little sedation

Talk to Dr. In Dec.about switching to something else. Did try lisinopril first and that was a no go!