Onfi (clobazam) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Onfi (clobazam)

My 1yr old was prescribed onfi after other medication did not work for her epilepsy. A week after starting it she developed a cough, soon after had severe congestion, was lethargic and is now in the hospital for pneumonia. All of which are side effects of this medication. Fighting to get her taken off.

It has been one of the BEST seizure medications I've been on. Cognitively, I noticed an increase in my learning ability and memory. It did not effect my mood, I actually felt more like myself again (which I developed epilepsy in 2009, when I had viral encephalitis).

My 16 yr old tried to take her life. Trouble breathing, increased anxiety and depression

Fatigue, somnolence, unrefreshing sleep, agitation, irritation, anger, short-term memory loss, muscular pains, suicidal thoughts, Steven Johnsons Syndrome, cognition issue, mood swings

This is possibly the worst med I've tried since beginning to address my condition over 41 years ago. Lack of information identifying the possible impacts resulted in many harmful stressors, the loss of a position, extreme difficulty in getting off the med. I didn't learn about the possible SJS until someone died because of it.

Just a little tiredness in the beginning but that goes away.

This the only med plus Vimpat that has come close to controlling my simple partials. I am so happy my Neuro prescribed it.

have a tendency to fall asleep if not actively doing something. balance problems.

this med has a few side effects, but they are tolerable. i have to really watch driving, as i sometimes get sleepy a little more quickly than normal. when just sitting around the house, in a stationary activity, (i.e. computer work, watching a movie, etc) will sometimes "boink out" as my family describes it. i will fall asleep without feeling sleepy. one minute i'm awake, the next, i'm asleep, but easily aroused. balance problems if i am startled by something when i am walking or turning around. i will also lose my balance if i try to look in another direction (like turning your head to look behind you) if walking. however, much better than having a seizure.

Vomiting, disorientation, lightheaded

Horrible drug. I was more like passing out all the time. It has been 5 days since I stopped taking it but I still feel very very very bad. Wouldn't recommend it to anyone.

had epilepsy since the 70s and nothing stopped the seizures other than this with tegeretol cr 400mg twice a day

ONFI (CLOBAZAM): This medication is used with other medications to help control seizures. It belongs to a class of medications called benzodiazepines, which act on the brain and nerves (central nervous system) to produce a calming effect. This drug works by enhancing the effects of a certain natural chemical in the body (GABA). (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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If I knew that this drug would give me crippling anxiety and depression I would have never considered it. Before I found out this was the cause I was a complete mess because I thought I was going crazy. I had an anxiety attack out of nowhere and spiralled in a matter of days. Its been less then a week and now I need to go to a therapist to deal with these side effects. Not to mention a few weeks earlier I was having alot of issues swallowing and almost choked which I think is the result of saliva loss.

Ringing in Ears - only noticeable when in quiet spaceConstant Headaches - (even during sleep)insomniashakiness in my handsbad short term memoryincreased agitationdecreased appetitetrouble falling asleepFeel the need to talk a lot to anyone I can get to listenMetallic taste in mouth

6 herniated discs, arthritis, fibro

Really strange, vivid dreaming, and it started with the first 10mg pill in the starter pack and hasn’t stopped. Definitely not complaining though. It’s so hard to explain... I can’t recall any of the dream when I wake up.. but somehow I just know how action packed they were. These dreams are significantly different than my dreams prior to Viibyrd, in regards to vividness. No nightmares so far.

It didn't work for me because of my circumstances it could work for you. Any anti depressant made me manic but I think prozac is one of the better ones.

My rheumatologist wanted me to take Actenol - but the insurance company would not cover this until I had taken generic Fosamax. Patients need to speak up about what this drug is doing to them and refuse to continue taking it.

pain in left eye and flashing dizziness after a week

Severe heartburn, acid reflux, headache, balance off when getting up, severe osteoarthritis and joint pain, fatigue and no energy.

take it off of the market - complaint already made to the FDA

For the first 5 or 6 months ON METHOTREXATE- nothing. In the past 7-8 months I have found my memory has become very poor, my brain seems to be foggy, a loss of sharpness, very tired all the time, irritability, stomach problems come and go, weight gain- nothing seems to show correlation between this drug and weight gain, but it's the only negative change in my intake - diet and excercise are better now then 2 years ago, yet I have increased in weight since.