Neurontin (gabapentin) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Neurontin (gabapentin)

After only 6 days I had to wean myself off because I gained 6 lbs thanks to my severe hunger pains in my upper stomach area. Even after eating the hunger pains barely went away.. I tried water, I tried protein, I tried sugar, I tried carbs, and nothing worked until I started weaning off. The nerve pain for which I received this medication was less pain and discomfort then this medication and just not worth it. The nerve pain did dwindle a little bit, but I will never take it again

Making me feel depressed and some anxiety and very tired and feeling sick to my stomach and no appetite.

Extreme fatigue/exhaustion, general apathy during activities normally found exciting, inability to stay awake, sleeping probably 15-18 hours per day, dizziness, drowsiness, depersonalization, weight gain. Makes taking care of oneself, keeping a job, or succeeding in school nearly impossible. Rendered me essentially non functional.

I caution against taking gabapentin (neurontin) alongside other anticonvulsants. The bad effects, especially chronic exhaustion/fatigue, are heavily amplified. Loved ones thought I might have narcolepsy upon taking this medication because I literally could not stay awake. While taking this medication it made it to where I didn't care about anything and could not do anything other than sleep. Do not operate a vehicle or machinery while taking. Neurontin got me into 2 major car accidents due to falling asleep uncontrollably at the wheel.

Loss of libido. Sometimes difficulty sleeping.

Hyper sexuality and related risk taking. Balance issues. Manic energy, loss of inhibitions.

Helped me sleep, reduced anxiety, reduced migraines but side effects were crazy. Older males seem to have this issue the most.

I made neorontin what it is today

Man I didn't invent them but I made them what they are to this day I'm the patient that had the doctor turn it up full blast cause I loved the buzz. It made me forget I was fd up. It made me stand on my paralyzed legs and made me feel stoned and fast speed driving. Every tweak was made for me and only me. You are welcome world for the buzz I've guven u. Sorry to those that are appoled by this but I didn't think they would leave them in the market cause I told them to or sell or market to disorders I thought they could be used for without testing it.

This medication really helps my nerve pain without upsetting my stomach like NSAIDS .It does make me feel a bit silly, like I’ve had a glass or two of wine. That’s fine with me because I’m retired. I’m not sure I’d want to work with these side effects- lol. If I take less I don’t feel the side effects, but I also don’t get the pain relief. I’m sure the effects wear off after you get used to the medication.

This is a very good medication for nerve pain for me. I have had other nerve pain and opioid medication doesn’t work as well.

Drug caused tremors and drunken like behavior. Stopped taking it after 9 days and now trapped in withdrawals that are causing severe chest pain and hypertension.

Can't get any help, no one wants to admit the withdrawals from this drug can cause such pain. I'm 84 already suffering from CHF and COPD. I couldn't go back on it and taper because it slowed my breathing. There is an FDA warning about this just came out. No one will help or admit responsibility.

neuropathic symptoms in limbs MS

I have been diagnosed with MS in the last year. Gabapentin worked amazingly for my restless legs and arms at night meaning I am getting the best nights sleep in years. However, yet to have any effect on constant tingling in my leg and my MS nurse has suggested upping the dose. I am reluctant to do so as I feel so odd on this medication. The best way I can describe it is that my head feels disconnected from my body, like my brain is off on a separate trip of its own. I am so spaced out, and I seem to be veering from overly chilled out (really unusual for me) to angry over stupid little issues. My nurse said the side effects should decrease but I’m not sure how long I can tolerate this.

Weight gain of 15 lbs. In three weeks at 600 mg., edema, dry mouth, rashes, bruising

I cut this med. In half a few weeks ago and already have lost 10 lbs.

Very hard to get off, ended up in the hospital because of horrible migraines when I tried to cut down on the dosage

Took at night and sedating effects lasted throughout the next day. Disoriented at night and heightened confusion in my mom with slight dementia

Would not recommend use in the elderly

Possible neuropathic pain due to di

Anxiety, agitation, weight gain

Started with 300 mg a day and slowly titrated to 900 mg a day. While titrating I had very bad morning anxiety and agitation, and I gained 2 kg in just two weeks. My neuropathic pain didn't subseed maybe because it wasn't neuropathic at all. I hgave it a try but it wasn't for me.

Auriculotemporal Neuralgia/Migraine

Irritability and extreme fatigue

I took this for Auriculotemporal Neuralgia and migraines. In the beginning I felt a bit high, but that slowly turned into anger, rage, irritability and moodiness as the days went on. I also was so insanely tired that I couldn't keep my eyes open at my desk at work. I was supposed to go to 300mg three times a day as per my Neurosurgeon. I never made it past 600mg!

Extremely swollen,dizzy,tired,dry mouth,memory (short term)

I have to keep hoping dosage for results. When I tried getting off of it,was horrible,worst was depression and my rage!!!

Horrible Upset stomachDrowsinessNauseaDizzinessLeg and foot painLack of motivationTrouble concentrating

migraine prevention and pain relief

It’s a life saver for intractable migraine

A little scattered brained at first- sort of tired, sort of high feeling... these effects lessened over time. I think it makes me hungry, but I’m not sure-I changed other meds, too.

There aren’t a lot of good meds for nerve pain. Gabapentin can really help. I have taken it off and on at different times throughout my 20 years dealing with nerve damage. I’ve never had a difficult time stopping it. Everyone has their own experiences, though. I find this mild compared to many of the other options.

Chronic pain, autoimmune neuropathy

This was my second attempt at taking this drug. Years ago I took a much larger dose and stopped because it made me literally freak out. I agreed to try it one more time at a much lower dose. On the 7th day I bumped up the dose as directed and went to bed. Woke up and felt afraid. I was groggy but agitated and felt like I wanted to punch or hurt my partner. That scared me terribly. I am a gentle person. I was pacing back and forth. I felt very afraid and crazy. I called pharmacy and my doc. Was told to stop immediately. Scariest reaction EVER. Incidentally, my nerve pain was worse during the 7 days. Feel much better today but can't wait until this med is out of my system completely.

Horrible! Made me feel afraid of myself.

NEURONTIN (GABAPENTIN): Gabapentin is used with other medications to prevent and control seizures. It is also used to relieve nerve pain following shingles (a painful rash due to herpes zoster infection) in adults. Gabapentin is known as an anticonvulsant or antiepileptic drug. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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I was prescribed these tablets by my GP last week, as I told him I find it very hard to lose weight on my own, I tend to binge eat regularly. Also,as a big help, they are free on prescription if you live in Wales, UK, as all prescribed medication is now. I also joined WW on the same day as I started them, so it gives me more motivation not to eat a high fat diet. I don't think the side effects would bother me too much, it's a small price to pay for the outcome.

Diarrhea, cramping, suspected IBS

Irritability and shortness of breath.

Not sure if it was lack of sleep or being ill, but lost sense of time. It's only been a week but feels like months! But it did work better than the Metronizadol..which was meant to be the biggie. 250

Lots of gassiness, mild stomach upset.

Terrible headaches, stomach aches, fatigue, diarrhea

my mother took Lunest for 1 monthShe stopped 3 weeks ago because we noticed a severe impairment to her memory, loss of mobility and respritory problems.Since she stopped the Lunesta, the memory is much beter, bu she still is suffering from muscke weakness and extreme nervousness

Loss of appetite initially so weight loss but after several months no side effects

Difficulty maintaing adequate INR levels even after precisely taking at same time every day.

To prevent Seizures from Brain Cancer