Mysoline (primidone) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Mysoline (primidone)

Tired at first,but not a problem after approx 2 weeks.

I draw blood at work. This has helped better than any other med.

extreme suicidal depression, lack of apetite, very bad sleepiness

almost lost my life to this stuff; drs. did not tell me it was related to phenobarbitol which I got too depressed to take. Recovered my mood once I was off it.

I was originally prescribed phenobarbital as a 12 year old, but it made me too sleepy. Dr. switched me to mysoline at 13 which has had no side effects to mention.

I have lived virtually seizure free most of my life except when off my medication. I have had only one seizure in 13 years and that was the result of a new neurologist taking me off mysoline in 1997. I had a seizure after 4 days without medication. I had gone seizure free for 11 years prior to that. I have been able to live a full life and accomplish my goals due to this medication. I took the name brand until it got too expensive and have been on generic for the last 5 years

familial (essential) hand tremor

started with 25mg daily for couple of days, then morning and bedtime, then 50mg daily etc, then titrated up to 250 am and bedtime. Face feels flushed, headache a lot but tremor is lessened. Don't know if I want to increase it more or not at this point. Will discuss with neurologist. I doubt there will be any added benefit by increasing dosage vs side effects. For those still searching suggest for detailed info.

drowsiness, confusion, unsteadiness, losing words, so slowed down mentally I feel stupid and can't function

I am taking 200 mg a day and it hasn't helped my tremor at all. I can't take inderal because my blood pressure is already too low. I'm trying to give it a chance, but I can't live like this much longer.

Maybe some tiredness but cannot differentiate from Tenormin and other drugs

took it for awhile,stopped, tremors seemed worse,taking it again but see no effect except sleepy 50 mg daily

After my diagnosis in 1999, I spent years trying different drugs that had side effects I couldn't tolerate. This drug has worked perfectly for me. Ironically, my Dad, who is a GP, tells me that Mysoline is a step away from the phenobarbitol I was given for a time as a young child.

I have been taking this medication to control myoclonic seizures, I take a small dose and it works very well in controlling them. I got pregnant a year after taking it and continued to take it throughout the pregnancy. The doctor thought the worst thing that would happen to the baby would be a cleft palate or lip. I had preterm labor with my first baby, but not as bad as with my second. Not sure if the medication caused this or it I would have had it anyway. But I do have 2 very healthy babies, without any side effects from the meds. I was also able to nurse both of them for a least a year each.

dulled down, extreme exhaustion about 5 hours after taking it, intensifies the effect of alcohol

I am a reasearcher and take mysoline to do laboratory work. I took inderal first, but I have asthma and it ended up exacerbating my asthma. Anyway, mysoline does help a little, I found I take 12.5 mg (1/4 of a pill) 2 hours before what I am doing and it helps - but I need be done before five hours or I become stupid and screw up my experiments. I once took it once a week for an ongoing experiment for 12 or so weeks and I do think by the end the side effects improved. I really wish I could just take inderal. That is a great drug for the shakes. Note, I take this drug as needed.

very effective in reducing the tremor

double vision, slows brain function, it's a downer

Helped a great deal with my tremors.

Helped a great deal with my tremors.

Walking around in a fog / very tired even though took before bed

did not seem to help my tremors after taking for 6 weeks. I felt that I was too out of it to function.

MYSOLINE (PRIMIDONE): This medication is used alone or with other medications to control seizures. Controlling and reducing seizures lets you do more of your normal daily activities, reduces your risk of harm when you lose consciousness, and lessens your risk for a possibly life-threatening condition of frequent, repeated seizures. Primidone belongs to a class of drugs known as barbiturate anticonvulsants. It works by controlling the abnormal electrical activity in the brain that occurs during a seizure. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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Erectile dysfunction until dosage was lowered. It flat lines my testosterone levels, so I have to also take T injections, or become fatigued. It helps me sleep so I take it before bed. Psycotic thoughts from what I can best figure out to be from withdrawals from stopping cold turkey.

Mild nervousness if I don't eat frequenly

severe joint pain; lack of energy

DON'T RISK IT! If you haven't taken narcotics before and are planning to use it to relieve minor pain, do not risk taking this drug. Five minutes after drinking even a small cup of water, all of it had been returned to the cup. I'll take the pain instead of the vomiting and empty stomach anytime! I had to have an empty stomach before surgery, so it was a total of about 2 days before I could eat or drink again.

Have to say after trying all the newer SSRI,s going back to Prozac was a god-send. A little anxiety at first which I dealt with with 10 mg diazepam, and then went off diazepam. Better sleep, better mood, less vegetive, more motivation unlike all the other AD's where I felt like a slug and gained weight. Added 150 mg Wellbutrin XL to deal with fatigue and all 'round this has been a great combo. NEVER use generics when it comes to antidepressants! Make sure doctor writes "no sub" on prescription. Took the generic and felt like jumping out of my skin. Felt like totally different drug! Get brand-name only when it comes to AD's!

Not a good drug, took first dose early morning, lay down for awhile afterward, my heart seem to race for a bit, got dizzy, then I seem fine and started my day, but progressly as the day went on my joints started cracking and hurting, then in the evening a horrible, burning rash seem to start on my scalp. I felt like my head was on fire, and "hot spots" seem to appear of my head. I immeadelty stopped the drug and will contact my doctor. This was after only 1 pill, so I would expect more side effects if I had continued. Luckly my sleep with not affected, and didn't seem to get any anxity, but again 1 pill was enough for me.

Horrible weight gain, severe fatigue, irritable, no sex drive, very heavy, long period, bad cramps.

initially i was ok apart from some very vivid dreams that seemed to all focus on my worst fears and experiences, but after about 6 weeks of usage the drug built up in my system and for the past 4 days i have had constant extreme nausea, racing mind, extremely over emotional, even happy thoughts instantly brought me to tears, i decided id half the dosage for 2x days then stop.In the last 2x days i have had only 10mg a day and have been taking a vitamin supplement that aids the bodies reactions to stress, i have found that i feel a little better but as i type this i have the most petrified feeling in my stomach and today my mind has been racing with fears of death and reflections on life....i feel like im going insane.dont take Latuda!

cramping and pain in lower back

Don't take it! You can't possibly live your life when you are violently sick for hours each morning and night.