Lyrica (pregabalin) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Lyrica (pregabalin)

I'm no longer taking this medication. Not a recommended medication. I am off it

I have successfully stayed off this medication and hope others can as well.

I'm no longer taking this medication.

Compulsive gambling, tinnitus, nightmares, blurred vision, dry mouth and eyes, zombie like feeling, depression angry thinking...and more. Helps some with neuropathy but at what cost. This is not living....

Vile addictive drug. Gained 50lbs. I was 130 going in, so 50 was alot.Expensive. $1200 a month without insurance. Have to taper down to prevent potential seizures. Addictive. 4 months of flu-like withdrawal symptoms each time I tapered down. Vomitting, shakes, sweats. Really great. Didn't help the pain as well as targeted nerve blocks that don't have horrific symptoms. Withdrawal symptoms worse than opioid withdrawal. Cognitive deficits while on it. Couldn't hold a fluent conversation. Knew what I wanted to say, couldn't form the words. Made massive mistakes at work. Appeared drunk at meetings not able to communicate fluently. Really "special" stuff being pushed here.

brain bog, feeling intellectually impaired, forgetting words, extreme fatigue, lethargy, indecisiveness and no plan for life (absolutely out of character for me), feeling often dizzy and nauseous, very weird and vivid dreams (least concerning side effect of all).

I am far from being totally dismissive towards this drug. I do believe that it can be helpful. In fact, my panic attacks became less frequent and my anxiety was somewhat manageable. But there is a big BUT: I felt that this drug numbed me down so much, that I did not react to situations that gave me anxiety (which was the goal in a way), but at the same time numbed me down in any other area connected to my mind and my ablility for intellectual processing. I am a PhD students and I could not work on my thesis, because I couldn´t use my intellectual capacities as before. I also was not able to deal with my psychological issues in a proper way, because I was so numb. Psychotherapy had no effect on me. The best way I could describe the two years on this drug is as if I was driving a car with blurry windows. I felt as if I could go straight forward, because I kind of have an idea of the road ahead, but there is no conscious decision possible because I am not fully aware of anything. Maybe I am an extreme example, and other people have different experiences. But I want to share my experience because I hope it will help medical practitioners to prescribe this drug in a more cautious manner. I feel, that while taking this drug, I should have been informed about possible cognitive impairments and difficulties with completing tasks that need a full functioning mind.

On the third morning, I woke up with TINNITUS. I immediately stopped taking it, but it's been seven months now. I think it's permanent, and it's hell.

Like many others have said, legs feel like are on fire. Headaches, weight gain, blurred vision, constipation, irapid heartbeat, swelling on feet. Man the list goes on and on! Stopped taking this crap 1 week ago. Withdrawal is bad but I'm sticking to my guns. This poison is not worth trying, for anyone who is reading in this forum, trust me you don't want to take this nightmare of a drug. If I can save just 1 of you the burden of getting caught up on this shit, then my time hasn't been for a loss. Seems all nerve medications are just terrible period..............

Bad balance, blurred vision, weight gain, confusion

Tapered off over one year after six failed attempts. Now have tardive dyskinesia, which appeared after year 4 of taking it, but I didn't realise it was Lyrica that caused it for so long.

Spinal fracture, severe sciatica

Insomnia, brain fog, forgetting words, dizziness, feeling easily angered (definitely not my usual self), suicidal thoughts, loss of appetite, constant fatigue, intense skin itch.

Staged withdrawal slowly over many weeks has been horrible due to ongoing chronic insomnia. Always been a good 8 hour sleeper and now lucky to get 4 hours broken sleep each night. I will NEVER take this medication again.

Sciatica and shoulder girdle pain

Brain fog, disassociation, low mood, hair loss, dry mouth, weight gain, elevated blood sugar, swollen hands and ankles, drowsiness, insomnia, blurred vision, dry eyes, tinnitus, dry skin on legs, Achilles tendon issues, weird feelings in body, itchy tingly skin, dental issues, upset stomach, weak nails, pain in hands and feet, visual disturbances, sinusitis, lack of concentration and motivation, itching, sore tongue

Have been tapering off for 3 years using water titration as can control and come off very slowly as had issues with normal tapering. Helped briefly.

This drug has helped my restless leg and neuropathy to some extent BUT I have gained 10 lbs in less than 2 weeks. This is unacceptable. I will be titrating off this drug and continue the search for something different to help

Weight gain, worsened depression, scatter-brained

Since taking Lyrica I haven't had any shooting sciatic pains! Doesn't do anything for muscle or joint pain, but is worth taking if you struggle with jolting nerve issues

Pain fibromyalgia, nerve impingemen

It helps amazingly with opioid withdrawal. It helps nerve pain immensely. I honestly just use it as needed rather than taking on schedule around the clock, that seems to do the trick. Doesn't help with musculoskeletal pain though,only nerve pain.

Sciatica, restless leg, back pain

Really has done nothing for my pain; restless leg same. But have noticed headaches starting at night and alarming memory loss. Am going to stop before things get worse.

Forgetting words. Blurred vision. Zero concentration. Huge weight gain. Swollen ankles and legs

Helped at the beginning and helped me sleep at 25mg then increased to 50mg then 75mg each time effects wore off. At beginning of 75mg ankles and feet become swollen and painful. Quitting this drug

Loss of words, skin feels like it's burning, like a sunburn. Vision problems, headaches, shakiness. Like all others have said, this drug is poison! My father took this for many years, now he has dementia.

Anyone that says it worked well and had no side effects is lying! My advice to anyone considering trying this poison don't, you will surely regret it! I have been off this crap for 3 weeks, and I still feel the withdrawals. Best thing anyone can do is avoid this crap, and if you are taking it, get off it!!!

When you first start taking Lyrica it does help but it wears off. I believe it helps because if it is the side effects of taking the drug that helps eventually it stops working all together and then you're stuck with this long miserable agonizing withdrawal of reducing the dose gradually and being in torment. Mental and physical torment. You're actually worse than you ever started out being.Some of you out there will be tempted to try it and I'm just saying I swear to you it's a terrible drug.

Neuropathic pain & fibromyalgia

Thanks to Lyrica I am on my feet since a year and I do not feel excruciating pain in the head. However, I have become a very aggressive person, almost dangerous to my family. I have anger attacks that come out of nowhere and then either I need to explode (usually by fighting with husband and breaking glasses) either to implode (this causes severe derpession and lots of tears). Severe loss of concentration. When in 600mg I had difficulties to articulate (got humiliated in front of people on a dining table) and I went down to 400 mg. Loss of memory.

Mood problems. Sadness, feeling of hate, wanting to hurt other people. When in an anger attack I recognize it and I scream for help but there is nobody there to retain me and calm me down. I am quite alone in all this. Hope anger does not persist. Going to cut it soon.

Headache, migraine, weight gain. Problems keeping my balance, vision Problems. Worse of all, my skin feels like it's on fire!

The withdrawal from this drug is terrible, I had an easier time getting off pain killers! How any health care professional could prescribe this poison is beyond words. If you are looking at this forum, and considering taking this you had better think twice.

Herniated disc sciatica nerve issue

Dizziness, fatigue, blurred or double vision, weight gain, constipation, unbalanced

Not really working for never pain but too scared to up my dose

LYRICA (PREGABALIN): This medication is used to treat pain caused by nerve damage due to diabetes, shingles (herpes zoster) infection, or spinal cord injury. This medication is also used to treat pain in people with fibromyalgia. It is also used with other medications to treat certain types of seizures (focal seizures). (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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I began sweating although I was not hot. This lasted all night long! Do not take this pill. It made me even more anxious and kept me from sleeping once again. I hated the feeling it gave me. It made my eyelids extremely heavy yet I still couldn’t sleep. I also was having a tight feeling in my chest. It made my throat/mouth feel so dry that I couldn’t sleep either.

Ativan has helped me deal with situations that I would never do.I have been on it for 7 long years and have gone from .5mg once a day,to 3mg once a day or as needed. I am scared shitless of the things I hear about the WTD's.What do I do if I suddenly need to detox? How in the world does someone go through all of that pain? I already have severe spinal problems and take Lorcet for that and have done REAL well not taking anymore than I need, usually take less for fear of getting to addicted to that too.Maybe someone out there can tell me whats next.Because I am a total basketcase when it comes to even thinking I may need to get off of Ativan.

OMG! so meny cant count them ! vision problems, Hair loss,nose stuffed up,throat close, coughing, congestion, eyes dry, no sleep!,dizzyness, fait feeling, tired all the time, memory loss, ears ringing, dry mouth, weak feeling no get up and go! sexual drive gone with the wind ! gas problems in gutt! waight gain big time!! palpitations intermitten happen. theres more but have to stop !

I really hate this drug the side effects are worse than the good it does

I took this pill 2 times a day even though it was to be 3. I got an upset stomache horrible pain in my chest and was very light headed and dizzy on this pill stopped taking it yesterday was prescribed a new script hope this one works out better.

Muscule aches & pains - Went to the orthopedic Dr. for a shot in the knee. Liver count went to over 600. Stopped taking & liver count went back to normal. Then I had a series of tests for pains across my midsection.Have Fatty strands in my Liver. Now I have Rheumatoid Arthtitis.I think it could be the result of taking Lipitor.

nausea, vomiting, stomach cramps, chills, fatigue, disorientation

Do not even put this anywhere near the body. Thank god i only took one then found page. I just wished I had saw it before hand. These are in my bin now. Be aware it has the same sub product as speed( amphetameins ) and will show as meth on a drugs test. That’s some crazy stuff being sold OTC and being hand to us by doctors.

I have become a shell of a woman. I cry uncontrollably. I have muscle and joint pain to the point of stroke. I have panic attacks. Beyond panic attacks. Complete mental breakdowns. This has never happened in my 36 years. My chest is tight, my mind racing or compleltey full of depressive thoughts. I cannot stop sleeping now, whereas I could not sleep at all before. Both sleeping symptoms all in 2months. Breast-tenderness, nausua, blurred-vision...I was a happy person before. I have lost my job, about to lose my boyfriend. DO NOT TAKE THIS DRUG!!! I am currently cramping and making my best effort to keep away from pharmatcuticals of all kinds. Please help me, GOD!

His allergy syptoms went away, however the singulair was in conjuction with an antibiotic so unsure which cleared the heavy cough.