Lamictal (lamotrigine) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Lamictal (lamotrigine)

Lamictal really helped with depression but I still had some depression at times.

At first, racing heart, hands trembling, then as time went by, I feel so drugged, so tired I have to go lay down. Dry mouth but could be from combining Lamictal and other medications I'm taking.

Had a panic attack today (day 14). My memory problems are getting worse. My RLS (restless leg syndrome) is harder to control with my other prescriptions. I’m afraid to drive feeling like this. Today, day 14 I'm supposed to take 2 pills a day but this is bad enough!!

Insomnia, Increased anxiety and depression always in low moods, terrible so far think I will go off it

Have worse back pain, heart palpitations at times double vision would not recommend it to anyone

Prophylactic following gamma knife

Bad sleep, brain fog, memory loss, focus/cognition problems

Cant sleep cause you have constant dreams about meaningless stuff, or cant get your brain to shut off?If you have problems with sleep, these are changes Id like to pass along that have gotten me to a manageable place.-I was taking 50mg morning and night. I found that about 2-4hrs after my morning dose I was basically a zombie. My Dr suggested doing a 100mg once a day pill extended release in the morning. Tried it in the morning, still dopey, so I started taking it at night as I was getting into bed. So if I’m dopey like 4hrs after taking it - who cares im sleeping-I started taking vitamin b complex, fishoil, magnesium for several months now, helped with cognition too-i started listening to a 10min meditation on my phone after i turn off my light that focuses on “body scan” you wouldnt believe how much tension you hold in your body that you arent even aware of - jaw, shoulders, etc. i go to bed as soon as im remotely sleepy even if i dont want to.This is my routine now. I fall asleep more quickly and i wake up feeling reasonably rested to excercise.Melatonin was useless.

Works wonders. It helped regulate my mood. No side effects. But if you miss a day you feel like crap. It saved my life.

None besides slower word recall, short term memory issues, insomnia but all worth it

Miracle drug. Keeps your moods stable. Concentrate better. No weight gain. No night sweats. No depression or anxiety spells.

Anxiety, Depression, Bipolar II

Restlessness, Insomnia, Worsening Depression and Anxiety, Serious negative interactions with Cannabis use

I have bad memory and it's been getting worse to the point that I am done with my life. My memories declined after taking only for 4 weeks. I told my doctor, she dismissed my concerns. My memories got so bad and it's getting worse. I can't even remember names of people that I even grew up with them. I cannot remember where I put my keys, my eye glasses, I cannot remember days of the week or what I did 2 days ago. I cannot have a normal conversation because It's hard for me to find the right words. I love to read, but I had to give up because it frustrates me that I cannot remember what I just read. I am not myself anymore. I get angry and upset because of my memory loss. My concentration is so bad and it's getting worse. I cannot concentrate when someone is speaking with me. I get so confused as well. I mentioned all this side effects to my doctors, they dismissed it. Sometimes I stop taking it because of memory problems I up and down my doses. I know that this medication can cause steven Johnson syndrome, but I don't care anymore, since my health care providers does not care about my side effects. They even told me to take 200mg a day. My intrusive thoughts are so bad that I cannot think about anything else. I get brusis really easy. I been having dry mouth that causes a bad breath. I brush and floss my teeth and drink plenty of water it doesn't work.

I have bad memory and it's been getting worse to the point that I am done with my life. My memories declined after taking only for 4 weeks. I told my doctor, she dismissed my concerns. My memories got so bad and it's getting worse. I can't even remember names of people that I even grew up with them. I cannot remember where I put my keys, my eye glasses, I cannot remember days of the week or what I did 2 days ago. I cannot have a normal conversation because It's hard for me to find the right words. I love to read, but I had to give up because it frustrates me that I cannot remember what I just read. I am not myself anymore. I get angry and upset because of my memory loss. My concentration is so bad and it's getting worse. I cannot concentrate when someone is speaking with me. I get so confused as well. I mentioned all this side effects to my doctors, they dismissed it. Sometimes I stop taking it because of memory problems I up and down my doses. I know that this medication can cause steven Johnson syndrome, but I don't care anymore, since my health care providers does not care about my side effects. They even told me to take 200mg a day. My intrusive thoughts are so bad that I cannot think about anything else. I get brusis really easy. I been having dry mouth that causes a bad breath. I brush and floss my teeth and drink plenty of water it doesn't work.

Helped bring me out of near psychosis when put on 400mg and kept my mood a lot more level. On 150mg now and feel like it has been positive and effective.

So far no side effects maybe feeling a bit mind is blank no more overthinking everything and negative thoughts.

I currently experience increased anxiety. Insomnia, disturbing dreams and intrusive thoughts. I suffered from cystic acne for several months. Weight loss, memory loss and a hard time concentrating. I have felt very agitated and am in a state of panic in the mornings.

I was recommended to stay on the medication despite expressing my concerns to my doctor. It is not until I expressed how I as having memory problems that he finally agreed to stop the medication. This medication may be helpful to some patients but has had no benefit to my well-being and in-fact completely changed my ability to be productive or enjoy each day. I am greatful to have found this site and to read other peoples comments and side effects and to know that I am not alone.

Have started on this and I'm terrified. I have tried 7 antidepressants they didn't help.I'm currently on Paxil and mitazipine.I have had a awful surgical menopause and no amount of HRT has helped either.Was put on Xanax 2mg but was causing visual hallucinations. Was kept on it for 4 years!Stopped 3 months ago but absolutely debilitated with panic and anxiety and a fear of meds.I am terrified this will make me worse. Can anyone plse advise if they felt same but improved.

Restlessness during sleep (toss and turn and wake up often)-Constant spots/ papules on neck and face (these went when medicine was stopped 23.4.2022)-Severe heartbeat roughly every 4-5 weeks. Any time of day from no cause, up to 190 bpm lasting 10min to 6 hours. The waiting time to see a cardiologist is about 8 months.-Cherry angiomas (red spots, freckles/ moles) appearing on my legs, torso and scalp.-thinning hair. Im 44 and my hair has reduced so I can see my scalp through the hair.-anxiety/ panic attacks (not in my nature to be anxious). They are more like moments of brain fog, confusion then panic.-Issues are exaggerated before menses. Sleep is especially affected.-I am always tired and feel unrested.-also moments of severe depression (also not in my nature) especially around or during menses.

Action I would like:-Smaller dosage tablets, down to 2.5mg.-more to be done to stop the initial cause of the medical problem / seizures.-more mindful resources prescribed instead of brain altering drugs.-more research, even medical trials using actual doctors so they can fully understand how this drug affects the brain and body.

Epilepsy - Clonic Tonic seizures

I have restless sleep. I have intrusive thoughts and replay things in my head over and over. If I get a song stuck it my head it will stay stuck for two days. My anxiety is through the roof. I have a hard time falling asleep. I had to figure out the medication myself.. the doctors did not warn me of this.. If you take the two doses too close together, you will not be able to fall asleep and if you do, you will feel like your still awake but your mind is drifted off. My memory is horrible. I constantly try to remember names of simple things and I just can't. Eventually I'll think of it. I'm not hopeful to find an anti seizure med that doesn't have horrible side effects. It seems like they all do. I tried keppra at first and "keppra rage" is very accurate. I've been seizure free since I started taking consistently Oct. 2021 but in June 2022 I had an aura and was able to stop it from happening by putting my head between my legs while sitting down and it stopped it from happening

Horrible brain fog, unable to think, fired from job in CA and had to move back to CO. Anxiety, nausea, stomach cramps, migraines, extreme hip pain, sciatia, horrible acne, dry mouth, insomnia, RLS and severe mode swings. Stopped taking 1 week ago.

This med acted like a sugar pill for years. Didnt work at all. Dosage was increased upwards gradually and positive effects started to show. I`m at the ceiling of the dosage range.. Helps with unmotivation, depressive moods and stress induced anxiety too, to some degree.What i like about this med is no weight gain, no tiredness, drowsyness

Increased need for sleep- sleeping 11-12 hours. Benign fasiculations all over my body. Both of these subsided when I stopped taking it. I have some restless leg symptoms since taking this medication, not sure if it's related.

Seemed to improve mood, however mood also improved as life circumstance improved. I discontinued and haven't been depressed since.

I've had anxiety disorder all my life, 3 major depressions and was finally diagnosed with BP2 after coming to pdoc in very hypomanic state. Started Lamictal, stayed at 200mg/day for 5 years, with NO side effects until now? I developed severe clogged pores out of the blue, with very oily skin and hair.

Idk for sure if Lamictal can cause acne after 5 years on it with no problems? I am shocked! My skin has gotten SO BAD now, after 5 years! No other issues, except sometimes feeling very stupid! Overall, I have been happy with it and I believe it has helped my mood stabilize, but if this horrible acne ends up being from the Lamictal, I'm off it! Just so weird to appear suddenly after 5 years on it!?

Nervous legs really bad,intermittent sleep but this is my first experience with a mood stabilizer. I am trying to give it time but my patience is wearing thin.

LAMICTAL (LAMOTRIGINE): Lamotrigine is used alone or with other medications to prevent and control seizures. It may also be used to help prevent the extreme mood swings of bipolar disorder in adults. Lamotrigine is known as an anticonvulsant or antiepileptic drug. It is thought to work by restoring the balance of certain natural substances in the brain. This drug is not approved for use in children younger than 2 years due to an increased risk of side effects (such as infections). (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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This med is Bad! once your on it for over 6months, Your hooked! I have tryed twice now to ween off it slowly- get big time withdrawal symptoms from it! so bad I was forced to go back on it! then had even more problems! this junk Bloats your belly big time!! and gives you trapped gas so bad, you may end up in the E.R. for it! Its just Nasty! right now my sides hurt from bloating belly! as you gain waight going off and on the drug! and the bloating makes it worse!! im not a fat person,yet it has formed a overhang belly (beer belly) in just months of taking this crap med ! Im gonna try one more time to see my doctor about this mess! and get off this medication forever! if he wont do it this time.. its cold turkey for me ! people watch out for the side effects! this med is Nasty!

None. Sometimes sleepy and a bit euphoric when it first kicks in but nothing major. I am able to take it and go to work.

I was prescribed this drug to reduce the size of my fibroid(s) before a myomectomy. After reading the comments posted on this site I was very scared of taking Lupron and even considered not taking it. I decided to go ahead as I had no other real option and I am so glad I made that decision. Whilst I have had some side effects such as bone pain and night sweats they have not been extreme or debilitating and haven't affected my day to day life. The fibroid has shrunk considerably and all the associated discomfort has gone. I am about to have my 3rd injection and my operation is scheduled for 3 weeks time. I would tell anyone faced with the option of taking Lupron to make the decision based on your own situation, everyone is different and you cannot predict how your body will react but Lupron can be an effective treatment. It definitely worked for me.

Brief period of light drowsiness, then alert again.

Caused Gout & I must take Allopurinol for the gout, some mild flushing 4-6 times a year

I was on 12 1/2mg for over a year, then increased to 25mg because of an increase of skipped heartbeats. After 3 mos. BP dropped into the 80's, I tried to get off but had heart palpitations & panic attacts after 2 days. So I was put back on a half dose again & then after 3 mos.started experiencing panic & anxiety attacks & felt terrible. I am trying to wean off of it for the last 2 weeks & the withdrawal is awful.

The high satisfaction rate was because it did the job. But I am sure it nearly killed me. This might have been because it was taken alongside a week of Metronizadol. Severe nausea, headache, generally feeling very unwell. Headach/vertigo/very faint. Flushed face at times and very very tired!. On top exceptionally sore mouth. Whole thing became a nightmare. I also got very anxious; was convinced I would end up in hospital, which is unusual for me.