Klonopin (clonazepam) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Klonopin (clonazepam)

After 5 years use start to give me paradoxical effects ..Now im living the hell.My life is gone...

very tired and sleepy all the time does not seem to help much at all after all these years.

I have tried so many times over 5 years to get off of klonopin I have asked my Dr.several times to gradually switch over to valium because I would really like to get away from klonopin after all these years.they just don't seem to help much at all any more But she refuses to help me taper off using valium, She tried Buspar / vitseral with no luck at all I felt like dying. I have read about a Herb called Kratom that people used to get off of anxiety/depression medications also other hard medications to withdraw from and then others say don't touch the stuff I just don't know what to do. If anyone out there knows anything about Kratom Please Please Let me know

Not many slight drowsiness but nothing bad. Absolutely great for Panic Anxiety sleep. However doctor took me of because I had Valium. I didnt see the huge deal but she insisted only one. But coming of was hell as i CT detoxed month of upset stomach. However left me with Drug induced Neuropathy feet legs. I belive from Klonopin i didnt feel when i was on itWas is great for Panic sleeping Anxiety, however the years go past. Doc wanted me of CT so i had to, but left me with a induced Neuropathy in feet ughhh!!! Idk what to do from here?? I cant go back on as much as i prefer too she wont let me. It really is one of those drugs you love to hate .Don’t end up on them for 10 years its very easy as i think its great at covering up stuff we dont know about. As i said great drug i really miss it as i could drive shop alone, now im back to being agoraphobic sucks. Doctors shouldn’t let you go on then rip you of when they please.

i chemical substance causes damage to the peripheral nervous system [1]. DIPN is potentially irreversible, resulting in sensory deficits and paresthesia typically in a glove and stocking type distribution; motor involvement is rare. The onset of signs and symptoms usually takes weeks to months, as dose-dependent onset requires neurotoxins to build up and reach peak concentrations in the bloodstream. The neurotoxins can affect and modify both peripheral neurons and glial cells through a variety of mechanisms

The worst..it makes u feel good but when it wears off anxiety and deoression and ocd kicked in hard! Worse then before the meds!! I wish i never started taking it...should be taken for two weeks the most!! Beware!!!

possible memory loss but I am not sure, given I'm getting older and short term memory loss is natural to lose and also they tell me I will get short term memory loss, so maybe it's subliminal, as most are rather hysterical regarding this class of drug. But I don't really remember ;-)

I'm fairly certain this drug is like others, in that, it may not be good for those with addictive tendencies but fine for those who do not.

Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD)

I have suffered from lifelong overwhelming, irrational anxiety (even as a child). Over the years I had tried everything; exercise, breathing, supplements, counseling. Then was cycled on and off multiple anti-depressants (SSRI) over the course of 8 years. The anti-depressants actually caused more anxiety and insomnia and have terrible side effects. I was finally given Klonopin and it has been a miracle. It has completely transformed my life for the better. Since being on Klonopin I can function normally. I now can socialize, focus my mind, work, be productive...handle every day situations. I would never choose to go back to how I lived all those years. Before Klonopin I had contemplated suicide many times because I lived in constant anxiety and was miserable. Now I am normal and content.

Works good at night. .5.makes me sleep. While when I wake up I have suicidal thoughts. I take .25 in the daytime and it doesn't last very long.

It's true if I miss a dose in the daytime I start having withdrawals. I can't sit still and I just want to die. It is so addicting I wish I never started taking this drug.

complete lack of emotion, worsened ADHD, psychosis symptoms kept at a slow crawl, stomach issues, irritability, slowed mental processing (which is horrible when you have irrational obsessive thoughts), constant dullness in conversation, creativity at a standstill.

I'm tapering currently by myself (safely) and would not recommend this to anyone suffering from ocd, ADHD, bipolar 2, or any form of psychosis.

Tied and anxious when it wears off

I am reading a lot about klonopin. I am so scared to taper off of it but it seems like it is not helping in the daytime. It helps me sleep at night. I am on antidepressants and am depressed. I need to get off this drug but afraid I won't be able to because I am so unstable. My psyche said I may have to take it long term. I am 64 and can't afford to put myself and family through the withdrawals. Please is there any good news about getting off this drug.

Sleepy in the day. Works good for insomnia. Scared to taper off. I have been taking it for 6 months. .25 daytime .5 at night

This has been a lifesaver. My anxiety and panic attacks were completely debilitating. And I've tried everything. Every anti-depressant, excessive exercise, chamomile diffusion, Kava extract, meditation, Pranayama breathing, walking with weights, alcohol, CBD oil, you name it. And with just one dose of Klonopin it reversed this nightmare going on 3 years in just one day. My doc initially prescribed 1 mg twice a day, total 2 mg per day. I started out with .25 mg a day and have upped it to .75 mg and doing great. I am so sorry to read these other stories of how awful it has been for others. But I am taking heed of your warnings of going off and how horrible the withdrawal can be. I don't know what else to do except what I am doing because I finally have my life back.

All of the above and more!No way to describe how debilitated and nonfunctional they render you. I would be better off dead, but that isn't an option for me. I wish it was. I lost everything I had.

Panic attack. Anxiety. Social phobi

While taking klonopin felt very tired which was fine but the withdrawal from tapering off of it (wanted to get pregnancy and it isn't safe for pregnancy) is horrendous. This is why I gave it a 2. I think if it is used for emergencies like once a month it's okay but for long term daily use- noway.

While taking the drug I would feel very calm after taking it but I noticed as soon as the five hours wore off, I would become extremely panicked and my heart would race. I thought it was just because I had a panic disorder. I am currently tapering off because I would like to get pregnant and it has been a complete nightmare. I tapered down by halves (3mg per day) started in September but then had to stop and slow down then taper by .25 and I FINALLY am beginning to feel normal. I am on half a milligram right now and will go down another .25 in a month. I take it in the morning and after that I don't take anything. My anxiety in the evening is better than when I was taking the klonopin! I was always nervous and anxious and would take it and feel better for a few hours but I would be completely on edge after a few. My anxiety is WAY better than when I was taking it. I feel like a normal person. I still have to go down the half, but just seeing how I am in late afternoon and evening I feel more confident. I would say definitely do not that this medicine for daily long term use because honestly it makes you feel worse, you become so Incredibly dependent on it, and the withdrawal is AWFUL. Beyond awful. I would advise not to go on it. Yes it is good for an emergency, a quick calm me down, but there are other medicines and ways. I take cbd oil for anxiety and that helps a lot. If you are tapering it does get better I promise!!!! You will feel better, it just take

While taking klonopin felt very tired which was fine but the withdrawal from tapering off of it (wanted to get pregnancy and it isn't safe for pregnancy) is horrendous. This is why I gave it a 2. I think if it is used for emergencies like once a month it's okay but for long term daily use- noway.

While taking the drug I would feel very calm after taking it but I noticed as soon as the five hours wore off, I would become extremely panicked and my heart would race. I thought it was just because I had a panic disorder. I am currently tapering off because I would like to get pregnant and it has been a complete nightmare. I tapered down by halves (3mg per day) started in September but then had to stop and slow down then taper by .25 and I FINALLY am beginning to feel normal. I am on half a milligram right now and will go down another .25 in a month. I take it in the morning and after that I don't take anything. My anxiety in the evening is better than when I was taking the klonopin! I was always nervous and anxious and would take it and feel better for a few hours but I would be completely on edge after a few. My anxiety is WAY better than when I was taking it. I feel like a normal person. I still have to go down the half, but just seeing how I am in late afternoon and evening I feel more confident. I would say definitely do not that this medicine for daily long term use because honestly it makes you feel worse, you become so Incredibly dependent on it, and the withdrawal is AWFUL. Beyond awful. I would advise not to go on it. Yes it is good for an emergency, a quick calm me down, but there are other medicines and ways. I take cbd oil for anxiety and that helps a lot. If you are tapering it does get better I promise!!!! You will feel better, it just take

Impaired judgement, paranoia, fatigue, muscle loss, long lasting miserable withdrawal.

Klonopin destroyed my life and damaged my whole family especially my young daughters. It was given to me for panic to take as needed. It does calm you quickly but at the highest price. Very real side effects include paranoia, fatigue, confusion, and impaired judgement. I made several terrible terrible business decisions while taking it. But the worst side effects come when you stop it. For me zero sleep insomnia, chest pain, fatigue, muscle loss, emotional emptiness, and SUICIDAL thoughts/acts that go on and on. It has been four months since my last dose and all I do is lay in bed. My body is mush. My daughters are watching their once vibrant dad erode to nothing and I am helpless.

attain deep sleep/ Fibromyalgia pa

None ! Just a good nights sleep that relieves pain of Fibromyalgia. I wake up alert & not tired or in pain!

You can get off it gradually & be okay.I have tried it but without acquiring a deep sleep the unbearable Fibromyalgia pain quickly returns! At almost 78 living alone I can't function with the pain, so what to I have to loose. I do get a good night's sleep & free of pain.All these others with problems taking it, probably didn't need it in the first place. They are usually having problems with taking any kind of Medication!

WEIGHT GAIN i cannot stop eating

This medication is terrible 10-15 pound weight gain for someone who is already over weight

Anxiety and intrusive thoughts

Stay away from benzodiazepines. I took .75mg for just four weeks. Worked amazing but when I stopped cold turkey after one month, I almost died.I ended up in 4 different Emergencies rooms where they kept giving me 2 mg and 2 mg again. The last hospital wanted to give me gain 2 mg. I refused and left shaking and went to my family doctor asking for Propanalol because my heart was pounding. My blood pressure indicated 180.Day after I ended up at CAMS in Toronto for three days. They stabilized me and I kept taking .5mg Klonopin for next week then tapper it for next month till zero.I had the worst withdrawals for one month. Depression, OCD, anxiety, numbness on my hands, tinnitus, bruises etc...I'm still suffering.Just got on Prozac 10mg starting dose.I think benzodiazepines are demonic.

Worsening depression, anxiety, and panic attacks. Crying spells, Suicidal thoughts. Drunk feeling. Insomnia. Tolerance withdrawal.

Prescribed for panic attacks/depression. It made my depression and anxiety worse and I became more suicidal. I was hospitalized. After taking this drug for a couple of months it started to make me feel drunk right after taking it - followed by intense restlessness, anxiety, feeling of doom, and suicidal thoughts. I developed a tolerance to this drug and was advised to increase the dosage. Instead, I trusted my instinct and tapered off the drug (way too fast) and learned coping skills. Research Heather Ashton Benzo manual and read Benzo Buddies website for help getting off benzodiazepines. Psychiatrists usually will not warn you about side effects and possible dependency that can develop.

KLONOPIN (CLONAZEPAM): Clonazepam is used to prevent and control seizures. This medication is known as an anticonvulsant or antiepileptic drug. It is also used to treat panic attacks. Clonazepam works by calming your brain and nerves. It belongs to a class of drugs called benzodiazepines. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


Related User Reviews

This drug has been a godsend for me. I just wish it were as strong as Humira or Remicade for me.

Pulmonary Embolism!!!!!!!! I almost died.

Really, none that I can note.Maybe a little nausea when I have to "go." Oh, and the acne; nothing really bad, I just HAVE to wash my face or I am certain to have a zit show up. (lol) So far, no excessive eating, my swelling has gone down...! and I my thoughts are actually clearer then when in depression, but nothing is as clear as when manic! (if you are bi-polr, you know what I mean.) I haven't had any headaches at all, and I have previously struggled with migranes, but the Lamictal is the only drug I take, so no cross-over side effects.

I think more info should be available...more options also. Not just our doctors pushing manufactured drugs b/c of the drug companies and the money they pay.....

Helped my mood, motivation and mental clarity in the morning. The fatigue later in the day is a big problem however- need o get it addressed.

Vertigo, disorientation, depression, scary dreams, heavy eyes, severe back aches, bloody diarrhea, numbness all over, severe stomach pains, like knives stabbing, raised facial hives, weakness, unable to stay awake.

The first 4 months I experienced nausia, headaches, leg cramps at night, dramatically increased appetite (gained 10lbs in the first 2 months), spotting between periods, cycstic acne (especially on my neck)..

I started noticing major stomach pain and loss of appetite at first. Then my mood tanked. Like super tanked into major depression and anxiety feelings. All the world was off to my normal state of mind. I’ve felt horrible and suspicious of this stuff since the first dose.

weight gain, now vomitting and nausea

heels knees, back pain, not healing.