Dilantin (phenytoin sodium) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Dilantin (phenytoin sodium)

Flickering eyes walk like I'm drunken

They should tell people what they can do to you

Experiencing dizziness, fatigue, and short of breath. No seizures.

Took dilantin for 48 years with no side effects except soft gums and no seizures. Stopped taking dilantin and took Keppra. After taking Keppra for one year switch back to dilantin. Now experiencing dizziness, fatigue, and short of breath.

In 40 years never had a seizure while on Dilantin. Docs tried two other medications; had seizures soon after both times.

I’ve been taking Dilantin for about 1 and 1/2 years now, and for me the side-effects have included making my teeth more brittle. Also, I have small patches on my skin and scalp that are red and both itchy and sore.

I’ve started supplementing my 300 mg/day of Dilantin with CBD oil in nasal spray form. The CBD oil has been wonderful at relieving both stress and depression. I still have occasional seizures, one or two every few months. As much as I dislike the seizures and the control they have on my life, no license, memory loss etc, I can live with the occasional seizure on Dilantin rather than the side effects I experienced on other anti-seizure meds. I do worry about my teeth breaking, as I’ve broken two teeth since I’ve been on Dilantin. But then when I seize, I fall and my head and teeth get compromised.

Osteopenia and recent broke patella from fall. Dr said I have osteoporosis in knee. Seeing dentist twice a year and taking care of teeth help gums not to swell.

Have become concerned about cerebral shrinkage. Have been seizure free for 36 years. So can't complain.

I have been taking Dilantin for five years, first seizure, only have had two. ( liver enzymes got high). Somedays my gait was off. The doctor cut dosage to 200 mg and started me on lamotrigine. With in a week I felt so much better. It took several months to get me completely off of Dilantin. When the dose was cut another 100 mg my liver enzymes were normal. With all the seizure medications to chose from, I do not understand why a doctor would put anyone on Dilantin. I will give an updated on how the lamotrigine is working for me. Good thought to all!

I took dilantin from age 7 to 17. Started loosing teeth in my 20s and it was a domino effect after that. Eventually got dentures at age 50.I'm now concerned about bone loss as I am experiencing pain associated with the dentures. Id love to get implants but am concerned that I don"t have enough bone left for that and can't afford it anyway

I have severe leg(calf) muscle damage.

The doctor that began prescribing Dilantin to me told me that I wouldn't be able to walk by the time I reached 60. I didn't think it was true. But it is. I knew I needed something for my seizures. I took Dilantin for 20 years. That was the only medicine they offered me. Through the whole time I still had seizures. Three years ago I changed Doctor. Was prescribed Keppra haven't had but a two seizures in three years. But have severe leg(calf) damage.

Had one seizure went to shands

Gave me dilantin on first seizure at hospital shands live oak Fla been six days still haven't slept feel weak feel cold while I'm sweating

Moody, depressed, irritable, hostile, fatigue, strange sensations I can't even describe, ringing in my head.

This drug made me very depressed and moody and played a key role in destroying my most important relationship which of course led to further suffering. I switched to another drug and immediately those depressive symptoms disappeared but by then it was too late, I was alone.

Actually taking dilantin 53 years. Only side effect is depression and low energy. Otherwise, am very active--dance, walk, fitness, multitasking for years.

Found taking 400mg daily was too much. Alternated 400 and 300 daily.

It gives me energy and helps me lose weight I've never had a problem with this medicine as long as I've been taking it I've been taking it since I was 3 years old

CONFUSED numb left hand unable to walk slow feeling

Was diagnosed as being DILANTIN TOXIC

Gum overgrowth, possible psychosis when level is too high. agitation. irritable, fatigue

Dilantin has stopped nocturnal seizures, some partials, and may have reduced the overall number. Unfortunately, it is often elevated by other meds and when this happens there are psychological impacts, gum overgrowth and many other side effects that aren't positive. Still, it's been more successful than without it. Dilantin is normally the primary med for some and has required at least one add-on.

Weight gain,short term memmory lost,facile hair,fatigue,tied,sleepy.

Been on it for longer than 10 years. Been on it for 26 years.

Short memory problems,forgetful.

At first I couldn't take it, it was making me sick and feeling funny. After a couple of months it worked perfect.

If your doctor tells you to take Dilantin, no matter how you feel, continue. Don't forget to take this medication, take it daily. The good news is once your used to it you should be able to take it once a day, in the morning. I went from a failure at high school to becoming a dispatcher for a huge company. i also wrote programs for the company. This is all due to the help of dilantin. Once your on your level you will find that if something very important is about to come up such as a meeting, one extra pill will zoom you in and focus you. Agree with this medication and you may be seizure free for years.

seizures,brain injury as a child

Mentally unstable. Panic attacks, mania, confusion, memory loss. Extreme aggression, Depression.

Have to get a lawyer and ask to be on disability, would not recommend at all.

DILANTIN (PHENYTOIN SODIUM): Phenytoin is used to prevent and control seizures (also called an anticonvulsant or antiepileptic drug). It works by reducing the spread of seizure activity in the brain. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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