Dilantin-125 (phenytoin) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Dilantin-125 (phenytoin)

Confusion, dizziness, insomnia, thoughts of suicide, depression, memory loss, anxiety, agitated, anger, I'm a ticking time bomb, violent, ready to kill if get on my bad side, arms and legs jerking and shaking, I should have died that day.

I'm taking this medicine cause someone attempted to kill me by putting a large dose of xanex in my tea.

I get really tired out of nowhere, I have like no energy at all during the day/night and my arms and shoulders just get really sore really fast

Extreme drowsiness to the point that just wanted to sleep the whole day. Vertigo and anxiety attacks. Shaky hands, blurry vision, slowed down my thought process and aggravated my stutter. I didn't feel like seeing anyone. I wasn't depressed but I was apathetic to everything.

Vertigo unable to think and all that ** over an extended period. Having biopsy for worsening effects. No blood test shows any neg. Now taking lamictal and you just end up only getting up to take this stupid sh**

Vertigo, facial paralysis started from right to left. Memory loss, slurred speech, headache, numbing of left and right limbs, swollen gums, bleeding. Very short tempered.

Swelling of my gums, I was not pleased with my sexual life, I stay depressed about it, there is so much more but, I don't know where to start.

Son born with methemoglobinemia. He's was fine after a few years. No side effects until recently so it's difficult to distinguish if it's the Dilantin or menopause. Had not had a seizure for decades until after a recent surgery. Now my short term memory is getting very bad and so is cognitive thinking. I get periodic rashes on my chest and neck that don't itch or hurt and go away within 4-5 days about every four months.

I would take this drug again if I had it to do all over again. It has helped me live a normal life. I have a healthy son. The benefits have definitely outweighed the consequences for me.

No adverse side-effects. Controls symptoms remarkably well. Problem almost but not quite cured.

I also found Hydergine at 4.5 mgs helped and the amino acid l-carnosine 1000 mgs twice daily; each seemed to help in different ways. Dilantin I found to be excellent at calming.

Sometimes I have felt overly tired, some swelling of gums but not terribly bothersome. Helpful with headaches.

Seizures stopped almost immediately. Was having grand mal seizures nearly daily- started Dilantin, in the past 5 years I have had approx. 6-8 seizures total. Unfortunately, I have no sex drive.

gum growth!! It did NOT control my seizures!!!! I was always tired. I couldn't enjoy my friends! I was always looked at as a weird person!!!

Exhaustion, staring, Do not take this if you can hold off. Depakote was better for me, however it causes weight gain.

Bad for the liver. Be very careful for this drug is no good for you.

grand &petit mal siezure onset 2/06

extreme dizziness, fatigue, loss of concentration and memory loss, depression, no matter how high the Dr raises my dose (currently 200mg 3 times daily) my blood levels do not show the dilantin, and have even been accused of NOT TAKING the dilantin. swollen gums, itchy face, mild body rash, nausia, constipation, water weight retention

i am unsure why my blood levels will not show the dilantin level i need, no matter how high the dose is.

Had a car accident and was knocked out. 10 days later had a bad seizure. Was given 1000mg of Dilntin and observed for 3 days in the hospital. Have been on 200mg once a day for about a month. Dont feel sleepy through out the day, have trouble falling asleep, and feel like im just in a zone alot. I do have the shakes at times. So far just feeling minor symtoms. I rather be feeling these, then having another seizure.

EXTREME fatigue, shaking, memory loss, just not myself

I can't even stay awake for a movie, play with my children, or eat out at a restaurant. Whether it be in the morning, day or night. If I sit down for fifteen minutes or more, I'm exhausted and dozing off. First thing in the morning, I get ready for my hour long drive to work, and half way, I'm fighting to stay awake. Same for the trip home. At my hour lunch, I sit in the car and take a nap. The shaking is progressing, but slowly, sometimes it's noticable to other people. I cannot concentrate at work or at home whatsoever. It is affecting my job, but I'm afraid to tell anyone (don't want to lose my job). I try hard to get my job done correctly, but my job performance isn't at all what it used to be. I have to make notes for everything, simple little things, like writing down my telephone extention on a post it, and putting it on the phone that I use 20 times a day. I am almost unable to read and comprehend anything. (I used to be able to read an 800 page book within days). I have diff

Brain Tumor - removed 1.5 yrs ago

Very few side effects initially. Now 1.5 years later, I am shakey, trouble with speach (forced me to slow down), trouble typing, difficulty sleeping - even though I'm exhausted, the memory issue is causing problems. I've developed some strategies to manage the short term issues (it's affected my work) I'm hungry alot and am having difficulty trying to lose weight. The shakiness just started and I have no idea how to control this or whether I need to see the doctor AGAIN. I had what I would call a mini seisure as a result of drinking an excessive amount of expresso (6 cups - no one ever mentioned this before- da)I'm drinking one small to medium coffee a day now, but may need to eliminate this altogether do to the shakey issues. I just got my license back and don't want to jeopardize losing it.

I am on 500 ml a day - 200 in the morning and 300 at night. I was feeling so well after my surgery that I cut back to 400 ml. For 4 weeks I felt great - then had a gandmal seizure. If you can switch from one med to another - please post the info.

tired all the time, hands shaking, loss of appetite, a lot of mood swings, slurred speech

I'm not sure why I had these seizures but I think its stress and anxiety they only happen while I am sleep. I'm not sure if the meds are working or not but I do know that I don't like feeling like a drug addict. I have to stop typing because my hands are shaking as I type.

Take 300mg morning and 200 mg at night..Dental problems-receding gums but this medicine is my life saver. Any time my blood level gets low(i.e.forget to take it) I have seizures

Would not recommend for extended use. There are safer seizure drugs. I took for 5 years and developed hodgkin's lymphoma. 6 months of chemotherapy and radiation. Now taking lamictal and it's great. Email us if you have any questions - please let us know if you have or have had lymphoma due to dilantin.

DILANTIN-125 (PHENYTOIN): Phenytoin is used to prevent and control seizures (also called an anticonvulsant or antiepileptic drug). It works by reducing the spread of seizure activity in the brain. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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does not totally elliminate the pain,but it makes life much better.


Cannot tolerate statins but do not recommend this drug if you have issues with other cholesterol medications. Takes 60-90 days they say to get out of system. Praying to get my life back. Very depressing.

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Beneficial results for neuropathy in both legs after 3 back surgies. Advised to take 800mg and go to bed due feeling high and out of it.

extreme sweating from morning to night; blurred vision at times. Either jittery feeling or tired feeling depending on time of day taken. Taken in a.m., hungry after six hours; taken in p.m. appetite depressed next day, so usually try and take in p.m.

I had to go through it twice and i still am not able to have sex. I have the same symptoms before i started it and before the vaginitis was discovered. yet my gyno syas i have no infection and that im perfectly fine. I hope the burning stops soon!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It did seem to help with the UTI. I felt OK the first 3 days then started feeling like I had the flu. Took for 6 days then stopped as side effects were getting worse. Side effects began to abate about 14 hours after my last pill.

Upon first dosage I experienced a lot of strange things, including akathisia. This feeling increased up and up over the period of 50 days while I "tested the waters" to give this med a good run before throwing it in the junk pile with so many others. This feeling of restlessness has persisted for 14 months AND COUNTING after discontinuing. It has been the most devestating thing of my life. THIS DRUG SHOULD NOT BE LEGAL. BE AFRAID. I took dozens of psyc meds including seroquel by the handful for 10 years and nothing that bad ever came of it. Is this permanent? I don't know, but you do NOT want to live through these horrors in hopes of a good treatment. Let me be your warning. DON'T DO IT.