Clonazepam (clonazepam) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Clonazepam (clonazepam)

I'm no longer taking this medication. I use Trazodone for sleep. My doctor allowed me to increase the dosage of the Trazodone.

It made me feel angry and upset. It gave me severe anxiety. I felt like I was going kinda crazy. Got off of it and felt much better. It's possible it was poorly manufactured and that why I felt bad. My advice, don't touch this toxic poisonous drug, you will be much better off.

This drug didn't help me at all. Docs don't like to prescribe it, it addictive and it made me feel awful. Stay away from it!!!!

Grogginess, slurred speech, migraine headaches, severe depression wouldn't recommend this to my worst enemy. I took it for sleep to stop racing thoughts. Most nights I was able to sleep but I needed at least 12 hours to feel somewhat normal.

I am now weaning off the drug I was at 2 mg now I am down to .25 I feel like I finally am starting to have a life again

I been taking 2 / 4 mg daily for 24 years .. to treat torticillis .. side effects were dry mouth .. mouth ulcers ,inflamed gums, bad, breath, sometimes deep sleep .. sometimes no sleep, anger issues ,muscle pain, memory loss, Erectile dysfunction, tired eyes, weight gain, stomach cramps, my eyes wouldn't open during the night ,bitter tongue ,restlessness

Don't start this drug .. I been tapering a year now .. my body is slowly healing. I feel like I've lost so much of my life ... but I'm finally reclaiming it .. guys you can get off this nasty drug

Heart damage, abnormal aggressive behavior, changed my personality.

In my opinion this drug is great if you want to be a drug addict. Everything that I liked to do I lost interest in. I was not unhappy though. I simply stayed home and took my drugs and two years of my life went by until I had low blood pressure. After doing some research on this drug I believe it was this drug that caused. I now have permanent numbness in arms and legs that comes and goes. After taking it it was like a void exists in my life. To many doctors just want to put you on medication these days. I would only recommend this drug in the most severe circumstances. In my opinion you are better off experimenting with marijuana or hallucinogenic mushrooms.

Listen up people. If you begin this drug, your life will Never Be The Same Ever. Even as you develop Tolerance and Tolerance Withdrawal, the suffering you endure will be Unfathomable. You likely will Suffer Permanent Neurological Damage which can include Tinnitus and Permanent Worse Anxiety and Severe Depression, even Decades After Stopping. To say nothing of being nonfunctional for a decade or more, at a minimum. Just Don't. I lost Everything and don't know if I Can Even Go On. Consider this as possible the only Serious Warning, because You Will Never Be Told The Truth About These Drugs By Any Provider. The reason they won't warn you is because if they didn't prescribe this Poison is that They Would Have No Income If They Didn't!! Simple As That. If you want a future, don't take even one pill. Use Magnesium to effectively relieve anxiety.Take large doses of magnesium for anxiety it works for panic too. I used to have a life before these drugs.It is probably too late for me to rebuild what I lost, Virtually Everything I Ever Had.I will mourn everything I lost, including Myself, til the day I die.

It appears we can't hold any of them legally liable due to a Supreme Court decision regarding patients c. ?2011.

used to be great but now having night sweats and mild chest tightness

Been off and on it for 10 years. Was helpful but I've had to give it up due to side effects

I took this drug for 13 years. I began taking this drug around age 24 when I started having severe anxiety. Doctors tried putting me on all kinds of different things and nothing worked. This was and is the only thing that has ever worked for me with no side effects. My new doctor took me off of it and I was doing ok without it for about a year and then my anxiety came back and it’s worse than ever. She’s had me try 3 other things and none of them work. If you have severe anxiety this drug is an absolute life saver. I would recommend breaking a 1 MG tablet in half and taking it as needed. They say this drug can cause memory loss. I haven’t experienced any myself and my anxiety is so bad that I’d rather take this and live a normal life and risk the memory loss over having severe anxiety. If you’re suffering from severe anxiety or panic attacks and nothing else has worked for you I highly recommend this drug.

While taking 2-3 times a week was slowly going into withdrawal. Drug works fine at quelling anxiety and insomnia at first, but as you go into withdrawal unknowingly those come back. Over time even that low dose causes me to become a zombie with dulled emotions. Now tapering off. Will never take again.

Just don't. It may seem like a lifesaver in the beginning but it will stab you in the back. Then when you try to get off be prepared for a stretch of insomnia and anxiety that are very unpleasant. The 18-50 hr half-life means that only taking 2-3 times a week it can build up in your system and over more than a few weeks, you're now where you can't just stop abruptly. Very dangerous med like ALL benzos.

Clonazepam has taken many people's lives. I know personally how many have committed suicide because of the undescribable torture that we go through when this poison turns paradoxical on us and we come off it. I am one of thousands of prescribed patients who has been going through hell on earth now for over 3 years

Evil poison! Benzodiazepines are going to be the next opioid crisis.

Awful dementia type feeling, zombie. Yes those who are itchy it causes that, maybe something in it drug eruption. If you do stop it, better off on valium. I feel this is another drug just handed out loosely. It's too strong for anxiety. We won't die people from anxiety ok.. just breath techniques... As I said valium better option just cross over. My penis shrunk too like other guy, messes with uranyl stuff to much. If you have epilepsy fine but anxiety c'mon... Try not just pop pills

Avoid it don't start..... Simple valium better.

Lethargy, dizziness and lightheaded, muscle aches, muscle weakness. Only took .5mg for two weeks and stopped. Not sure if it was withdrawal or leftover still in my body, but felt terrible for a week after I stopped. This is a awful drug and wouldn't recommend to anyone.

Prescribed to me to reduce anxiety in response to my nervous anxiety resulting from an event where I experienced heart palpitations.

First drug that helped my terrible anxiety. I could finally leave my house without panic.

Clonazepam is a miracle drug. I have been dealing with panic & anxiety over 40 years and clonazepam helps me get through my day. I can take it and still go about my day if I need to stay awake however if I take it for sleep all I have to do is lay down and I'm totally relaxed

If this medication did not have addictive qualities, I would take one every day. I have not experienced any side effects. This medication calms my nervous system without making me depressed.

Severe Anxiety, Fear, Panic Attacks

This drug is a living hell to get off and can be abused, and is extremely addictive to some. I wish prayer worked so I can be set free from this medication and other things as well, but at lass, I shall reap what I have sowed. it works, but it comes with a great price for someone like myself. Sigh!!!! HELP!

I feel like I'm going into a semi psychosis when I'm off it for some weeks, let alone a month. Sigh!!! HELP!! John.

Clonazepam can make you a little bit sleepy but anything is better than suffering panic attacks hour after hour after hour. My doctor put me on 6 mg a day I weighed myself down to two and added an antidepressant together they work okay now I have a new Doctor who wants to completely take me awkwardness of him it's ridiculous. She says I can cause dementia well I would rather have dimension than experience panic attacks everyday with dementia you don't know what's going on with your body

For me it did the job it made me functional in my life I wouldn't have been functional and able to work without it. I believe panic disorder is caused from a chemical imbalance I saw therapist they told me there was nothing wrong with me

I was forced to become an "expert" on Clonazepam, as well as other drugs, due to my life long insomnia etc.. Clonazepam works best for my insomnia and has no side effects except possibly memory loss....but I can't remember...haha. I'm not sure it causes memory loss but I was feeling I had some memory loss but could be age? I was able to get off of this drug though I had to use Trazadone as without it I could not sleep. Trazadone has too many side effects for me so I'm going back to Clonazepam as it works much better and is not as dangerous as people say it is. I feel benzos are similar to alcohol in that some people have addictive personalities and some do not. I do not, so this drug is fine for me. But the best way to fight insomnia and possibly anxiety/depression is to get at least 30 minutes of sunshine and mild exercise per day and meditate or do yoga.

It's only bad if you have an addictive personality.

I have gained 20 pounds, Sleep a lot better wake up in a good mood they work wonderful for me except for the Weight gain.

CLONAZEPAM (CLONAZEPAM): Clonazepam is used to prevent and control seizures. This medication is known as an anticonvulsant or antiepileptic drug. It is also used to treat panic attacks. Clonazepam works by calming your brain and nerves. It belongs to a class of drugs called benzodiazepines. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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Terrible rash on my chest and my face is puffy! I cant help but to stay up late every night and I'm wide awake in the morning, only thing is its hard to get going, once I do though, try to stop me! No interest in food. Metal taste in my mouth.

I experienced HORRIBLE anxiety. I was prone to anxiety attacks before but could almost always manage them on my own fine. I started taking Clomid about 2 weeks ago and my anxiety has been through the roof. 4 and 5 panic attacks a day, so tired, all I want to do it cry. Has made trying to live my normal life impossible for the last two weeks.

Extreme sleepiness, dry mouth, nausea

I am taking this along with Remeron and Klonopin so any side effect I get may be a combination of the three together, I take all 3 at bedtime then also take a Klonopin in the morning. I actually asked specifically for Seroquel from my Dr. b/c when I was in the hospital last spring from a suicide attempt they gave me this and one night I slept great.

still having skipped heartbeats frequently but not full blown afib. low pulse rate keeps me tired. hasn't helped lower my blood pressure

possible allergy to codeine... ya think??

My tension dropped to normal levels after three weeks. I sleep too deep now. That was not my style.

I've been on topamax for awhile now. I don't really have terrible side effects like other people; what I do hate is that my once super thick, shiny hair is now dry and straw-like. I've lost some of my hair, but it's not that noticeable.

No sex drive unable to orgasm.

Breast enlargement, period every two weeks :P, cramps still there, less bleeding, moodiness (never used to be so emotional) long periods of spotting/cramping following short periods.