Banzel (rufinamide) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Banzel (rufinamide)

My 6 year old son began this med (to address EEG abnormalities) with an increasing dosage schedule.He developed a bad rash that looked similar to, this is a known (although rare) side-effect of Banzel. After stopping the med, it took about 10 days for the rash to disappear.

BANZEL (RUFINAMIDE): Rufinamide is used with other medications to prevent or control seizures (epilepsy) associated with Lennox-Gastaut syndrome (LGS). This medication is an anticonvulsant. Rufinamide is thought to work by acting on the sodium channels in the brain that carry excessive electrical charges that may cause seizures. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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Well I just got off this horrible f***n medicine...I would NEVER recommend this to anyone!!!!! Gave me twinges throughout my whole body, felt like I was dying. Could not read any longer than a paragraph without feeling dizzy and sick, because my vision was blurred!!! And on top of this it gave me a yeast infection and thrush!!!!!!!! Hate hate hate metronidazole.

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