Aptiom (eslicarbazepine acetate) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Aptiom (eslicarbazepine acetate)

The worst side effect is I hear voices and sometimes I see creepy figures. Also gives me extreme insomnia. I wanted to see if it was the aptiom doing this. I didn't take it for 3 days. I know that was risky but I had to know. No seizures in that 3 days of not taking it. Also no hearing things and no creepy figures. Rare side effect but does happen.

Going to stop aptiom and try 1 more medication. If that doesn't work I am turning to natural remedies.

Side effects: severe memory loss, overall cognitive impairment (difficulty reading a book and absorbing the content, spacing out, forgetting words).

Aptiom has the least amount of side effects from an anticonvulsant, in my experience. Unfortunately, it didn't stop my seizures, it wiped out my short term memory, and it's REALLY expensive. It's the best anticonvulsant I've taken in terms of how many side effects there are, but sadly it didn't serve it's intended purpose for me. It seems you have to suffer an onslaught of negative side effects just to get a prescription that actually works.

Seizures are more frequent. Makes me angry and lowers my thyroid.

I am weaning off of Vimpat and Topamax because my hair is falling out, I am angry (I am not usually angry) and I am having severe headaches. So far the only side effects that I am having are Night Sweats and strange dreams.

I am praying that this will work as a monotherapy.

APTIOM (ESLICARBAZEPINE ACETATE): Eslicarbazepine is used alone or with other medications to treat a certain type of seizure disorder (focal seizures). It belongs to a class of drugs known as anticonvulsants. Eslicarbazepine may reduce the number of seizures you have. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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After taking this wonderful med for about 9 months, I started having rebound effect - from 1-2 migraines a week to almost daily migraines (I was also on Topamax during this time). I later learned this can often happen with triptans or even just over-the-counter pain relievers. I'm sorry this happened because it was excellent at quickly relieving the migraine, and I had very mild-to-none side effects. I now take Maxalt, which is more expensive and takes longer to kick in, but doesn't seem to have rebound - so far.

I had such stabbing pains in my stomach. My esophagus felt as if someone was pricking it with pins. I took an over the counter antacid which caused me to double over in pain.I was unable to eat or sleep.

i hate it and i want it banned from the country.

Nausea/ violent& extremely painful vomiting the first week, thought it was from me drinking alcohol but I stopped and the feelings still came.Skin looks pretty clearI’m usually easily irritated but this pill is making me very moody.

only put a 5 to be at the top... OUCH... red sore gross skin...OUCH

Fatigue; night sweats; headache