Xarelto (rivaroxaban) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Xarelto (rivaroxaban)

Headaches/migraines, palpitations, fatigue, lacking interest in daily activities, anxiety/depression, dizziness

Was switched over to Xarelto from Eliquis two weeks before my scheduled ablation by my cardiologist. Was in afib for 12 days prior to switch and two hours after the change, I returned to normal rhythm and stayed there until the ablation. Eliquis prolonged the afib???I'm not certain but now have daily constant palpitations on the Xarelto. EP agreed to lower the dose of Xarelto to 15mg after hearing me complain about the side effects. I am four months post ablation and want off this poison. Have tried contacting EP's office via answering service but not hearing back from him. Who has stopped taking this crap and how did you do it??? The longer I am on this junk the worse I feel

Stomach pain and upset, eyes water and feel sandy, flu like feeling daily.

Don't take it if you have a choice. My husband has been on Eliquis for 6 years and has had no side effects. I'm going to try to switch ASAP!

Prescribed this due to a second provoked pulmonary embolism, within a few days of taking this I got extreme anxiety, nocturnal panic attacks (leading to more medicine - diazepam), huge difficulty sleeping (max 4hrs a night) pins and needles in hands and feet, trembling, rapid heart rate (more prescribed medicine to help - beta blockers), feeling faint and it is taking away all of my quality of life. I didn't want to leave the house, I felt terribly ill all day every day and I recently ended up in hospital, away from my kids all over Christmas due to these side effects. I am usually fit and well, it has made me feel like my whole world has crumbled - doctors just thought I was being dramatic and immediately pinned it all on mental health, I felt like I was going crazy until I found these reviews!

I am going to tell my Haematologist I will not be taking this for more than the 3 months specified - even though I have been told I may have to take thinners for life (which is a huge risk at my age, there must be more natural ways of doing this!). I am not living, I'm hardly surviving on this drug. Despite anxiety of recurrence of clot, I would prefer not to take this at all.

DVT left leg, right leg & lung

After reviewing all the previous issues with side effects I am happy to report that I have had no side effects. I am one of the lucky ones to tolerate it very well.

This has been a great alternative for Warfarin or Coumadin which would be a "no go" in my mind. I am happy this is working for me and I will be on it for life.

Weight loss - lost my appetite since on medication

I have not experienced any side effects from this drug in the one year that I have been taking it daily.

I could not be more pleased with this drug. I pay $10.00 for a 90 day supply using the assistance program card that I got for free at the manufacturers website. If not for that, I hear this is really expensive. I highly recommend everyone who is prescribed this drug to sign up for their prescription assistance program at the Xarelto website. I have great health insurance, and I still signed up for it because it really makes this so affordable. I am sorry to read others experiences with this drug that are not as positive as my experience has been.

I could not be more pleased with this medication. I experience no side effects at all, which is surprising upon reading others reviews of this drug. It's nice to have the peace of mind that I am helping prevent any blood clots from forming if and when the AFib returns, which it does from time to time.

At first few side effects but longer I've been on them No real side effects

Second " unprovoked" clot in 11 yes

2 clotting incidents in 11 years. Most clots dissolve in their own and actually my current DVY had NO SYMOTOMS I just guessed I had it. Do I 2as given Xarelto. A couple months into taking this drug I started to get foggy brain. Confused. I thought I was getting dementia. Being a 65 year old pretty healthy female who has a good BMI, exercises, jogs, and has a healthy diet this was alarming. The doctors even say they don't get me getting a DVT( which is now gone) after a year)and I test as not being predisposed to clots. I starting running from doctor to doctor but passed all dementia screening. I was mentally clear as a bell before this drug. I'm told I have to stay on it because I " might or might not" get another clot. What??? I still get bouts of foggy headedness and confusion and read in people over 65 it can initiate dementia but the hematologist and doctor won't address that or say it's not true. Dementia runs in my mother's line so it's disconcerting. I feel I am robbing Peter to pay Paul by using this drug. Also had a bleeding incident which took over a week to subside only after I stopped the drug for 4 days to get a colonoscopy. Not to mention all of my holistic suppliments I was taking periodically that kept me physically and mentally clear like ginger, tumeric, Omega 3, Gingko, Chamomile tea, garlic... Im supposed to stop or limit because" they thin your blood". Soooo why cant I use a higher dose of one of those to thin my blood? Makes no sense

After being taken off Eliquis as a result of a reaction, I was put on Xarelto. As luck would have it, I had the same reaction, intense itch. It is intolerable. I imagine it could be equated with water torture. That is not an exageration. My entire torso is involved, but, thankfully, not my limbs. The only thing that calms it is a cold wet washcloth. Told to take it with dinner, I awaken around 2am with severe itching, and spend approximately 2 hours trying to temper it so I can get some more sleep.

My experience with Eliquis is on the Eliquis page. I'm now on Xarelto, with the same adverse reaction. My Dr. says my only other option is Coumadin. From my perspective, Coumadin has never been an option.

Exhaustion at first now just tired all the time. Everyone says move more and you'll have more energy but thats not true. I feel like this whether I excercise or lay around all day. I had my migraines under control before starting on this drug. Now I'm back to waking up with a headache more often than not. I have stomach pains after eating and feel nauseous when I don't eat.

The doctor says he's never heard of anyone having these side effects. I think he should take xarelto for a month and then tell me I'm imagining all this.

Fatigue, headaches, swollen legs weight gain of around 10kg

PAD blood clot behind knee CLI

**review update**Have now less quality of life then prior to arterial procedures and meds.No longer taking plavix or aspirinFatigue depressionweight gain bloat constipationjoint stiffness and swellingTaking myself off this drug. Dr did not discuss options upon questions. Said I will take it indefinitely.

Please help the other patients to not make same mistakes

Numbess legs feet pain when walking extreme fatigue bleeding gums dizzy depression

Constipation every day, constant feeling that I need the toilet, stomach ache, dizziness, headache

2 months left on this horrible medication, I want my life back!!!

Extreme fatigue, massive migraines, shortness of breath, zero energy. If you're trying to wipe us out you're doing a good job .

Side affects none lack of monitoring by GP

Stopped after pharmacy advised excessive period of time and no proper annual review from doctor.in 5 years did not order any more on repeat perception am no taking a natural dispersaable Aspirin 75mg per day

Horrible drug terrible head pain left side stomach arms legs pain tingling in fingers toes and soooo tired got 9 days to go can't wait till I finish this poison

stomach pain, high acid vomiting, headaches, dizziness

Warfarin was much better and Xarelto was obviously pushed through the FDA without proper testing as usual. Corporate greed takes innocent lives... again.

XARELTO (RIVAROXABAN): Rivaroxaban is used to prevent blood clots from forming due to a certain irregular heartbeat (atrial fibrillation) or after hip or knee replacement surgery. It is also used to treat blood clots (such as in deep vein thrombosis-DVT or pulmonary embolus-PE) and to prevent the blood clots from forming again. Rivaroxaban is an anticoagulant that works by blocking certain clotting proteins in your blood. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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Tried Xanax briefly, and Ativan which I hated. I felt better instantly on Klonpin. Though I believe it to be addictive, and I certainly wat off. Ive gone from 1mg per day to .5 a day, and remain faily stable for the most part. An attempt to go to .25 hasnt worked well for me just yet, and I just visited the hospital last week because the Klonopin couldnt get my heart rate down. Clearly I have some work to do in therapy, so I can manage these attacks on my own and without having Klonopin in my bag. I SO look forward to that day. Anyone know how helpful meditation/spirituality is?

I went to the Dr. for pain in chest and heartburn symptoms. Did EKG, d-dimer, and h-pyroli tests all good. Based on having vein surgery 10 days before onset of symptoms and taking high dosages of ibuprophen determined it to be peptic ulcer and prescribed aciphex and sucralfate. Next day symptoms started. Day 2 Dr said stay on sucralfate and discontinue aciphex. Had chest pains and thought I was having heart problems that ekg didnt find,went for stress test (turned out good)different Dr told me stop sucralfate and continue aciphex and take pepcid pc. Continued having problems so have stopped all meds and have found natural meds. Lady at health store has same health problems and suggested deglycyrrhizinated (DGZ) licorice chewable)and Digest(enzymes). Trying today, will see how goes. Has been 2 days since taken aciphex and most symtoms gone but still having tingling and thoat constriction and numbing in face. Hope they go away soon. I didn't have any of these symptoms before being

Worked effectively but had to discontinue due to edema

It scares me, I feel sick, my jaw, neck and shoulders are so tight and in pain all the time, my stomach is burning, is bloated gassy, I am so tired, i have a headache most of the time, no energy, tightness on my chest, I have insomnia.I want to quit, and I will, no matter what, if not, I think it will kill me.I wonder if somebody knows if you can reverse all these symptoms once you quit and bring your health back.

Having some mood swings, but not sure if it is because of the Kavira 28 or because of pre-menopausal symptoms. Seems to have more engergy during the day, drinking less coffee. Also noticed not so hungry - that is good!!!(need to loose some weight)

Weight gain (esp in abdominal area which was never a problem before) EXTREME joint stiffness in lower body (lumbar spine, hips, ankles) edema, breast size went from a 34C to a 34DDD in 1 year

None except that it completely knocked me out... I had to take my dose at least 4 hours before going to bed to avoid oversleeping the next morning (this was at 5mg). First dose made me sleep through my alarm and I was late for work because I took it too late at night. I was also groggy for several hours the next morning (but I'm sensitive to most meds). Was only on this drug for one week, and didn't really experience any other side effects besides that.