Warfarin sodium (warfarin sodium) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Warfarin sodium (warfarin sodium)

Feeling weak, weird pain around my left armpit, chest pain when I press on my chest lightly I can feel the pain, randomly have episodes where my heart starts pounding hard or skip a beat, restless leg syndrome every now and then, joint pain, tired, lightheaded, dizzy, headaches, stomach pain, feeling off constantly

This drug is a nightmare! I have to take this because of several small blood clots in my lungs. I had even worse side effects on Eliquis so I had to switch to Warfarin Sodium. Even on this drug, I feel terrible almost every day. I am constantly in pain and it has affected my life as I never feel like doing anything but sitting down because of the pain. The worst part is the random chest pains that come and go. Of course all my doctors have said it's not from the Warfarin, yet even before treatment of my clots, it didn't give me these issues. I have been on this drug for 5 months. 1 more month to go (hopefully). I can't wait to get off of this drug so I can have my life back. So glad I found this site so I know there are other people out there who have similar struggles with this medication.

BleedingMemory problemsStomach painConstant testingHorrible Kaiser Coumadin pharmacist

It's terrible. Need this anticoagulant because of rifampin interaction. All others are better, eloqis is the best.

When I was taken off Warfarin in 2008, I developed a life-threatening pulmonary embolism. I've been back on it ever since with no further events.

Auto accident 09/01/2017: Totalled/rolled-over Ford Focus. Due to hitting my head on the door pillar and the shoulder harness tugging on my kidneys, I experienced a few days of internal bleeding from both my temple area and in my urine. Both bleedings resolved within several days to a week without any treatment.

Bloating, heavy periods,hair loss, foggy memory, bruising and low energy

Bi-weekly INR along with self check- cougcheck. Still waiting for a better alternative as I'm on it for the rest of my life. It controls my life, During conception and pregnancy took heparin and really enjoyed it -

Weight gain, bloating, loss of memory, forgetting words, joint pain.

I am thankful for this medicine, my experience was so horrific that I'd prefer the side effects any day. This medicine is the best known to help with genetic clotting disorders. I have two and would rather be safe than to throw more clots.

Found clot in left leg passed heart

Palpitations.head aches.thighs ache while trying to sleep.irregular heart beat.rash comes and goes in differant areas of body.dr. says its not from warfarin. Thats a lie.im sick of being stuck.my doctor seems like he does not know half the time what he's talking about also he said the e.r.doctor that first diagnosed my problem didnt know what he was talking about that a blood clot dont go up your left leg pass thru your heart and go to your lung....im looking for a differant dr.

a one time irregular heart beat

Feeling unwell, skaing last 6 hrs prior to next dosage, syomach discomfort, coeliac symptoms as I'm coeliac-urgency to pass bowel motions and more frequently, pains in lower legs, aching arms when using themfor hsnging washing etc, highly allergic to bites, garden plants etc.I have been on warfarin now 15 days and very sick of feelung sick, weak, unable to exercise as I always walk 1hr in the mornings and cannot do this now.

In 15 days my INR is not stable.

Brain fog .tired all the time .pain in the stomach.feeling nauseous.bad metal taste in the mouth .no get up and go feeling at all .leg cramps.cold hands and feet .heart skips .hair loss .This rat poison is not any good for me .I'm finding a replacement for it .please take caution when taking this medicine. If you start feeling worse or different try a different medicine.

it makes my heart skip and nautious

Sick heart beats irregular or stops then picks up scares me doctor says it's not the warfarin he is full of it plus it's breaking me out in different areas of my body

My stomach is bloated. My stomach hurts. Makes me nauseous. Hate it !!

a blood clot left leg in ultrasound

Shortness of breath, cold sweats, cold hand, cold feet, shooting pain in my arm when I get my blood drawn, dizziness, weakness, confusion, pain in arms & legs, feels as if my veins were moving or shifting in my arm pain on calves, at times aren't able to bend leg with out sever pain, short pain on lower side of chest, at times middle of my chest, can't sleep, heart speeds up at times, symthoms worsen in the afternoon after taking pills use to think it was the lovenox but I have been of the lovenox for 2 days.. Must be the warfarin. When I notified my doctor he said it was not from clot or medication. But I know IT IS from the waetfarin. Even thou my doctor said it was all in my mind and reclmmended i see a phyc. From what it seems like & everything ive been reading, i belive that they are train to say that.. No one notified me of symthoms, side effect or that warfarin was a rat poisen till i started researching Warfarin side effects... I want to make it through this one for my wife and 5 kids we have together. I just hope once I'm of this pill I will be with out perment damage.. And DO NOT try to get yourself excited (horney) this will make your heart beat irregular to where you feel as tho your suffocating, Horrible feeling that's followed by cold sweats, excessive sweating, body ache, clammy cold feet and hands that are worse. Try to eat LESS vitamin K. Cause it interfers with warfarin.. Ask farmacy before taking ANY other medications. Hope I'll be off warfarin soon

Its a serious drug that must be monitored by blood tests INR my is 2.0 Dr said its okay between 2.0 and 3.0.. Also keep your vitamin K low..

Depression and nose bleeds also flu like symptoms

Excessive bleeding and bruise ing

bleefing from my nose and eyes

im not going to continue this med, the "cure" is worse than the ailment

horrible horrible drug. Too many restrictions

I think I'd rather die than be a slave toTaking Rat Poison for any length of time. Can't go anywhere do anything, constant blood tests, medication dose changes, can't drink, can't use s razor, can't eat vegetablesThis is no way to live. You're just existing waiting to die

Headache nasty taste in my mouth dizzy sharp pain in my head gums bleed all the Times bruise easy swelling

think god for warfarin i almost died having heart surgery hopefully they will come out with something else.

Pains in my limbs.Disturbed sleep as legs feel heavy uncomfortable.Tired all the time.Fuzzy headaches,feel confused can't remember simple things.

Shoulder surgery that ended up causing clots in my arm. Then to lungs. Was hospitalized 2 times in a month. Have had the extreme headaches, fatigue, and dizziness. The worst is the bloating! I have been off the drug for almost 3 weeks and still feel miserable. The headaches have subsided and no more dizziness. I was in the best shape of my life prior to my clots and now I can't seem to even find the energy to go to the gym.

Tingling face arms legs headaces dizzy constipation

Had absolutely no side effects at all.

The limit of time you have to take it for it to be effective was really stressfull and harmful for my mental state, but the medicine itself had no side effects.

Tired, cold, notice that your lungs are bad when you don't take it, dizzy, heart beats fast sometimes, out of breath.

WARFARIN SODIUM (WARFARIN SODIUM): This medication is used to treat blood clots (such as in deep vein thrombosis-DVT or pulmonary embolus-PE) and/or to prevent new clots from forming in your body. Preventing harmful blood clots helps to reduce the risk of a stroke or heart attack. Conditions that increase your risk of developing blood clots include a certain type of irregular heart rhythm (atrial fibrillation), heart valve replacement, recent heart attack, and certain surgeries (such as hip/knee replacement). Warfarin is commonly called a "blood thinner," but the more correct term is "anticoagulant." It helps to keep blood flowing smoothly in your body by decreasing the amount of certain substances (clotting proteins) in your blood. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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This drug has saved my life. I have seen drastic differences between times in my life when I was taking it and when I was not. I failed out of one school and graduated top of my class in the next. Floated from job to job and then became very successful. I don't like the way I feel when I am taking it (I'm boring -- no personality) so, I time my doses to help me in the office or when I have to focus on mundane task's at home like paying bills, taxes etc. and then go without it when I'm recreating. When I was on the Ritalin I built my first home by age 21 and had a career in the New York State Senate by age 23 (not a senator). I then thought I could manage without it. Within a year of discontinuing use at age 26 I had lost my job, sold my house and moved away to follow a wim to live as a ski bum in Vermont. At first, things were great I owned a beautiful house (30 acres, views, apple orchard, spring fed swimming pond etc.) and played all the time. In the end I lost it all because I coul

took the 250 tablets x2 4 times a day, bloated stomach came after second dose. If you have a mild problem best let your own body deal with it if you get this, if its a bad problem, you will have to grin and bear it. As it happens i stopped taking them.

Tinnitus, calf pain/weaknes which, on occasion, would reduce my ability to stand or walk for more than 15 minutes. More recently, I've developed a persistent nighttime cough. I also void an excessive amount of urine between the time I retire for the evening and the time I arise in the morning.

The cardiologist prescribed 2.5 mg dose, but it has not been very affective for me. The chest pains had subsided a bit, but the side effects are worrisome.

Took 25 mg one night for insomnia. One of the worst experiences of my life. Couldn't open my eyes, but unable to sleep. Was in bed for 11 hours but slept 2 hours. Woke up screaming, in terror. Restless leg, also.

Burning pain in upper abdomen.Unable to sleep, feeling awful, sluggish and depressed. I just want to pass a stool to relieve pain! Breaking wind slightly eases pain.

I was nausous, almost as if I had motion sickness; loss of appetite; migrane headaches; musle aches; a rash that covered my entire body; severe itching from the rash; insomnia; dizzyness; extreme weakness; loss of energy.

made me feel all horribly nauseous and burning; triggered a seizure in which heart and lungs stopped functioning for over a minute. Increased the severity and number of seizures. Gave me a horrible rash all up and down one arm.

Do not take this med it ruined my life. It did not help my endometriosis at all. It got worse and I ended up having a total hysterectomy 2 years later. Wish I had the hysterectomy 6 years before, would have save a lot of pain and loss of life due to spending so much time in bed or on the couch.

Horrible nausea both days with loose stools. 2nd day stools were so watery I couldn't control my bowels! Awful stuff! Feels like the flu !