Persantine (dipyridamole) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Persantine (dipyridamole)

Within 2 hours of taking first dose, severe vomiting and migraine, bp went up to 260/130, hospitalised, symptoms lasted 48 hours, now 3rd day post dose and feel very heavy in the arms and unable to walk properly.

I will never take this again, it is more likely to give me a stroke than prevent one.

heart check up with pac emaker

severe headache- back and upper leg and hip pain

there was an unpleasant after tasteMy heart did speed up somewhat.

Pulmonary Embolism while on Coumadi

Pulmonary embolism while on coumade

Only improvements. The worst side effects were the family doc-tors who failed to research before writing a prescription and were afraid to give SUFFICIENT dosage. Also, family doctors blocking a referral to a specialist, where I ultimately got the required dosage increase.

It is very cruel to expect a sick person to take a pill every 6 hours! When does the body rest? Taking it every 8 hours is much better. Also, since your literature says up to 400 mg. daily, why are most doctors unwilling to prescribe more than 200 mg. daily. This is a wonder drug that seems to be being saved for the chosen few. I believe it has many more applications than even it's maker is making known. Guess we stop the money machine rolling if we cure too much at once, right?

PERSANTINE (DIPYRIDAMOLE): This medication is used in combination with "blood thinners" such as warfarin to keep clots from forming after heart valve replacements. Clots are a serious complication that can cause strokes, heart attacks, or blocked blood vessels in the lungs (pulmonary embolisms). Dipyridamole is an antiplatelet drug. It helps to keep blood flowing by stopping platelets from clumping together and by keeping heart blood vessels open. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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weight loss, increased uri, stomach irritation, messed up my periods

I've had a completely positive experience on this drug. I've lost weight, and feel all my emotions, but don't get into negative spirals anymore. I read the symptoms of depression now, and can't believe that I felt like that 5 months ago.

I got the plain tablets, not extended release, because I do not always take the same dose. I start about Labor Day with 1 75 mg. tablet a day, going to 2 tablets as days get shorter and 3 tablets through the darkest days of winter. Oddly enough, although one would think it would be a stimulant, if I forget to take my suppertime dose, I slip into a comfortable insomnia and can stay on the computer most of the night. If I take the Wellbutrin at dinner as I am supposed to, somewhere around midnight my body just announces it is sleepy time and if I don't give in and go to bed, I will fall asleep at the computer.

Tried maximum recommended dosage and still no sleep for me. Oddly, when a moderate amount of the drug was taken and then alcohol consumed, I a feeling of such sleepiness came over me that if I went to sleep, I'd never wake up.

When I was prescribed Loestrin, I was terrified. I read ALL of the negative reviews about this pill and was convinced I would gain a ton of weight and be an angry, moody mess. HERE IS HOPE AMONGST ALL OF THE NEGATIVE REVIEWS. Aside from the side effects I listed, Loestrin has been great. Instead of gaining weight, I've actually lost four pounds after being on the pill for a month, which, being a 19 year old girl, was my biggest concern. Yeah, the breakthrough bleeding is annoying, and I have had one or two nasty mood swings, but aside from that I feel normal, even better at times. Don't let the bad reviews scare you off. It effects everyone differently.

I also experienced memory loss and extreme tiredness. I might also mention that I started on 10mg and experienced really no side effects.. but when I was up'd to 20 mg it all started to go downhill.

I have been taking 5mg for about 4-5 years, it's been great so far

Difficulty quitting, nightmares & tremors. Had to reduce dosage to 37.5 daily for two weeks, then every other day, then every three days. Has been one week without and still have nausea, fatigue, vertigo-like sensation when turning head and body aches. But nightmares have ended.

the side effects from this medication is horrendous,numerous visits to doctors, specialists, etc, blood tests,with symptoms,all negative for anything,until i finally worked out the problem myself....stopped taking and within 2 days all them symptoms had gone.wish id never taken.and nobody picked up on it but myself,avoid at all costs is my opinion

Seriously request the Abilify made by Teva Pharmaceuticals! It will change your life! There's a day and night difference between the Teva Abilify and the others. The teva version may even be better than the original. Its definitely worth a try! They're green tablets and/ or blue tablets. The dark clouds will be torn asunder and you will remember there was a time when you could see the light in life. Never give up.