Heparin sodium (heparin sodium) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Heparin sodium (heparin sodium)

Bilateral blood clots in legs never walked again after knee replacements

HEPARIN SODIUM (HEPARIN SODIUM): This medication is used to prevent and treat blood clots. It may be used to prevent and treat blood clots in the lungs/legs (including in patients with atrial fibrillation). It may be used to treat certain blood clotting disorders. It may also be used to prevent blood clots after surgery, during dialysis, during blood transfusions, when collecting blood samples, or when a person is unable to move for a long time. Heparin helps to keep blood flowing smoothly by making a certain natural substance in your body (anti-clotting protein) work better. It is known as an anticoagulant. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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I gained 40 pounds 5 months, sleepy all the time, leg pain and swelling in feet.

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Ambien is fantastic, but only taken exactly as prescribed, and not along with anything else. I recently started taking 100mg of Zoloft daily, and have found that the ambien has stopped working. (I still fall asleep quickly, but wake up about 2 hours later and do not get back to sleep). Very true that it works best on an empty stomach, also very true that you need to get in bed immediately after taking, if you don't want to do crazy things that you don't remember. Not so good with alcohol. Increases hangovers, dangerous, etc.

It's great if you have nothing better to do than sleep, because it definitely will put you in a coma

i've been taking the 10's, anywhere from 2 to 6 a day for a year,. it knocks out the pain, and i sleep good, but i'm wondering what the long term use of it does to u. my condition is getting worse, but i cant imagine not having the percs, couldnt deal with the pain.

Have used other hrt also, but end result has been elevated liver enzyme tests and evidently possible liver scarring. No doctor alerted me to fact hrt can cause this! Be careful, this liver damage also can happen with birth control pills in younger women.

eurinesis initially; mood disorder

This medicine has horrible side effects. I've had blurry vision, suicidal thoughts, irregular heart beats, stiff muscles, nervousness, fever. I thought I was getting a pain medication in the ER but instead I received reglan by iv and the side effects are horrible and they linger. Please do not take this medicine however if you do you will Ativan to calm things down. Although its been three months the side effects from this drug is still lingering and I heard they can last for 10 months or longer.

Both shoulders hurt could not sleep on either side. Then mucsle pain in the right arm. Confusion, weakness, fatigue and anger. Six days into this hellish medicine I helped my daughter move I was so fatigue, joints hurt, couldn't sleep on either side. Screaming at everyone.

Extreme vaginal dryness. Discomfort during sex.