Heparin lock flush (heparin sodium) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Heparin lock flush (heparin sodium)

Developed hydrocephalus, had to have third ventriculostomy & may need shunt. This is in my 20 month old daughter. There was an obvious link to the heparin flush. Started out falling asleep after flushes, then vomited after each flush. By the time we connected it and stopped using it, the fluid build up on her brain was too great for her body to deal with. She was on NO other meds (not even tylenol) at the time and had not yet received any chemo or radiation.

I advise against the flippant use of it. It should not be a part of standard care.

Side Effects forheparin lock flush (heparin sodium) - User Comments


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At 10mg/day for 2 months, my depression persisted and my doctor increased me to 20mg/day. For the entire time I've been taking Lexapro, I've had no sex drive, erectile dysfunction, and only three orgasms during intercourse. Prior to that I was having one or more orgasms per week with my wife of 19 years. This was only acceptable because my depression symptoms went away...completely. I've only had a slight reduction in my ability to concentrate. My doctor dropped me down to 10mg/day today and I'm taking it at night. DON'T STOP TAKING IT WITHOUT A PLAN. I was away on travel and was without for five days. First two days...no problem. Day three I was very anxious. Days four and five were hell. I was like a squirrel on crack...no sleep, couldn't concentrate, metallic taste in mouth, JAW WENT NUMB! It was horrible.

I took Mircette about 2 years ago for 6 months or so. I didn't notice any major changes except maybe in my mood, but that could have been unrelated. I stopped taking it because I didn't need it for that reason anymore.I just started taking Kariva ("equivalent") and I have not stopped bleeding since the last day of my period and its been 3 weeks. I also have gained 3 lbs and I believe its in my breasts.And I have felt like my legs are sore as if I'd been walking for hours when I haven't. I will be talking to my doctor and checking with my pharmacy, but this pill is not for me.

None, unless taken after considerable beer consumption, in which case walking in a straight line can be somewhat more challenging than it would without the ambien.

negatives overwhelmingly outweigh the positives - lost complete sex drive (dating a man for 7 years with no sex drive problems before), felt completely numb of emotion, smelly white constant discharge, dizziness, panic attacks, nausea. A few positives were weight loss, larger breast and reduced acne.

Dry mouth, constipation, dizziness, vivid dreams, difficulty in concentrating, lightheadedness, periods of hypotension just after taking a dose, some loss of balance, a little bit of confusion at times, feelings of weakness/faintness, coldness feelings in arms and legs, jitteriness, abnormal heart rates ( syncope ), vision changes ( lens ), junk food cravings, difficulty in waking up .

diarrhea, loose stool/undigested food in stool, gas, nausea, weight loss, increased energy

legs felt heavy, hard to walk,I developed twitching, jerking movement all over my body that has continued even after I quit the med.