Fragmin (dalteparin sodium) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Fragmin (dalteparin sodium)

Extremely painful. I have to take fragmin as part of my IVF treatment. Out of the entire treatment, I found taking these injections most painful. I am traumatized and fear every evening when I have to take these. The needle is think and painful - am not sure why they didn't choose to go for a thinner needle! Extremely traumatic to poke and when you think the worst is over - the liquid also causes excruciating pain!!! I have to inject slowly to make it bearable. And I give cold treatment after. I do think Pfizer has tried to cut costs in making this drug as it has no patient comfort in consideration. If there's a similar drug by other pharmaceutical - please ask for it and run away from this one if you have an option !

Prevent clots during pregnancy

First two months, no problem. Except for the occasional bruise, and burning sensation as medicine was being injected. After that, woke up one morning, belly and thighs covered in red, itchy, raised welts. Absolutely horrible. Doctors prescribed benadryl ,then switched meds to lovenox. Now, a week later, still no relief.

FRAGMIN (DALTEPARIN SODIUM): Dalteparin is used to treat and prevent harmful blood clots. Preventing harmful blood clots helps to reduce the risk of a stroke or heart attack. This medication helps keep your blood flowing smoothly by lowering the activity of clotting proteins in the blood. Dalteparin is a type of heparin, and works as an anticoagulant (commonly called a "blood thinner"). Conditions that increase your risk of developing blood clots include certain types of surgeries (such as hip replacement or abdominal surgery), long periods of being in one position (immobile), certain types of heart attack, and a certain type of chest pain called unstable angina. For some medical conditions, dalteparin may be used in combination with other "blood thinners." Dalteparin may also be used to treat and prevent clots from coming back in patients with cancer. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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9 year old son began taking this about 6 months ago which was the same time I got married. He was taking this along with a 2nd medication in the afternoon. In the evenings, he began hiding in closets, under tables, I would even find him at night with his pillow and blanket asleep in the back of his closet. He was having terrible anger and if told he couldn't do or have something he cried, screamed, said he wished he was dead and wanted to kill himself. Every evening was a complete disaster. We finally went to a psychiatrist who took him off Vyvanse and kept him on the afternoon med as a trial. Amazingly we have no more crying, no more hiding and no more threats of suicide. He is my happy, sweet, loving child again. All along I thought it was my marriage that had made this happen to him and felt horrible about it but now we know it was the medication.

I highly recommend trying this especially if it can prevent surgery.

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